HexArmor Product Catalogue

Reusable hearing protection

Proper earplug insertion

Proper insertion = secure, low-pressure fit with complete protection

Improper insertion = poor fit, discomfort, and loss of protection

Proper fitting process





L = Left

R = Right

A perfect fit is achieved if the teardrop-shaped paddle faces down and slightly forward. If not, fit reusable earplug deeper into the ear canal with a gentle rotating movement. Repeat steps 2-4 with the left side.

The reusable earplugs have a left and right paddle. The pins are marked with a L (left side) and a R (right side).

Right hand: take the R paddle of the reusable earplug between your thumb and forefinger. Place thumb on to the R.

Using the paddle, provide a gentle rotation and pressure to guide reusable earplug into your right ear canal. Earplug should be completely inside the ear canal when properly inserted.

Proper hygiene care

Easy to clean with a damp cleaning cloth.

Alternatively, clean them with water and mild soap.

Dry them and store in the HexArmor ® hygiene box when not in use.

HexArmor ® hearing protection I Page 133

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