MSVCC Policies and Procedures Manual

eLearning Association Quality Sub-Committee in September of 2011 (APPENDIX H: MSVCC Hosted Course Evaluation). The revised evaluation form was approved on October 19, 2011.

Provider College: Teaches the course and supports the instructor. Host College: Lists the courses and enrolls the student. (It is where the student registers for classes.)

Chief eLearning Officer

The College presidents will identify a person to serve as the Chief eLearning Officer (CELO). The duties of the Chief eLearning Officer at the host or provider college where appropriate may include:




Correct enrollment problems


Answer questions about enrollment process

C. Manage the enrollment of students into the MSVCC

D. Facilitate communication between provider/host registrars

E. Facilitate transmission of grades between provider/host registrars

F. Facilitate transmission of grades from the instructors to registrar

G. Facilitate Sending and Receiving Drop/Withdrawal slips to registrar


Administer MSVCC


Answer questions about online courses


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