1933 The Merry Mixer by William Guyer

GRAND ROYAL FIZZ Juice of Yz Lemon ... Yz tablespoon Sugar 1 glass Silver Wedding Gin 2 dashes Drioli Maraschino Juice of J4 Orange I tablespoonful Sweet Cream Shake well, strain into medium size glass, add syphon water IMPERIAL FIZZ Juice of Yz Lemon ... Yi Bacardi Yi Golden Wedding Whiskey Yi tablespoon Sugar Shake well, strain into long tumbler, fill with syphon soda water •k -k -k

morning glory fizz Juice of Yi Lemon or Lime tablespoon Powdered Sugar hite of r egg...2 dashes Absinthe Glass Golden Wedding Whiskey


PINEAPPLE FIZZ 2 tablespoons Pineapple Juice ^tablespoon Sugar... i glass Bacardi Shake well, strain into medium size glass, fill with syphon soda water


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