1914 Drinks by Jacques Straub



Sohley Fnncli.

Juice and rind of 1 lime. 1 barspoonful of sugar. % jigger St. Croix rum. % jigger bourbon or rye whialcey. Shake, strain into goblet -with fine ice. Dress with fruit and put little mint on top. Scotcb Wbiskey Punch. Juice of % lemon. 1 barspoonful of sugar. 1 jigger Scotch whiskey. Shake and strain into goblet. Dross with fruit. Sheridan Punch. Plain lemonade, with % jigger rye whiskey, float. Sherry Chicken Punch. 1 barspoonful sugar. 1 jigger sherry. 1 egg. 3 jiggers of milk. 1 dash of brandy. Shake, strain into thin glass and serve. Soother Punch. Juice of % lemon. 1 barspoonful sugar. % jigger brandy. % jigger Jamaica rum. % jigger applejack. % jigger Curasao. Shake, strain into goblet with fine ice. Dress with fruit. Special Punch. 1 jigger orange juice. 1 jigger lemon juice. 1 jigger dry gin. Vii jigger plain syrup. Shake and strain into goblet with only ice in that and serve. Steinway Punch. Juice of 1 lemon. 1 barspoonful sugar. % jigger rye whiskey. % jigger Curasao. Shake and strain into punch glass. Pill with seltzer.

2fo mixed drink is perfect unless ingredients used are perfect.

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