Teacher Guidance Flip Book, Pre Entry - v0.7

Our assessments aim to promote clear, effective and confident oral communication amongst all learners, and subsequently, they have been designed to encourage learners to reach a minimum ‘Pass’ standard in speaking, listening and responding. The tables in this section of the guide show the broad requirements of a ‘Pass’, ‘Merit’ and ‘Distinction’ grade for each of the four assessments.

Activity 1 (40% of assessment): Talk


Some evidence of structure.

Talk is reliant on notes.

Contains general explanations. Shows visual aid to the group.


 Well-structured with a clear beginning, middle and ending.

Natural delivery in places.

Mostly clear detail.

 Refers to, and shows chosen object.

Distinction 

Well-thought out structure with originality in beginning and ending.

Spontaneous delivery.

 Detail linked to own experience.  Confident and competent use of visual aids.


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