rather acquire knowledge by doing, not sitting in a class. And college does not provide the training for every job. If you want to be a mechanic, a plumber, or a cosmetologist, you don’t need to go to college. You will definitely need to learn plenty of things to be good in these jobs—but you don’t have to go to a four-year college to learn them. You have lots of choices after high school. If a four-year college isn’t right for you, maybe a technical school is. Technical schools are also called trade schools or vocational schools. At a technical school, students learn the skills and knowledge they need for a particular job. Students study for a year or two before they graduate, and then they can look for a job. Some schools even have job placement offices that help students get jobs. Trade schools teach all sorts of jobs, fromhair styling tomedical assisting to woodworking. Other jobs, however, require a four-year college degree (or even a graduate degree ). Teachers and engineers, for example, have all earned at least a bachelor’s degree in their fields.

Learn more about education and careers in cosmetology.


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