Outlook on climate change adaptation in the Tropical Andes mountains

Mindo Nambillo Forest Reserve, Ecuador

Precipitation Rainfall varies substantially with time and location in the Tropical Andes. It is therefore particularly important to recognize that trends of annual total precipitation in the region do not represent the trends

in specific places or times of the year. In the Central Andes, Bolivia and Peru have highly differentiated rainy and dry seasons. Approximately 50 to 80 per cent of the yearly total precipitation falls in the rainy season in the Central Andes (Vuille et al., 2000). In the Altiplano area, more than 60 per cent of precipitation falls in the rainy

period (Thibeault, 2010). The northern Andes and surrounding areas are generally more humid and have less seasonally differentiated precipitation. Changes in total annual precipitation over the last century in the Tropical Andes have been less


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