News Scrapbook 1964-1967
FULLERTON, MARINES FALL 1{~~: ~•A~~~~RNIA A f 3 USD, Westerners Clip Tourney Foes· By JOHl)I Y McDOJ\ALD the victors with 17 pomts, 13 strictly a free-throw contest. a big advantage on the boards . Unil'ersity of San Diego, uliliz- of these coming in the break- The Marines had a cold nightl41 rebounds to 28. ' mg a diversified attack, and away second half. However, at the charity line, hitting 13 of Jn the second battle, USO had- board-eontrolling Cal Western three_ teammates also hit in dou- 29. The Westerners outshot their/a 38-26 lead and seemed to be blitzed op ing-round foes last ble figures. Alan Fay, Lymond foes, 39 per cent to 36, and had in trouble with stars Dick Price night In tbe USD Invitational Williams and Dick Verlasky co!- •and Larry Moyer saddled with Basketball Tournament before le"cte~ 14, 13 and 12 points, re- three personals. But USD found some 1.000 fans in the Toreros' spectively. the range - particularly Ash- gym, Fullerton, much Wl!aker than rord-and had a 59-39 lead with The Torcros, who have !ailed last year, dropped its 12th of 10 minutes to go. on two previous occasions to win 13 contests. Jim Mount, a six- The Torcros took 92 shots and their own tournament, struck foot center, led the losers with downed 35 for 38 per cent. Ful· down defending champion Full- 17. lerton got away 51 shots and erton State, 78-54, in the second TWO HIT l& connected for 43 per cent. USD contest after the Westerners won the battle of rebounds, 57-30. ended the San Diego Marines' The WeS t erners were led by ·cAL wesTERN ~".;McR o oll On lnju ies l"OW • es 1e - By .rou "[l,"Y • kDO ALD The Unlver 1ty of San Diego's basketball forces mav have heen d pl ted this sea on by injuries to three key men but the Toreros show no SI!f!1S of wilting. --- evidence, coach Phil Marine Dave Samp. ell How- \\ oolpert's ragers colkct~ ever, !>-9 senior guard Lymond their s cond tournament ti le W1lhams was 6-feet-8 inches tall 'aturday night with a convinc• as far as the Toreros were con• ·n 68-!\2 victory over Cal cerr.ed m the windup v,hen he West 111 m the D Inv1ta ional scored 23 points. m I before a standing-room Williams. who mu t ha c of I 200 in the Toreros' springs in his legs. ha been the USO floor leader, rebounder red•'! + Torero , .v, ho and gcnrrallv feeds of to his of their last teammates. ·sut. th We•tPr· 11 have a few ners' Lemons did such a f·'le t aveling +o the defensive Job on hi h- cprm a n t u u.. lly•ri11~h Chapman A J, \\ 1rnams was his man Sal• Coll ge rriday n ht rrday r "ht. RF-;cono REC \LL~ D GOT F 'T,\RT The t\\o US tour'lcv got off f1 triumph put Wollp •. na the all-tourney team along 11ith m 111h cu, their foe • lead to 44 Cal \ e tern's Lem LM101 · and -37 w·•h 9 14 •o go and appe red Tim Cunnmgham and San Diego cadv to make a C:ha~e o! t to ---.....,,===-==-===~-:;:;. t" \\ ire But n1 k Verla kv, hitting well fr m lhe outs1d in tl e ec nd half, gave the Torero a boo t II ith a hook shot and a r c c t ~ow T'1en Ashford added a cu hion with four free · rows a 1d drive wl h"n a two- minute span ami liSD c mfortabl; ahead. 5J.41. HIT 58 PER CE :T SD 0 dunked 58 prr cent of I s field goals-W1l1iams hitting Cl'! t O II 1~ciden ally- \\hi the \ 'c erncr connected on per rc,t have w n scv ei t r ntest da) s off befor C'al P lr tournc in ror ma A forrl that Woolpert nec:led meore to pick up the slark th weekend. They'U open career record al 201 a maJortty of these q ,1r d 111th 'he Ru ell ed 1:niver I Fr n 1s o squad wh1rt of San pla , howev r when h1 1 1Jff a Dkk \\ ood n re 14 4 points th1 right ankle trmg of 60 in a row en route to ca on) pr med t, 'at1onal Collegiate A h'elic and nc.ver rell1ri1 c1allon championships. The We temer , Two USO player - Larry nipped b) U~D, 43-42, in he Moyer and Cliff Ashfcrd-mado llo!Jday To11rnament t two 11 ho re _Halftime scort USO JI, Fulltrton 16, Sun., Jan. 10, 1965 0 Gl >AN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA THE SAN DIEGO UNION RIP CAL WESTERN Toreros Capture Own Meet, 68-:52 Ry JOHNNY McDONALD Scrappy Lymond Willi~ms didn't win an all-tourney award but the Unr:vers1ty of San Diego could thank the little senior guard for pavmg the way to its first USO Invitational crown last night before a standing room crowd of 1,200 at the Torero gym. Williams, a 5-9 160-pounderl . who's hometown is Washington, a two-minute span to Fend USD D.C., scored 23 points as USD ahead, 5:\-41. downed Cal Western, 68-52, in' In the consolation contest the finale of a two-n i g h I Kent Ford sank 22 points ancl tourney The San Di go Ma• Sampsell added 16 to lead th by beating Fullerton State, 86· fired-up Marines past Fullerton. 67. Frank Polito and Ernie Clay The Toreros had to fire from ton were high for the loser the outside for most of their with 17 and 14, respectively. shots as both clubs tightened uso (6a> G F P TcAL WESTEcfi ~2 their zones. And, USO, 8-5 for 't'~~/g;"J' : ij U t~~~i'ohom ? 1 2 15 the season, sank 58 per cent Mover s •, i; Crowplf , , , of Its shots while the West• ~,;jg~~skl i2 dl l r~~iii· J ? Ferree 1 o 1 2 Rezutls 1 2 2 A erners dropped in 44 per cent. Blckerslcff 1 o• 2Mcvfield J 2 3 . Foy 2 1 3 5 :-V1th USD's leading scorer, Pfh'i~,. 25 '1J 1 i 6 ij Tota,, 19 , 417 sv Chff Ashford, bottled up through 20 Holfllme score uso 31, Col We,t out the first hall and much of MC:Ro 187> Fullerton st. cm th d . G F P T G F P"T e secon stanza, It was up to Ford 11 01 22 Stcnoer I O O W")]' t h . Groves 2 3 2 1 Howord 11 0 'J, I iams O come ! rough With Welker 220 6 Clavlon 5 d 3 t.i: the big points. ~~;r;b" ~; l 1~ l ? 1, La . Johnsen 1 O J 2 F>.:,llto 7 3 , 17 rry Moyer, playing a (me Sl•oon ; 0 2 B Newson O o O o floor ga , added 14 and Ash- l:i~ro"nev l 1 13 'tg~;J,. i l ; ford finally finished with 12- rt:;,,~. l i g l Holl,doy • I 2 9 nine below his average. ! g J J It t . f . Croselv 2 O O 4 was a sa IS ymg tourna- TOTALS 37 lJ 23 87 TOTALS 2, 19 14 '7 ment victory for Torero coach s1~1~"lom, score-MCRD ... Fullerton Tn the C'On~olation game, th an Diego Marmrs won the r rv n h of e "ht ga 'llcs by rap- p1 Ful'•·:i n ~late, 8i~7. a~ Pat F rd and Samp,ell led t'1c ~a, w th 22 and 16 po•n!s. re- --- spect1vely. Frank Polito and Ermc Cla:, ton \I ere high for the m~-...a•.a.:~----......,--~.:.:.:.;.::..;:....:.......1.::..=..:.:.J losers WJt'117 and 14 poin's. The 1ar ncs v, 11! plaj evada Southern in Las Vegas toll) : r w night, eturn for a gam lanne The annual retreat tor e llh Em! Training Center Thur ay ard also compete in the r. Poly tourney. - College for Men Will be c n- ducted by Very Rev. Rudo! b SleeJJng, OBS, prior of t ChJarles Monastery, Oceanside. anuary 18-20, • Father Rudolph came to California from St, M Archabbey In Indiana in .19 8 to ei!tabllsh a Benedictine .P _ ory on the W'est Coast Benedictines conduct re- treat house !or clergy IU\d lily people In Oceanside. The \\ c~te ners w1,J tra\'d t > Fullert n Sta e and Iios Angeles late Frid v and Saturda) h s. nnd l{Uests are m king re en t,ons (or n b11 I.Our ot Universal Movie Stu• j!JCI In Studio City, For t wn Memorlnl Pnrk In GI •n- nd the Farm rs Market 1.os Angeles. Mmes. Joseph Hie! and Fmnk J O'Con- r ar accepting re rvatlo fo th tour which Is sched· I d tor Wednesday, Mnrch 17. Mrs John 1'' O'Donnell pr lrl nt o! the group. Phil Woolpert, considering the fact he had three of his ath- letes out of action. Unable ·to play were Mark Teismann, Mark Yavorski and Ken Kull- berg. -Son OJego Union Stoff Photo to launch a :-hot last night of the USD Invitational al Western'!': Lem Lt•mons sails between two University of San Diego play rs, Lymond Williams, left, an
Phil T'ti in t!-e fm 1 Taur11ai;nent --- t USD. Woolpert received a plaque from the student body in recog- 1 nition of his 200th basketball - --~------ victory as a college coach. Ac• USD T • F A h or not er ·T,tle , mvers1 Y o Sa n Diego's night, engages Chapman in the h • r I ump s BI d s , I • U · · 1 f tually, No. 200 was registered Fullerton State Friday This marks USD's straight triumph over the West- er~ers. The Toreros edged the Pomt Lomans, 43-42, enroute ~o the Holiday tourney champ- second A 13 THE SAN DIEGO UNION at.• Jan. IB, rm I SAN DIEGO, CA IP_O"-R"-N"'-'IA__________ CAL POLY TOURNEY USO Vic or, MCRD Falls Soeclql to The San Olt10 Unlon - University of San Diego whipped Chap 1 e tn ovrrt1me but M~RD lo~t to rugged host Cal 1 >mona here last night m the first .round of the four-team Ca oly USO whipped Chapman, 101- the Toreros with 27 91, and will meet Cal Poly in 11 of them coming from he tonight's <·hampionsh1p game at free t hr Ow line. Teammate 8 30. The latter stopped the :\fa. Cliff Ashford, a 6-3 junlor fo • .,.in , 87-62. ICRD and Chap- ward, maintained his 20-point m n me t for con olation hon• average with that nu m be r·• The Tor ros, who have now pomts from the charity circle. th ir last nine Other USO players in double 1 , have a 10-5 fi?ures were Bernie Bick~rstaf! record and will be· eking their with 15, Larry Moyer with 14 third tourney crown of th sea• and Phil Price with 12. The Lymon d V 111 la ms, a 5-9 highe t SC'ored by a Torero bas- emor playmakln~ guard, led ket?,all team. poi ts, or tonight at 6:30. However, he w~s aided by 12 won eight or games this sea son tonight. P?tnt to ta 1 of 101 was third POMON Poly basketb ll tournament. I 1onsh1p last month Lem Lemons led Guard Tim Cun· · ;i~~ · cagers had/consolation c~n~est at 6:30. tou:"ament-crazy the1r eyes set on another _Lymond .Wtlhams. led . USO 15 and 13 points respectively. championship today ofter gain- wi th 27 pomts. Junior Clifford Lemons was the Cal Western ing tonight's finals of the Cal A~~tt~~r~;~b~ted 120 1 A St tel player who did a fine defensive /Job on Ashford. a · · is .a basketball ton· (Pomon a) Polv Moyer and Ash~ord of USO, Lemons and Cunningham from e West- Cal Western and Dave Samp- / il 1 th 23 ~omts. _Chuck sell of the Marines were named to the all-tourney squad. Ash- Steve C g Ji 1 d t h e . :owe s c O re 13 in the t?urna~ent with a 101-91 over- 75 ~tl~s~f!~\~oppmg Fullerton, ltme wm o v e r Chapman last The Toreros play Cal Poly 0( Pomona t.onight at 8:30, while triJ:o 1\ Marine C or p s Recruit Depofl EVENING TR/BUNEpoints, SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA night. erner 87-62 l c I ' o s e r o ;vol. VII; Co•--;;jr~~~;::;~;~;.i;;;:.;-.;;:;:::::;:::;-.::;:::-;:;:;::::-;:;::-;;;;:--------------- h 001 • San Diego, Calif. USD' S Location Is Awe I nsp·1r·1ng The University ·of San Diego College for Men, founded in 1949 by the Roman Catholic Dioce e of San Diego, is situated on a ta- bleland at the western end of Kearny Mesa, high on a hill com- manding an inspiring view of the Pacific Ocean, Mi sion Bay, and the Port of San Diego. The campus is ideally close to Friday, January 15, 1965 I ford was a repeater. S t , Sanp 0·. f reshmen ta e s iego The Toreros got the f i r s t bucket, were halved at 2-~. and g !~en raced ahead to stay m the first half. They pulled out to al 16~ advantage and led 31-20 at halftime. ' In the second half, The Tor- eras battled the challenging/ Westerners on even terms but had their lead shaved to 44-37 · with 9:14 to go. USO received a big b o o s t with Dick Verlasky's hook and free throw. Ashford probably added the cushion with f o u r free throws and a drive during: a Poly last cagers, led by .Al Skalecky's 21 topped Naval Trainln I Center, 71-60. B• • 19:..:6:..5.~Q , _Ja_n_._16.c..',::. - ~ S=a=t.=- =--• B5 :\Ion., Jan. 18, l · 0 AN DIEGO, CALIFOR°NIA THE SAN DIEGO UNION Au. i J j ary ,......_....._--=", Will Install At Luncheon Mrs. John J. Wells will be in- s(alled president of the Univer- sity of San Diego Auxiliary at a luncheon ~eeting Tuesday at th e K011a Kai Club. A social hour at 11 : 30 a.m. will precede the luncheon. Oth ers to be installed are !\fm~s. Ada. S. Smyle and David Garf1,eld! vice presidents; John J._ OBrien, treasurer; Charles Rizzo, corresponding sPcretary, a nd John E. Sandley, recording secretary. . Honored .guests will ·be :.\fost Rev._ ~rancis J. Furey, apostolic· a~mm1strator of the Catholic Diocese of San Diego; Very Rev John Paul Cadden, president of th e Univ~sity; Rev. Charles 'Dollen, hbrary director and Rev.. I. Brent Eagen,' public relat10ns director. The retiring president is Mrs. H Stephen King. Luncheon chajrman is :.\Irs. Eugene de Falco. -,---~~-- 1lliams, Price and Ash(ord contributed with l3 of the To- DI GO UNION 4 0 Sun., Jan. 17, 1965 ~!!J!tl!GO, S!FORNIA , residential and rec- of California's the busine reation areas tallied in a rero • 21 points br k overtime se MCRD · was seldom game with Cal Poly a against 16 victories rines lost their 12th lo third largest city. al Poly Routs Toreros, 75:.47 POMONA U . _soeclal to Tht San Dleto Union - mvers1ty of San Die . est game of the season here last ~o/an mto perhar,~ its cold- Cal Poly of Pomona 75 _47 . thmg t and_ was. embarassed by Cal Poly tourney. ' ' m ~mpionsh1p game of the MCRD made the evening a/Stepan tallied 16 and 14 · complete loss fo~ San Diego respectively, for the Devhctmts, teams by dropping an 89-71 Chapman had a trio of ogs. game •to Chapman College in with 15 points each players the consolation contest. uso < • 11 · ( L G F p TCALPOLY (75) . ymond Williams with 15 A~hford 3 12 7 Sml!II <. F P T points was the only player to 't'i/b~•ms 5 51 s is R~eo t 6 l~ b Moye 21R,edt 3026 resem le any offensive threat Verio~kv J ?' 6 Fefraro o2 0 2 f th T Fay 1 O O 5 Scranton 3 2 .( 8 or . e oreros with no one else B ickerstofl O 2 2 2Keaton 2 2 • 6 gettmg over seven points. Cal ri;g~•kv J 1 g ~-4~!~rev I~ l : Poly put 14 men into the game 'ft~i',i~v:;k1 y 8 l 8 ~~"•rave 18 and 13 of them entered the scor- o3 2 ~li1'~~1d J 8 g 5 mg ~olumn, Vermont McKinney To101, 8~~her • 8 l Ieadmg the way with 14 points. Holll1me •1Z.~t:3c~ ul1/!iJ.O 75 The d~feat snapped a three- McRo 111 > G CHAPMAN mi , · game wmnmg streak for USO 5 Walk•r 1 :' Cucinella c 7 F P T WhJ. h · 0- 0 mosell 2 2 s 6 M' 1 3 15 C IS now 1 6 for the season Higgins 10 5 2 K ,tcheltre, 6 J I 15 C l p I . . Flvnn I 2 nox J 2 s 8 a . o Y won its seventh game Ford • 2 t 1 J~• 1 t P J J 3 9 agamst three defeats. ] gf'.';,~~n 1 JJ 1 J s(m,gontt• 1 f MCRD . Lake 1 A Einstein 1 6 3 8 1 saw 1ts Season figure G1lbPrtsorr 2 b f j HBoonllnbelont < 2 l 10 fall t 16-13 . Jones O o 1 , ur or\ o 1 1 I 0 m the loss to Chap- Toi?'• 23 2s30 1f Toter, 31 23 , man as Jerol Graves and Al H 11 0 u· Choomon •s. MCR02," The college makes use of facili- In th in located ties currently the Ma- game five buildings of Spani h Renaissance The college is primarily a lib- eral arts institution, however, it also encompasses a vigorous di- vision of business administration architecture. · SD (lOl) G F p T CHAPMAN l!1.1 • 12 3 20 Cucinella 'j;:~l~Mltree 1~ j U , 21 Ro,o a 11 • , 0 , i ~T;.~:i~ 1• ~; ! ' 2 12 Slmm4ns :u 3S,, 101 0o1-:,~~r;u MJ :, 1 2 • ; Halftime, C1"1oman 3l, uso 3'1. llld •' Rttulotlon uso ••• C1"1Pman 10 p T llfcrd ,0 .,.:r1taU ..,,,. r' a:kv s • s > • f t 1 ! 3 TOia! · d an economics. tudent body is currently faculty members the The 325 and number 51. CAL POLY MCRD ('1) (17) G F PT ~ii'~ 1 2 1 .t J ti I ff f t , o o12 S 3 3 13 1 2 • • 2 o 2 4 \2: 1 j c. Pi- T M l ~'!'~" <& Rt1Cl'I l J l rrr~~rin } jg : i~'/l~nev o, 3 2 Hargrove IJ Tolberf I 2 0 offers 'the College for Men 1 - (~hnson o~~. Fl~~:r il•pan l?(lllerl on ~••es Hlci:ft, Jenn program leading to the degrees of bachelor of arts and bachelor of business administrat1·on. Stud nt pursuing the bachelor ° art degree may major in biol- ogy, chemistry, economics, Eng- lish ,history, mathematics, phil- osophy, physics, political science, and p ychology. In addition these students are offered pro'. fes ional programs in medicine and dentistry. f I • 5 o • • Oull 11 :1u1g~: t g i I o o 1 Busher ~,n,.,'!._ T,•'•\f......:J:Jf 1,0_ , 2 36 -------,,---~-.-:.::~
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