News Scrapbook 1964-1967


Paulist Theologian To Give Talks Here

sl ing , are s hown in P -Cat dwing last spring's Lake Havasu regatta. They w ill tl'y again Saturday.

Pat Carrik;r, University of San Di- c>go student, operates til ler and_ Car~n S_upple, Sun Diego State jun1CJr, 111

San Diego, Calif. E eoing TRIBUNE


tbc U11iversit:9 of an Diego ,, acre campu ovcrl okmg olk·ge . accredited by the \

C1lle2e for Women Staffed by Religious of lhe S1c,ed Hurt Colle2e far Men Staffed b1 Dor san Pr1ut1

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School DI Law· Staffed by Stho a, )' laymen

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University of San Diego, Alcala Park, San 01eg

~~~c~ep, CaL ~71 (Daily) 2 Fullerton Scores Early, Often To Rout USO, 12-1 Special to The San D1esO Union FULLERTON - Fullerton State unleashed an 1~ !nt all ck on three University of San Die• go pitchers yesterday a coasted to a 121 \ ictory. The Toreros averted a shulotl in fourth inning when a wa single by Rick Baker and sacrifice fly by Dure] Carpen! produced a ru Don V ldez Paul Mah teamed c mound for Fullerton IO"l1irMIHct1e Torero.~ to four hits.. The lo again t ei'gn' ··,c;,,·»,-;l'J at Los Ange

tudents Set F Parley

an Nuys, qar. EWS (Four Issues Weekly}







A cramblt> for titles by South~rn Cal~n~~~.i 's top jn_nior sailors will highlight \ bu,y local boatmg program ,thi .wrk"~~d Dirrru-to- ning Snipe class national _cham• 1he p,opo e ' " 0 f ·, 11 will be favored m his Maz 1tlan predicted : 0 M hrace or ~:~ss Thi' fie I is slated to in• p<•11en u1 ers, 11 It . . w~s elude· Dave Peterson and Herb schc1fuled tu sta 1 t thi. \\cckcn •I shear from MBYC as well as h b I tI rt ll fe er, · h 5 onsor-'D;.ic Ullman of Ne ,port Beac Ira .,Ch ~icu~ ac~t Cl~b. an- and Jerry Thomp on of Long 1 mg • 3 • 1 " r B ach • 11 um:ed > c tPrda} Lack o en- . ' . · S trn•s \IDS dted .1s the rcuson for 1 EX-l'liATIO'.\ A~ CHAMP . s the canccllallon . Former national champ1oru !'.,uric catam~ran, ~altbu Norm !lforchmPnl of Maltbu 0utrigncr and Smpc skippers and Bi11 Buck Sr. of. Westch~ and crei1, \1ill move into Lake ter will head the Maltbu 0utr!g- llavasu City, Ark, for that ger contendrr_s cha,le_ngmg ~n- rf'pl·. 11 <:;m Dui:n Slutc1_ t , 1 8yc s~turdw nnd Sunday. j11nio1, will head U1 1 ~ hSa·nl ~ ic~tt Competition will lie divided into '·' Cat dt"IP! 1 : 1 llon w ,ir ' 1 s , w 1 0 • "C brackets under 13. and I J b:d r• 1 1s of l\11ss1on 11 ••~ ' • f mrlur P; oc ', • I his 11 ife i 13-and-ovcr. Ten clas

This year's coJ1fe cnce at Pomona College i. onsored by t~e students at ~laremont and 1. the third «nnual con- fere?ce to deal with a topic of pertment and general interest. In 1 964 a Conference on eivil rights was held; in 1966, the topic centered on '·Communist •ma and the Wor tder." _ T~e title of this meet- rng t "U I ban Americn Crisis nd 0ppo unity," :r ubject of turrent Interest and timeli 'J ness throughout the country,' as the co ,gresstonal hearings on the "crisis of the cities" owed. The Claremont Con- ' i rence has a distinguished me.up of speakers for its three-day meet. Vice.Presi- dent Hubert Humphrey will open the conference Febru- ary 23 with a talk on "The Met- ropolis and the Human Ele- ment." "The conference sbould prove to be an invaluable learning expenence for the tudents attending," father I ene Lawrence, chairman of t!R! Sociology D~partment at t e College for om " or at Pomona there for those few day concentration of e (lition. expertise, and experience."

Women's College Professor Sets Reading ~I 7 !11rs. Karena Shields, associate professor of social s~iences at the Univer ·ity of San Diego College or omen, will read a paper, "Legendary and Actual Practices of Marriage? and Chi dbirtb,....~,,t h-01 fayan. ," at the annual rneetmg ~f the Southwe tern thropololi · al · ialion and the Ameri- can Ethnologtcal Society. The ee mg will be held tomorrow through Saturday in San Francisco.

San Die10, Car. UNION (Daily) APR = USD Drops 1 1 2 ToWavl s Centerfielder Dayle Campbel . slugged a home run L'l eac~ 1 ga~ as Pepperdine swept , , doubleheader from L'SD, 7-J and 5-4, on the Ml'Sa Collrg1 ~r diamond yesterday. Campbell's two homers clear • oo the left centerfield fence ,a '. a bout the 380-foot mark. Hi,; . first-game homer came wit! 1 one on in the fourth inning ao J his second homer won the nigh•;- cap, :coming with two on in thL· sevenfh inning to break a 2-2 tie. Campbell also walked four/I times In the twin bill. The victories put Pepperdir.e/ in first place in the Southern California Athletic Association, with a 3--0 league although the league- wins .iare the only ones t/ie Waves have been able to 1 record in 13 games this season. USO is 3-3 in I ague and 9-12 overall .and will journey tol Orange Tuesday lo play a doubleheader with Cha:iman College. · / First Game PePHnffnt . 00:2 201 ,_T 9 1 USO . too 000 0-) 4 2 C6~e:~ W'o\ (P?tl~ftf one on. ' ' .Seccr.d GamP P0 eD~rdina • . .• 010 010 JC0-5 11 1 so .. 000 200 20~ 8 O 13 Fie/~ ond 8f'o0k.s; A1 1 rrn, ScffC> o H •Rown rn. Ounk:D (8\ and Forsttr -Campbe/J {P} 7th, two ()n. ·

, car.

San Die UNION (Daily~


Ne port Beach Cal. THE NEWPO TER (Week 2 Tak e On To rrc;.,r9 s UCI - - Universit~ fornia l r vi n e Bas ketball Anteaters Friday take on the Univer n Diego at the eourt.



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