Student Handbook 2018-2019

What is PBIS? Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports is a pro-active process to develop a learning environment where students and teachers feel appreciated, safe, and respected. Reinforcers are used to assist faculty/staff in focusing on positive aspects of student behavior and to assist students in making the right choice. Planned Incentive Activities for the End of Each Grading Period  1 st 9 weeks- Breakfast Social  2 nd 9 weeks- Ice Cream Social  3 rd 9 weeks- Breakfast Social  4 th 6 weeks- Field Day Criteria for End of Grading Period Activities  Attendance - No more than 1 unexcused day absent (3 unexcused check-ins/ unexcused check- outs = 1 absence  Must maintain a passing grade in all core classes .  No out-of-school suspensions  No office referral resulting in in-school suspension, after-school detention, or bus removal  Student record is cleared at the beginning of each nine weeks. * Remember an excused absence is a parent note (up to 5 for the year ), doctor’s excuse, death in the family, or summons to court. End of Year Reward Celebration Fun Day Wytheville Wellness Center Students who have followed IMS’s PBIS plan throughout the 2018-2019 school year will be eligible to attend an end of the year celebration!!!!! End of Yea Rewar Celebration Fun Day Wytheville Wellness Center End of Year Reward Celebration A Field Day Criteria to go to Reward Celebration  Attendance – No more than 6 unexcused days absent per year. * Remember: 3 unexcused check-ins and/or unexcused check-outs= 1 absence. Criteria to go to Reward Celebration Students who have followed IMS’s PBIS plan throughout the 201 7 -2017 8 school year will be eligible to attend an end of the year celebration of a Field Day !!!! Criteria to go to Reward Celebration  Attendance – No more than 6 unexcused days absent per year. * Remember: 3 unexcused check-ins and/or unexcused check-outs= 1 absence.  Academics – Must maintain a “C” average in all classes.  Behavior - No more than 1 day out-of-school suspension or no more than 2 infractions resulting in in-school suspension, after- school detention, or bus removal. (Transfer students will be considered on a case-by-case basis.) * Remember an excused absence is a parent note (up to 5 for the year ), doctor’s excuse, death in the family, or summons to court.  Academics – Must maintain a passing grade in all core classes.  Behavior - No more t an 1 day out- f-school suspension or no more than 2 infractions resulting in in-school suspension, after- school detention, or bus removal. (Transfer student will be considered on a case-by-case basis.) * Re ember an excused absence is a parent note (up to 5 for the year ), doctor’s excuse, death in the family, or summons to court.  Attendance – No more than 6 unexcused days absent per y ar. * Remember: 3 unexcused check-ins and/or u excused check-outs= 1 absence.  Academics – Must maintain a passing grade in all core classes.  Behavior - No more than 1 day out-of-school suspension or no more than 2 infractions resulting in in-school suspension, after- school detention, or bus removal. (Transfer students will be considered o a case-by-case basis.) C iteria to go to Reward Celebrat  Attendance – No m re than 6 unexcused days absent per y * Remember: 3 unexcused check-ins and/or unexcused check-outs  Academics – Mus maintain a passing grade in all core class  Be avior - No m re than 1 day out-of-school suspension or n 2 infractions r sulti g in in-school suspension, after- school d bus removal. (Trans er students will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Students who have followed IMS’s PBIS plan throughout the 2018-2019 school year will be eligible to attend an end of the year celebration!!!!! End of Year Reward Celebrati Fun Day Wytheville Wellness Cen Students who have followed IMS’s PBIS plan thro the 2018-2019 school year will be eligible to a an end of the year celebration!!!!!

* Remember an excused absence is a parent note (up to 5 for doctor’s excuse, death in the family, or summons to co


** $5 charge will be required to help with the cost of the celebration.

* Remember an excused absence is a parent note (up to 5 for the year ), doctor’s excuse, death in the family, or summons to court.

** $5 charge will be required to help with the cost of the cel

** $5 charge will be required to help with the cost of the celebration.

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