BUSHkids 2017-18 Annual Report

Dalby The team has provided regular outreach to Chinchilla, Millmerran, Maclagan, Jandowae and Cecil Plains, and has been very active providing training and development programs in the community. During the year we held 12 of the BUSHkids A Steady Start to School (ASS2S) prep readiness workshops at local kindies and primary schools with a total of 86 parents attending. Our Dalby-based OT also provided support to the Bundaberg NDIS team, providing training on child development and self-care considerations for children from birth to the age of six.


Students in the upper primary years at Cecil Plains State School and Dalby South State School took part in a BUSHkids Fun FRIENDS group, while the team also conducted a Peaceful Kids — a mindfulness and positive psychology program — session in collaboration with the Special Education Unit at Dalby South State School. This was positively received, with teachers and parents reporting that children have developed skills in meditation, which they are putting into practice at school and at home.

Group sessions conducted

Following training by the Australian Childhood Foundation , our Family Health Support Worker has also conducted a trial of the Bringing Up Great Kids program — a parenting program that uses ideas of mindfulness and reflection to promote more respectful family interactions and communication — with four families; the results of this trial are currently being evaluated. In May, our Speech Pathologist co-presented on speech and language development at the Western Downs Language to Literacy Conference hosted by First 5 Forever . This was an important event for the Dalby early childhood community with celebrated Australian children’s author Mem Fox attending and presenting on the weekend. Our team is particularly grateful for the support received from the Dalby community, and one of this year’s highlights was the presentation to the centre of a very special mural painted by students from Our Lady of the Southern Cross College ; the mural now takes pride of place in our Centre.


Case Study Billy 2 lives with his family and attends a local school in one of our regional communities. Billy and his family initially accessed support through BUSHkids at his school, participating in a social skills group program (PALS) facilitated by our Family Health Support Worker. Following his involvement in the group program, he was referred for speech pathology and OT supports as it was identified Billy and his parents could benefit from further input from the team. Billy’s school and family had specific concerns for his ability to communicate and participate in activities at school. Assessment by the Speech Pathologist (SP) and OT involved formal testing, observations and liaison with the school, and with Billy and his family at home, regarding their specific concerns and priorities. Following these activities, it was evaluated that Billy’s difficulties in communication and participation were further exacerbated by anxiety, particularly in social situations outside the family home. The SP and OT determined he would benefit from support provided by BUSHkids’ Brisbane-based telepsychologist. It was agreed in conjunction with his family and the school to pause SLP intervention but continue with OT support, focusing on strategies to increase his participation, and confidence in such classroom-based activities as handwriting.

The telepsychologist has worked closely with Billy’s family and school to develop a management plan to help reduce his anxiety and increase confidence in talking with others outside of his immediate family. Supports to date have included teleHealth sessions with Billy and his parents, and one face-to-face appointment onsite at BUSHkids’ regional centre. Just over halfway through intervention, Billy’s family and teachers have reported he has displayed an increase in positive interactions with peers at school and an increase in asking for help from his teachers. His parents and the TelePsychologist have observed Billy has become more relaxed and engaged in teleHealth sessions, compared to his first session. Billy, his family and school, will continue to receive support from the team and will recommence speech pathology work once his anxiety is managed. BUSHkids’ multidisciplinary teams work collaboratively with parents and school staff to provide a thorough and holistic service for children with complex needs. We continually seek innovative service delivery methods to ensure children and families receive comprehensive and much-needed support. 2 Not his real name

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