

Personal Profiles


Possible cause and solution

Personal Profiles have not been set up.

An invalid profile name was entered. A memory button was not selected when prompted. The vehicle’s ignition was not On and in Park or was shifted out of Run or Park while creating a profile. Personal Profiles is turned off. The lock button was not selected on a keyfob when prompted. The keyfob selected was already associated to another profile and an overwrite was declined. A profile recall was performed while linking a keyfob. The vehicle’s ignition was not On and in Park, or was shifted out of Run or Park while linking a keyfob. The old linking method is used. The unsaved setting is not supported by Personal Profiles.

I cannot create a profile.

I cannot link a keyfob.

My personalized settings do not save.

A different Personal Profile is active than expected.


Navigator (TB9) Canada/United States of America, enUSA, Edition date: 201708, First Printing

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