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For hundreds of years bamboo leaves have been used in both Chinese and Ayurvedic medicinal teas. Not only is it a sustainable crop with many uses, it can be used as a tea that’s good for you! The Uncle Lee’s Tea Company prides itself on bringing you the best eastern traditions in tea and blending it with a western sensibility to make it more accessible to everyone. In our 60 years of experience, our passion for tea in its many forms knows no limits. What is Bamboo Tea? Bamboo tea is an herbal tea that is caffeine free, rich with vegetable silica and fiber. Organically grown bamboo is harvested and dried, then cut and blended and packaged into teabags for convenience. The natural flavor of bamboo tea is sweet, complex with mildly grassy notes. Why drink Organic Bamboo Tea? Bamboo tea is great for maintaining hair and nail health. It’s also a good source of micronutrients and antioxidants that help you maintain a healthy lifestyle. Bamboo leaves have some of the highest concentrations of vegetable silica, the mineral that makes bamboo grass grow strong, tall and flexible. Bamboo leaf teas also contain about 1 gram of soluble fiber per 8oz cup.


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