News Scrapbook 1964-1967

Bakersfield, Cat. CALIFORNIAN (Daily)


F.EB 2 I 196

-- GW Scores 75-70 Win Ove r USO CONTINUE D F ROM PAGI! C·T er night with 24 points for the Point Lomans. The Toreros got a brilliant offensive effort from guard Ted Fields, who hit on 10 of 17 •field-goal attempts and six for eight from the free-throw line for the game high of 26 points. "Fields is the best guard we've played against all sea- son," said Kloppenburg. "Ac- tually, ( Jim) -Michael did a good job on him defensively, but there was no way to stop most of the shots he made. Fay, Cabrt?ra Policed "We cut off Fay and Ca- brera and that made a big dif- ierence. Our defense was near-perfect, as far as I was concerned." The only USD big man \\'ho di_d any scoring was 6-foot, 5-rnch center Dure! Carpenter , who had a perfect shooting night - five for five on field goals and four for four on free throws - for 14 points. Guard Bill Sheridan also gave Fields a hand in the Torero scoring with 14 points. USD Leads, 36-34 Forward J im Sunderman came up with some clutch buckets in the second half to pace the Westerners'· come- back. He wound up with 12 points. USD built a 36-34 halftime lead and stayed ilhead until the Westerners forged ahead, 52-50, on Wasser's layin with 11 :32 lo play. The Westerners stayed in front from that point on but had some anxious moments in the fina l two min- utes when the Torerqs• press almost stifled them. 73-67 at 1:05 -CW spurted to a 72-59 lead with about two minutes to go. USO then made it tough for the Westerners to get the ball over the center line and forced them into mistakes. The Toreros drew to within 'Six points, 73-67, with 1:05 left, tiut time ran out of them.

A 111rm11 I Jw11111rv 11 , I vr,7

McCloskey and Bill Ferree, a 6-0 guard, allied the Tore- ros in cutting Fresno's lead to 21 -15 in the n e xt seven minut es. McClosltey was the key man in t e rally, hitting three field ls and two charity tosses. Re finished the night with 12 points behind 6-7 center Gus Magee, who collected 14 with his tipins and board play, and Ted Fields, tlie teams' leading scorer, wli liad 13. and the Bulldogs scored 33 baskets, but USD II ded 15 more at- tempts than Fresno. The dif- fe rence came at the charity line, where Fresno dropped 27 of 39 tri USD managed only 18 or'93 this was USD's worst game of the season in the free throw department. Aga inst Pepperdine this Sat- rday, the Toreros will be ooking to take the lead in e seties between the two cbools for the first time. The series is tied at four games each. with SD claiming vic- tory in the last three meetings.


rofessor ru,u..i,;,..,,,.,lstant profess r of'e~onofn;cs a\ the Uni- o ollege for ert has been awarded two eneral Elec n rants for summer institutes in contempora econ mies. He has received grants to the Uni\·ersity of \ r- ginia and UCLA

The summer grants include a tuition stipend nnd housing and transportation allowance. Gardner won a contemporary economics summer institute grant at the Universit} of Chicago last summer. Gardner Joined the Econo 1cs Department of the Um· versity of San Diego in 1962. He was pre iQusly a teaching as- sistant at the niversit~ f Southern California while o ta101ng_ is '.\laster's degree. Ga .liU1..,~'~ received 1s B.S

Forensic ads Win First Prize In Debate

San Diego, Calif. Evening TRIBUNE 7V,Aq )



Funertan, car. NEW UJBUNE (Daily) MAR 2 7

6 1967

• Yale Russian Chan11 The Yale Russian Chorus from the Yale Umversity School of Mu ic will ing folk songs, brigand &allads, ,Cos- sack tunes, soldier songs and a irs at 2:30 p.m. today at !Jie Universit of San Diego· Col- lege or ome . Denis Mickie\\'1cz will dirs:t the 40-voice chorus in the Cainpus Theater. The group was foupded at Yale in 1954. It spent two months in Russia in 1958 un- lier: the Lacy-Zarubin agree- in t between the United ates and the Soviet vem, ment and bas toured the Sovl· et Union and Eastern Europe five time since then.

has received public attention. A representative survey of Ives' compositions will be performed in the Wednesd~y Evening Chamber us1c program at 7·30 p.m. at the D1~ o Public Library, 520

:J-1/ JI (>ribr. Colle<' led


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