News Scrapbook 1964-1967
The Most Rev. Francis J. Fure bishop of San Diego Catholic Dioce · ,
ilic at Unlve . ity of San Diego. .Mr . Brynes I daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Mehren, who established $80,000 trust for univer ity. The bishop dedicated th classroom yesterday.
isho f rey Dedicates ew Mhr
Meh en Classr m Dedi ated at USD new biology classroom
family present at the ded1ca• lion ceremony were four sons, Edward o.( Palm Srpings; Bernard of Rancho Santa Fe, Laurene of Phoenix, and Paul of Pasadena, and a daughter, ti's George Byrnes of Palos ¥ d Estates. The cl oom formerly .• 'the campus book
equipped with a bank of mi- croscopes, te!>t lubes, a mouse and the latest radiation count- ng me<:halUSm was dedi- cated yesterday at the Uni- ver 1ty of San Diego. The Mo t Rev. Francis J. Furey. bishop of the San Die- go Cathohc Dice e officiated at the ceremony wh• opened the :Ylehren Memorial Biology Facilitie • Before ble sing the class- room with holy water, the bishop led t'SD of icials and gu ts in d dicat prayer. A k lnspir ho He a ked that the pupils be inspired to grasp, su tam and put into practice the le. on learned here." The laboratory classroom in the ba ement of the College for l1en wa made possible through an $80,000 tru~t left to the college by the late Ed· ward J. and Grace W. :\fehren of La Jolla. In additlon to the facility, five full-tuition scrence schol- arships of $4,000 each hav been established at the col- lege in their name. Leaves Million 1 Ir. Mehren left his entire estate of more than $1 million to Catholic educational and relig ous institutions. !embers of the Mehren
The 'l'orcros, downing only 30 per cent of their shots in c first }ialf, had better luck' at lhe basket in the second half. SD moved out tu a 44-34 lead but saw it evaporate lo 47-46 four minutes late Again they torced a 60-50 lend but were struggling, 64-62. with 2:58tog Then, Woolpert elected tq_ con- trol 1hc ball Even tlus v. a dangerous. Du ral Carpenter 'fumbled the baJl out of bound with I: 32 to "O but the Diablo failed to take advantage of the break. ! A bobble and a steal by Bar- j nes was almost successful ut ' Fields, grabbed the ball away ' with 3ii 'Co11ds left and that o sptlled t. The Diablos, who now have G 10-10 record, were led by Davis' Y; 16 points. Barnes and Gary 8 Smith each added 12 for th ~. losers. -
Ecumenical Day f
collection Set USO college$ participating. . In former years, the Day Qf Recollection was conducted by a priest for Catholic dents only Church Plans Ground Breaking Oceanview Congregational
of the v
Church will b ak ground for a new sane uary in ceremoni- es at 11 a m. tomorrow at its
·ill begin dt 9 all with each Blvd.
:1525 Ocean View
present site
The progra in More presenting hi a.m of the
clergymen views for 15
The Re\ Benjamin M. Har- .aga, pastor, estimated a co t of $75,000 for the new building remode mg of the existing sanctuary or use as a fellow- d an
minulPS. After a 10 a.m. cof- there will be panel discussion at 10:45 a.m. 1ve s 11· dents will participate in the a .....e 1 ' ,, c ergymen an d f. t program will be a concel- ebraled !\fass in the Universi- Chapel. The Immaculata with priests from each of th~ t fee break and an informal discussion panel. Concluding the day's
for Sunday
ship hall and school c:Jassrooms
Into a lead • hielded
~y ex- hips from
pands, IJ1 this fund
e scbo
building is expected m Ju
i be e al:ilished," he said. ·'We try to provide at least 10 per cent of the fresh- man clas, with scholarships." Dr. Curt Spanis, chairman of the biology department and de- signer of the new lab facility, said it was designed "lo give modern, and sophisticated cour- ses in ·ology for the general student ' Oexibl o gh to be ted when nece ary for more specialized courses."
Oceanv ew
Church is affiliated with t
United Church of Christ. -----~.:.:...:.:;...:.:...::::.::.;,::.:;__
• 1Sa • rd.,v. Februa,ry 4~J!.b_7_
Rabbi, Prie , Minister
menical Day
Catholic Diocese and chancel- lor of U~D, will introduce the three clergymco a 9 a.m. Each repre ~ntative of the three faitl)s will speak on thll recollection day topic for 15 minutes, then meet with stu- dents for informal discus-
A rabbi, st and minister w1ll officiate at an Ecumeni- cal Day ecollection on Feb, 15 at !Ji University 01 San Diego Coijege for Men. The day-long session will mark the first time cler- gymen of he three faiths have conducted spiritlllll exer- cises at the Catholic college, a USD spokesman said. ,The topic will be "Is God Dead on the College Cam- pus?" Taking part fa panel iscus- sions and informal meetings will be Rabbi Joel Goor of Temple Sole!; the Rev. John Huber, pastor of University Lutheran Church of La Jol- la. and the Rev. J n Mort, head of Catholic Student Ser- vices at the University of Cal- ifornia at San Diego. The Most Hev Francis J Furey, bishop o the San Die. o
HOMECOMING Rllt TY - The seven members of the royal court for the University of S• Oiego homecominc this week pose before the final selectio • oft Queen today in votiaa by USO students. The three finalists in today's voting are Kathy Davis of Ontario, upper left and front left to right, Sandy Nardoillo of Santa Ana and Nora Blay of San Diego. Others in the court are Katie Driscon, center left, and, top to bottom right, Mllry Jo Monka, N • ncJ Zack, a • cl UY Carr.
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