1914 Drinks by Jacques Straub



Rhino Wine Cup.

Use large glass pitcher. 1 jigger French brandy. % jigger maraschino. % jigger benedictine. 1 dash white Curasao. 1 long oube ice. 1 pint ApoUinaris. 1 quart Rhine wine. 4 pieces sliced lemon.

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6 pieces sliced orange. 6 pieces sliced pineapple. 2 pieces sliced pear. 6 or 8 maraschino cherries. 1 dash lemon juice. Stir well and decorate with 1 bunch fresh mint. Sautemes Cup.

Use large glass pitcher. 1 pony French brandy. 1 pony yellow chartreuse. 1 pony maraschino (French).

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1 long cube ice. 1 pint ApoUinaris. 1 quart sauternes. 1 pony Curasao.

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Juice of Vs a lemon. % lemon sliced thin. 4 or 5 pieces of sliced orange. 4 pieces of sliced pineapple. 2 pieces cucumber rind. 6 maraschino cherries. 1bunch of green mint on top.

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Sautemes Cup (Southern Style).

Use large glass pitcher. 1 jigger lemon juice. % jigger French brandy. % jigger Curasao. V2 jigger benedictine. 1 long, large cube ice. 1 quart sauternes.

% lemon sliced. 1/2 orange sliced. 4 or 5 slices pineapple. Maraschino cherries. 1pint ApoUinaris. Stir well and put 1bunch of green mint on top. Serve in Delmonico glass. No mixed drink is perfect unless ingredients used are perfect.

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