News Scrapbook 1964-1967
PRESIDENTS Shown at a reception last Saturday on the Alcala Park campus at which the appointment of Very Rev. John Baer as new president of the College for Men was announced are, lelt to right, Very Rev. John Paul Cadden, retiring president of the College for Men; Most Rev. Francis J. Furey, chancellor of the University of San Diego; Father Baer, and Rev. Russell Wilson, second president of the College for Men. Rt. Rev. Msgr. John L. Storm, first president of the college, was unable to attend. Story, Page 1.
GRANT PRESENTED _ Mother Nancy Morris, president of the University of San Diego College for Women, and Very Rev. John Baer, president of the College for Men, accept check fo_r $50D from Norman L. Hess, right, district sales manager fo, American Airlines. Each college will rec~1ve hall of the amount of the unrestricted gift by the airline and will present the-scholarship to two deserving students.
GREET PONTIFF father ~aymond Bluett, a priest of the San Diea:o diocese, kisses Pope Paul's rina: fter bem11 introduced to the Pontiff by Most Rev. Francis J. Furey at a private aud1en~e at C~stelgandolfo. Father Bluett 1s m Rome to do a picture of Pope John XXII I. Standing at left 1s a Vatican priest who acts as interpreter lor His Holiness.
The Southern Cross VOL. LI, NO. 24 Publi,hed Weekly By The Oioceie of So_g Diego, California THURSDAY, JUNE 22, 1967 Entered A, S!l"cond Clou Motter of 1h• Post Off,c• of $4 Ye Son Oie90 under !he Ac:t of M~,,.~ 3. 18._.79c________
Sunday, June 18, 1967
Iid p ndent
Father Baer Appointed To 4th Presidency Rev. Joh;11 E. Baer wa_s In 1960 he completed his mas• 1~a~~d president. of the Um- ter of arts in education at ve1s1ty of San Diego College Loyola University in Los An- for :1-!en yesterday _by Rev. geles. Ile also fulfilled the Fran~,s J. Furey, b!shop of requirements for a secondary the diocese of San ~,ego. and teaching credential in the chancellor of the university. .state of California and was The announcement \\ ppointed the first principal made at a c ption held In of illarian High School }n Im- the facult_y ounge at the Col- perial Beach. lege for :\!en. Present were The new president return- ~ev. Msgr John L. Storm, led to the Gregorian Univer- first president of the college, sity in 1961 to take his doc- and Rev. Russell Wilson, sec- toral studies. On his return ond president. _,....•..,.._... · Father Baer, as fourth
president of the college, suc- ceeds Rev. John Paul Cadden. president since 1961, who re- signed because of ill health. The new president was born in Streator, Ill. in 1930 and receh·ed his elementarv and secondary education in Elsinore. Calif. He attended San Diego State College and in 1949 entered St. Francis College in El Cajon North American College Father Baer completed his theological studies at the Xorth American College and the Gregorian University in Rome where in 1956, was or- dained to the priesthood and earned the bachelor and li- centiate degrees in sacred theology. He was named assistant
EDUCATORS - Four educators are shown in a happy mood at a re- ception on the University of San Diego campus last Saturday at which the appointment of Very Rev. John Baer, left, as new president
of the College for Men was announced by Most Rev. Francis J. Furey, second from left. Also enjoying the conversation are Mother Nancy Morris, president of the College for Women, and Very Rev. John Paul Cadden, retiring president of the College for Men.
New President Named by USD
Succeeds Fr. Cadden Fr. Baer Named College President
Very Rev John E. Baer is the new president of the College for ~len, l'niversity of San Diego. Father Baer ucceeds Verv Rev. John P. Cadden, pre;ident since 1961 , who re su:ned for reasons of health. At a reception last Saturday, Father Baer s appointment ,vas announced by iost Rev Francis J Fu y b ·hop of San Diego and chancellor of the un1vers1ty First President '1sgr John L. Storm, now pastor of All Hallow·s Church in La Jolla. \\ as the first presi- dent when the college opened in 1954. and Father Russell Wilson was the second pres 1dent This reception, Bishop Furcv said, offers " another oppo~tunity" to restate the philosophy of the umversity "and at the same ti me to thank Msgr. Storm, Father Wilson and Father Cadden for their devoted contribution to the development of the College for Men. "In the name of the Board of Trustees. the faculty, alumni and student body I extend a warm welcome to the fourth president of the college Father Baer Father Baer brings to his new assignment an abundance of youthful en thus1asm, tempered by mature
judgment and profound schol- arship. " As Bishop of n Diego and Chancellor of the University I predict many banner years for the College for Men under the inspiring leadership and able guidance of Father Baer." Stressing the philosophy of the Church's education insti tutions the Bishop said: "We believe that the sacred and the secular are intermingled in every life and that a study of one without the other would lead to a distorted understand- ing of reality . I also made it clear that our university is a communtty undertaking, that it is for men and women of all faiths." Several hundred honored guests, friends and faculty of
the University of San Diego's College for Men, College for Women, School of Law and School of Theology attended the reception. Father Wilson joined Fathers Cadden and Baer at the event. Msgr. Storm was unable to attend due to a previous appointment. Born in Streator, III., in 1930, Father Baer received his ele- mentary and secondary educa- tion in Elsinore, Calif. He studied for the priesthood in St. Francis College, El Cajon, and at the North American College, Rome, where he was ordained in December, 1956. On his return from Rome, Father Baer was appointed assistant pastor at St. Anne's Church in San Bernardino and taught al Aquinas High School.
In 1960 he received a Master of Arts degree in Education at Loyola University in Los Angeles. He also fulfilled the requirements for a -secondary teaching credential in the State of California. High School Founder In September, 1960, he was appointed the first principal of Marian High School in Im- perial Beach. Father Baer returned to the Gregorian University in Rome in 1961 to take his doc- toral studies which he completed in 1963. His doctoral dissertation dealt with Fun- damentalism in American Protestantism On his return to the Untted States , Father Baer was named president of his alma mater, St Francis College in El Cajon. J n 1966, the college was moved to the Alcala Park campus in the School of The- ology across from the College for Men. It is from this assign- ment that he moves to the ,col- lege as its fourth president. An enrollment of 500 is ex- pected when classes recon- vene in September. For the first time next fall students of the College for Men and the College for Women will take courses in both colleges.
pastor at St. Anne's Church I to the Unit~d States, _he was in San Bernardino and taught named pres1den~ of his alma at Aquinas High School there mater, St. Francis College. kl t --.;;___..::.,.__....:_....:_::...:.;· 1966 the college was moved to
the Alcala Park campus in the School of Theology across from the College for l\Ien. The College for ~ien open- ed in 1952 and will have an enrollment of 500 when class- es reconvene in September. For the first time next fall, students in the College for Men and College for Women will take courses in both col- leges.
• • •
I ,tther H.,er r..turn.-d fo ,rt• orian t nherslty In 1!!61 1o tak--, ht dodoral tudiP'I \\ l11,·h Ju, c,,mp!PtP,l ln 1963. II I• 1lol'toral di ,ertatlon 1h•alt \\ifh tundampnfali m i11 \nwnr.rn prot.- tanthm. • • •
Chaplains Meet The University of San Diego hosted a conference for chap. lams of state institutions in the School of Theology on the Alcala Park campus last week Rev. Richard A. Waterra1i chaplain at Patton State Hos'. pita!, coordinated the con- ference. Staff participants were Dr. Carl Rogers and Dr William Coulson of Wester~ Behaviorial Science Institute Ill La Jolla, Dr. Benjamin Kovili and Rev. Carroll Tage- son, OFM.
GREETED BY MOTHER - Mrs. Anna M. Baer of Elsinore is shown with her son, Very Rev. John Baer, as she greeted him at a reception on the Alcala Park campus last Saturday at which Most Rev. Francis J. Furey announced the appointment of Father Baer as the new president of the University of San Diego's College for Men.
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