9.7.2014 SPSFAM Meeting Book

Expert Review Panels (ERPs): ERPs are responsible for the careful scrutiny and systematic review of  methods and the adoption of methods as AOAC First Action Official Methods of Analysis .   ERPs are  comprised of stakeholders whose collected expertise are balanced and are vetted by the OMB for  conflict of interest.  As appointed AOAC volunteers, they apply their collective expertise and using the  standard(s) developed by the stakeholders to evaluate submitted methods.    ERPs review methods  following the carefully scrutinize methods and data available in an unbiased, science‐based peer review  and evaluation against approved standard method performance requirements (adopted by stakeholder  panel).  ERPs receive an AOAC orientation comprised of meeting logistics and OMB guidance for  methods adopted as Official Methods of Analysis . Expert Review Panels (ERPs) are created to provide  stakeholders with an expert resource to evaluate and adopt analytical solutions to identified needs and  concerns.   AOAC provides a number of opportunities for companies to realize a return on investment for  participating.  Companies interested in becoming more involved in the process are urged to attend the  stakeholder panel meetings and bring experts to the meetings to help bring a voice from your  company’s perspective.  The Stakeholder Panel Meetings are devoted to standards development, but  they also offer unique opportunities to network with other members and potential customers.   AOAC’s highest level of membership, the Organizational Affiliate (OA), are provided additional benefits  and value.  AOAC facilitates relationships between OA’s and members of scientific community, industry  and government, thought leaders in their specific fields, their customers, their international  counterparts, other AOAC Members, business leaders and quality control experts.  AOAC is known for its  strong international presence.   AOAC’s 15 Sections, both domestic and international, provide a network  for OA’s.   AOAC’s standards development process places AOAC in the lead on developing standards across the  globe.  AOAC recognizes the need for harmonization of methods and the voluntary consensus standard  process provides a successful solution for companies interested in harmonization.    AOAC provides opportunities for OA Members to meet directly in small group setting with government  regulators/officials, speakers and industry thought leaders.  Thought Leader Advisories have been a  pivotal turning point in working with OAs and providing one‐on‐one discussions with key regulators in  countries such as China and India.  AOAC offers opportunities for OA’s to come to the table with their competitors to discuss scientific  issues and leave the politics out.    AOAC encourages companies to join AOAC as Organizational Affiliate (OA) Members of AOAC  INTERNATIONAL to open the door to additional opportunities for networking and driving industry  initiatives.  Contact Dawn L. Frazier, dfrazier@aoac.org , for more information on how to get more  involved as an AOAC Organizational Affiliate.   What is the ROI for companies to participate in the Stakeholder Panel Process?  Current List of AOAC Organizational Affiliates ‐ LINK 


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