

Menu Item

Action and Description


Disabling mobile apps in the settings menu disables automatic updates and the use of mobile apps on SYNC 3.

You can view the status of mobile app permissions in the settings menu.

Once Mobile Apps is enabled, you have the following options:

Update Mobile Apps

This provides information on the current state of available app updates.

There are three possible statuses:

Updating Mobile Apps… Update Needed The system is trying to receive an update. No update is required. The system has detected a new app requiring authorization or a general permissions update is required. Up-To-Date

Request Update

Select this button if an update is required and you want to request this update manually. For example, when your mobile device is connected to a Wi-Fi hotspot, select:


Navigator (TB9) Canada/United States of America, enUSA, Edition date: 201708, First Printing

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