SpermComet - GPFed

Frequently Asked Questions

I am going for semen analysis, do I need the sperm comet too?

Yes, even if your sperm counts are normal you may have too much DNA damage in your

sperm and this can mean you may not be able to get your partner pregnant. The first test

for men with fertility problems is a semen analysis and this is a good starting point but it

doesn’t tell you everything you need to know about your sperm. The SpermComet ® can

predict how well you will do with different types of fertility treatment – something you miss

out on with standard semen analysis.

We have unexplained infertility. Can the test help us?

Yes. We have just published a recent study (Simon, Proutski, 2013) showing that 40% of

couples who were previously diagnosed as ‘unexplained’ have sperm DNA damage. Knowing

this can alter your treatment plan and give you better options.

How long should I abstain from sexual activity before producing my sample?

It is advised that you should abstain from sexual activity for more than two but less than five


Can I produce my sample at home?

Sample production can be done at home if you live within 1 hour of your clinic. It is

important that samples must be kept at body temperature during transportation and this

can be done by keeping it in your pockets or close to your chest.

We have had a miscarriage. Can the test help us?

Yes. We, along with other leading groups, have just reviewed all the scientific studies and

found that sperm DNA damage is closely linked to miscarriage (Robinson 2012). This test

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