
What’s best for you? Your agreement to purchase 3 AssistCredit bundles, over your 36 month contract period, gives you the flexibility to choose the level of support that best suits your business and budget. AssistCredit bundles provide a selection of options for your preference. Software updates are subject to you having a valid AssistCredit bundle. An AssistCredit bundle can be purchased at any time if you have used all your existing AssistCredits.

Choose your Assist Support bundle option when you purchase your AssistPlus

Option A Upfront 3 year payment * No 12monthexpiry. Ensures software updates for 3years. Price isguaranteed during the full contract period.

Assist Support Option

Cost per AssistCredit

Number of AssistCredits

Cost per 3 year term


600 450 360

£5,100 £4,050 £3,600

£8.50 £9.00 £10.00


Upfront credit bundleswill expire36months after purchase. Additional credit bundles canbepurchasedat any time.

Option B Annual Payments*

Assist Support Option

Cost per year term (min. 3 years contract)

Cost per AssistCredit

Number of AssistCredits

Initial upfront payment followedby 2 further payments at theprevailingprice onanniversaryof purchaseor sooner if necessary.


200 150

£1,700 £1,350 £1,200

£8.50 £9.00 £10.00



Upfront credit bundleswill expire 12months after purchase. Additional credit bundles canbepurchasedat any time.

How will you use Autologic Support? Submitting a case using AssistMobile, AssistPortal or AssistOnline are the most efficient methods to request support. The case is assessed by the relevant vehicle brand expert on the Fault 2 Fix team. They contact you via your preferred method, saving you time and money, to resolve issue.

Fixes per Bundle: Bronze (120 credits per year)*

Fixes per Bundle: Silver (150 credits per year )**

Fixes Per Bundle Gold (200 credits per year)**

AssistCredits per Fix*

Route to Support

AssistCall AssistMobile AssistPortal AssistOnline Email Log

5 3 3 3 7 8

24 40 40 40

30 50 50 50

40 66 66 66 28 25

17 15

21 18

Software updates are subject to you having a valid AssistCredit bundle. An AssistCredit bundle can be purchased at any time if you have used all your existing AssistCredits. Get more fixes for less Submitting a case using AssistMobile, AssistPortal or AssistOnline are the most efficient methods to request support. The case is assessed by the relevant vehicle brand expert on the Fault 2 Fix team. They contact you via your preferred method, saving you time and money, to resolve issue. * A fix is the resolution to an individual fault (symptom) on an individual vehicle. You are only debited by the initial method of contact. Each case has an individual ID number. Any subsequent enquiries relating to the same vehicle and symptom, within 2 months, will not incur additional AssistCredits. You will receive a summary of your AssistCredit balance via email following each case. **Example based on Individual AssistCredit bundles.

* Requires Autologic AssistPlus handset sold seperately.

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