News Scrapbook 1964-1967
BOARD llA.V - University of San Diego controUed backbo3:rds against Cal Western Saturday mght and Gus Magee, shown here gra!).: bing rebound, was one reason why.
Watching him bl(ing ball down are USD's Bill Shepdan, left; Alan)"ay, background, a d Westeme1 ' Jim Sunderman, righf. Toreros romped to 68-57 victory over Westerners.
_; play and never relinquished 11. Tomorrow night, the scene changes to Golden Gym. Remembering that the Toreros won big at home last , ear, too, .and t n bowed to the Westerne on he latter's home court, lper ooks for another to IJJe.
the first half," said Woolpert.
The Westerners came out in the second half fired up and, azuu, hitting two quick two gifters, grabbed a 38-33 lead in the first three minutes. USD bounced back and took the lead 45-44, ·th 11:26 to fie d go..l and a free throw and Grey confnbuting
RSMEMBER 1966! . USD Cagers Se k T O Curb Rebound By PAUL COUR EVENING TRIBUNE Sporls Writer Coach Phil Woolpert shouldn't have any trouble with overconfidence tonight pulled off a 70-67 coup on their home floor. . , USD comes into to_n!ght _s game in the same pos1llon it was last season. The Toreros beat the Westerners, 68-57, Saturday night. ' "The fact we' ve beate~ them won't make i l any easi- er for us," said Woolp~rt.
when he takes his University of San Diego Toreros to Gold- en Gym to do b!1ltle with California Western m _the s~c- ond half of the bitter mtrac1ty basketball rivalry. . Woolpert need only remind , his Toreros of what happened last season. The Toreros whipped the Westerners, 70-50, on the USD court, then the tables were turned when the Westerners
re no State
"They'll be up for us, trymg to avenge that first def~t.". Coach Bob Kloppenbur_g fig- ures hr Westerners- must make a vast improvert1ent on their inside shooting if ~hey're going to reverse the dec1sl_on. ,"The films show we trussed (Cont.• on Page C-3, Col. 3)
Away Fast, Nips USO ByPAULCOUR EVENING TRIBUNE Sports Writ,r Coach Phil Woolpert shook his head in disappointment. "We shouldn't be making mis- takes like this at this point in the season," he said , in refer- ence to errors in fundamen- tals the Toreros committed while absorbing a 93-84 defeat by the Fresno State Bulldogs last night in USD gym. The Toreros gave away too many points m the first five minutes when the Bulldogs built a 15-2 lead. The San Diegans never could com- pletely regroup from that deficit, although they put on a rally in the second half to closet e gap to five points. 'Little' Mistakes T e Toreros are in the ' mi t of midlenh examina- tion itnd at times last night they appeared to have their minds in the classrooms. "We made a lot of little mistakes tkat hurt, like step- ping over the line 1n the act of shooting free throws." said Woolpert. "You can't toss away points like that and ex- pect to win." Bob Lee, a 6-foot, 3-inch, 190-pound forward, was the difference between victory and defeat for Fresno. He chucked in 16 pressure-packed points in the second half for a game total of 24. Lee made nine of 11 field-goal attempli and was six for 10 at the free- throw line. "Lee killed us,' said Woolpert. "He got the clutch ' baskets and rebounds whep they needed ·em." 51-34 at Half After USD's listless start, Woolpert benched his entire first unit and the reserves brought the Toreros mildly ·hack into contention. Still, the Bulldogs let!, 51-34, at halftime. In the second half, the Bull- dogs turned ragged and the . Toreros cut tilt deficit t 70-6 · with 7:36 !<1 play. U D had its b·g ~ance to pull ahead at th tUirc • 6-6 center Ron "81 foul out o( the game e Bui dogs revived and forged (Cont. on Page
University Plans Men's College Ecumenical Day Plans are being completed for an E<:umenical Day of Recollection to be held at lhe University of San Diego, Col- lege for Men on Feb. 15. I Formerly, the Day of Recol- lection was conducted by priest. for Catholic students only. Under the new plan, students of all faiths will be asked to participate willl l !Rabbl Joel Goar of Temple lel, Rev. John Huber or jUuiversity Lutheran Church In La Jolla and a chaplain at UCSD, and Rev. John Mort, C. '.P., director of the Cath- olic Student Center at UCSD. Associated Student Body officers participating in the planning include: Steph De- Sales presideht; Ed Oster- roeye'r, vice president; Den- nis Vice, secretary; and Rob• en Greer, trea w: r. The Most Rev. Franci J. Furey, Bishop of Sa'n Diego and Chancellor of the ni- "1ersitv of San Diego, will in- roduce the three clergymen when the program begms nt 9 a.m. in More Hall The topic for the discussion will be "Is God Dead on the College • Campus?" Eaeh clergyman • will present his viinvs for a)l• .s proximately 15 minutes. At . 10 a.m. there will be a coffee coffee break during which t &tudents may continue in• formal discussion with the speakers. At 10:45 a panel discus Ion will be held the clergy- tnen and 6 students partici- pating. students will sing folk music and byrnns us 'Father Geimer wrote the Congressman that the federal collection in his library will be intended for use by law stu- dents and faculty members from California Western Uni- versity as well as by USD"s own 1ega-1 SC h~la s In addition, depository st.atus for the USD library has lieen endorsed by the San Diego County Bar Association_ Long-range plans of the USO law library call for the devel- opment of extensive collec- tions in the fields of ocean- ographic law, water law and maritime law - all of special significance in l! seaport city like San Diego_ As Father Geimer' pointed out, a high proportion of the source :omterials for such areas of .study are documents published by the federal gov- ernment. As the librar;ian of a deposi- tory library, Father Geimer will be entitled to receive all journals, boolcs and public documents if~Ued by the Gov- ernment Printing Office_ 30,000 Volumes The USO law library now has about 30.000 volumes and room for another 30,000. All , the b'ooks a1 e available to the public. Previously designated as federal depositories were the libraries of the City of San Diego, the County of San Diego, San Diego State Coll~ge and the University of Califor- nia at La Jolla. The U D library will be the first law library n the county to receive the federal desig- nation. Father Glazier is a member ti'
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