USD Magazine Fall 2015

T H E R E ’ S S O M E T H I N G A B O U T H I S V O I C E .


18 / NOT AFRAID TO GET HI S FEET WET On only his second day on the job, the university’s new president, James T. Harris III, DEd, embarked upon a kay- aking trip at the La Jolla Marine Reserve with a group of students. The afternoon of fun, beauty and camaraderie introduced him to the USD community in a memorable way.


22 / BEYOND THE T I TLE In a determined effort to help readers get to know the new man on campus, we offer up some insight into the university’s fourth president. In a wide-ranging conversation that reveals everything from his favorite food to the most recent book he’s read to five jobs that won’t be found on his CV, find personality-revealing tidbits for every occasion.

S U C C E S S C O M E S F R O M A D A P T I N G T O T H E U N P R E D I C T A B L E C H A N G E S T H A T I N E V I T A B L Y A R I S E .

CLASS NOTES 26 / Built From Scrap

San Diego Children’s Discovery Museum head Javier Guerrero ’95 believes in access for all, with an emphasis on authentic materials and experiences that make imagination come alive. His goal is to create the best-run nonprofit possible. 40 / Five Years of Changemaking This academic year marks the fifth year since the Change- making Hub became an integral part of the university’s identity and campus community. Take a look at some of the significant milestones along the way. 41/ Presidential Inauguration: Celebrating USD! A variety of events are planned to celebrate the arrival of the University of San Diego’s new president, James T. Harris III, DEd, including his Dec. 4 installation ceremony.


ALUMNI UPDATE 24 / A Grand Time, Rain or Shine

USD’s seventh annual Wine Classic featured delectable wine, delicious food and unpredictable weather. A good time was had by all.


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