Discovering Brazil


Home Finding Dwellworks is committed to making it as easy as possible for you and your family to relocate to Brazil. This means finding the right property for you and your family, and to making sure that all your questions are answered. The home finding process will be discussed with you during the meeting with your Dwellworks Consultant before you begin looking for a home. Be sure to read the following information and come up with any questions for your Consultant. Understanding Rental Procedures Use this information to learn the regular procedure of a rental contract in Brazil. If more detailed information is necessary, please contact your Dwellworks Consultant. General Contract Terms Rental agreement contracts are prepared in Portuguese. Information usually included on the rental agreement is as follows:  Landlord’s name, occupation, marital status, RG (Brazilian identity card) number and CPF (Individual Taxpayer’s number)  Renter’s name, profession, marital status, RNE (Brazilian identity card for foreigners), passport number and CPF number  Guarantor’s complete qualification or Guarantee details  Payment date and information on late payment penalties  Bank information for payment or other if applicable  Lease length, including the start/end dates, and the lease termination period  Monthly rental amount in Reals (R$)  Information on rental increases (can only be increased at the limit permitted by law) Lease Conditions  The usual lease length is 30 months - Different periods can be negotiated but be sure the Brazilian Legislation would still apply to all its clauses  Diplomatic clause  Brazilian legislation states any rental contract can be cancelled with no penalty if the tenant is transferred to a different location than where the rental property is located  30 days’ notice is required by law  Legislation states this applies at any time, though common market practice is that it applies only after the first year of renting the property

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Discovering Brazil

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