CASP AOAC 2022 Annual Meeting

Working Groups: Proficiency Testing • Chair of PT Working Group (and Subgroups) o Dr. Brent (Walter) Wilson • Technical requirements for the following potential PT programs have been determined: o Cannabinoids o Pesticide Residues • Other Subgroups

o AOAC is determining a schedule for the remaining subgroups o Certain subgroups take priority based on WG feedback o Other Subgroups  Moisture/Aw-this group has met once and will be scheduled to meet soon

 The technical recommendations will be provided to the Advisory Task Force for implementation

• Moisture/Aw (reporting would be a component of other PT program areas)

• Advisory Task Force has been formed • The Microbial Contaminants Subgroup met on 4-30-21 o The meeting was well attended, and members provided excellent feedback on technical recommendations

 Terpenes  Heavy Metals  Mycotoxins  Residual Solvents


Questions about the PT Working Group? Contact Shane Flynn, Director of PT at

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