2018 RETA Breeze Nov-Dec

James price, sr. to retire from rETA

It’s with mixed emotions and sincere gratitude for his service that we are announcing the retirement of Education Manager Jim Price, Sr. at the end of December. Jim has been an esteemed employee of RETA, Past National President, Certification Committee member, and RETA mem- ber for over 21 years. He will be missed by RETA HQ staff and members alike as we have all benefited from his guidance on the Certification and Education Committees and the critical

role he played as the first EducationManager for RETA. His will- ingness to put in extra time and effort has demonstrated a commitment to excellence we have all come to depend on. Jim’s retirement is our loss, but a well-deserved respite for him. We know you all join us in wishing Jim well in his new endeavors. God Bless you, Jim and Family.

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