Discovering Brazil

Facts About Brazil

 Official Country Name: Federative Republic of Brazil, República Federativa do Brasil

Capital City: Brasilia

 Official Language : Brazilian Portuguese

 Official Religion: While there is no official religion, the majority of Brazilians practice Catholicism

 Currency: Brazilian Real (BRL), indicated by preceding the number with R$

 Weights and Measurements: Metric System

 Electricity/Voltage: Typically 110V is used, but there are several exceptions. 220V outlets are found in the kitchen and laundry areas. Brazil is currently using a “Type N” plug

General Info

Public Holidays Because Catholicism is the religion followed by the majority of people in Brazil, many public holidays are based on religious events. Cities and states also have their own particular public holidays which are not included in the following chart.



New Year’s Day

January 1


Friday-Tuesday, leading into Ash Wednesday

Tiradentes – Revolutionary Day

April 21


Varies, earliest March 22 or latest April 25 60 days after Easter, typically May/June

Corpus Christi

Labor Day

May 1

Independence Day

September 7

Nossa Senhora Aparecida – Patron Saint of Brazil

October 12

Republic Proclamation

November 15 December 25


Government Brazil is divided into one federal district (Brasília) and 26 states, each with its own governor and state legislature. Federally, the National Congress exercises legislative power and is composed of the Chamber of Deputies with members elected every four years, and a Federal Senate comprised of three senators per state who are elected to eight-year terms. The president, elected by popular vote for a four-year term with a maximum of two terms, is both head of state and head of government, and may unilaterally intervene in state affairs.

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Discovering Brazil

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