News Scrapbook 1972-1973
rhnrnlx. <'no .iy, Aug. 13, 1~72
il'hursd1Jy, August 24, l972 SAN DIEGO UNl6'1ti Halfback Harris Prov.ides Boost For U DGridders NatP Harns doesn·t want lo days of physical testing. "They lning in the state tract final at be known /1S a member know they're underdogs and a UCLA in 1969. I was m the ft. of the Univernty of San D;ego lot of people have already nals of the 440 and T was l!·ad- student body but he is m sh;;rp counted them out, but they feel ing with nnly abnut RO yards to disagreement wl\h Torero pres- we're going to surprise a few go when it happened. I made 1t 1den_t Dr. Author Hughes on the teams." worse hPcause I kept running I suhJect of foo1ba11 Much of the Torero success still manage feel~ will Pven- us much of a chanri-, but w play r on a r --1,1r 1 ·land 1ually bring VSD back int,o the were Eastern League cham- elev ll hat tt for ! t place picture as a maior Ill ~penaent p1ons m 191i3 and '69, mostly be- 1n its league with a 1 l mark. power. Halfback Hare, 1s one cau,e w play~d as a tPam." He was back at SD lM,t of the team' b1gge; I boosters. Harris a jumor, ha s had a u 0 •~ hnt nnll<>n tontinn in his ' The ~pmt of the guys is career arked by a couple of great: they have a lot r:A men! al crippling inJurtes. dnve," Harris sa1d after two " I tore some leg mu~cles run SOUTHERN CROSS, THUIISDAT,OCT08ER 19, 1972 it SD U niversit~ of San Diego
With a commented have good
laugh, Ginny Bell that "we both
,ntlnucd from Page M-1 •ny or the pre-ball parties , more intimate in nature "e beautiful homes that lnto the hillside around olla. • 7~.t' a,id F:d CUo'aht of •ix and Mrs. S3m Bell of lier were nmong the • at th Ord Preston ·;incy's rlccp turquoi•e was bare on one shoul- ~rtting of£ her blonde ~he's an advisory mcm- r Las Patronas.
chison and a fashion pace-set- ter) chose a black crepe sheath by Galanos with rufne around its decollete neckline. Her sister Mrs. Royal Miller of Dallas was in a beige Os- car de la Renla brightened with coral and blue embroi- dery. Their b o st e s s Mrs. Preston was in summery or- gandy, a print In shades of shocking pink and green. BUD (CURTIS C.) Cooper of Phoenix flew over to share
the festivities with his sister Mim (Mrs. Joseph) Cuddihy of La Jolla and long-time friends the Neil Morgans. Mim's becoming gown was cut from a sari in soft coral shade glistening with gold embroidery. In the Silver Circle (pa- trons were seated around the dance floor) with noted car- diologist Dr. David Carmi- chael and his wife (he's an admiral in the Navy medical service) were Phoenicians the ' Ben Hazeltons. Mrs. Hazel- ton's white chiffon was heavi- ly beaded on the bodice and sleeves In coral, aqua and gold. At their table, too, 1,ere Dr. and Mrs. Walter Merdin- ger, Dr. and Mrs. Ernest Pund. Lou and Dr. Paul Case, here for a weekend and for the ball, were at a nearby table with Robert Fausts of Pasadena and Dr. and Mrs. George E. Morgan. A green and white silk organdy Ches- ler Wineburg print with ruf- fl ed neckline was Mrs. Case's choice for the ball. j,. ENJOYING VISITS with ") former Arizona friends was > Dr. Author Hughes, president 1 of the University of San Diego, whom Arizonans will remem- ber for his tenure at Northern Arizona University. The Jerry Hirshbergs of Phoenix and Tom Toberman visited with Jerry (R. G.) Hooker ol Roadrunners note and his attractive wife near Spotted on the dance floor, too, were the Denison Kitch- 11.. ,-- ., T,., .... ,. .,..,.,..l \,.;,. .,.i the Silver Circle (pa- , were sealed around th e floor) with noted car- gist Dr. David Carmi- [ and his wife (he's an ral in the Navy medical ce) were Phoenicians the Hazeltons. Mrs. Hazel- white chiffon was heavi- •aded on the bodice and es In coral, aqua and At their table, too, were r.nd Mrs. Walter Merdin- Dr. and Mrs. Ernest 1 11nd Dr. Paul Case, [or a weekend and for l>all, were at a nearby with Robert Fausts o! lcna and Dr. and Mrs. )e E. Morgan. A green •;hite silk organdy Ches- 'ineburg print with ruf- 1eckline was Mrs. Case's , for the ball. rOYING VISITS with r Arizona friends was uthor Hughes, president University of San Diego, 1 Arizonans will remem- or his tenure at Northern na University. Jerry Hirshbergs of nix and Tom Toberman c'
form with pages b o a s t 1 n g names of committee chair- men in frosting. More than 2,000 bright Mex- ican paper blooms in shades of orange, yellow and pink nodded from clay pots on the yellow and white.walls where committee members had de- signed wrought iron trellises from 32 V i c t or i a n rattan headboards. Color wheels be- neath the fountains in the pool and on the dance floor sparkled an echo of the same colors throughout the evening. The traditional bridge across the pool that kept party-goers flowing Into the terraces and hard rock dance music by Jet Set was canopied in 2,000 tiny twinkling lights matching the ma:n party area. M o s t of the party-goers were annual supporters of the Las Patronas charities. Some, such as pretty Muffin (Mary) Pulitzer of the noted newspa- per family (she has just moved to La Jolla from near Lake Placid, N.Y.) , were at- ter,ding for the first time. Muffin was at a table with the Bud Didrickens, Isabel and Larry O'Donnel (new- c o m e r s from Washington, D..C., where she had her own TV i n I e r v i e w program "Watch on Wall Street" using her stockbroker knowledge lo ad1-antage) and Mrs. John Youni e, a resident of La Jolla for many years and well- known to Phoenicians. THE EVERETT Jacksons of San Diego were there, too, ancl asked to be remembered to their many P h o en l x friends. Elaine set off her har i some Inrlian jewelry with V"i1r~;··p:,;,,i ~h\tG w011q who,;p comm1ttee members had de- signed wrought iron trellises from 32 V i c t or I a n rattan headboards. Color wheels be- neath the fountains in the pool and on the dance floor . sparkled an echo of the same colors throughout the evening. The traditional bridge across the pool that kept party-goers flowing Into the terraces and hat d rock dance music by Jet Set was canopied in 2,000 tiny twinkling lights matching the ma in party area. M o s t of the party-goers were annual supporters or the Patronas charities. Some, such as pretty Muffin (Mary) Pulitzer of the noted newspa- per family (she has just moved to La Jolla from near Lake Placid, N.Y.), were at- tending for the first time. Mu£fin was at a table with the Bud Didrickens, Isabel and Larry O'Donnel (new- comers from Washington, D.C., where she had her own TV i n t e r v i e w program "Watch on Wall Street" using her stockbroker knowledge to advantage) and Mrs. John Younie, a resident of La Jolla for many years and well- known to Phoenicians. THE EVERETT Jacksons of San Diego were there, too, and asked to be remembered to their many Phoenix friends . Elaine set off her har,dsome Indian jewelry with a turquoise gown. Jackson i9 a long-time friend and former college roommate of Phoenix' Leon Black. It was that sort of a party. These who don't summer here fly in for the event of the year. The happy result - continuing the flow of dollars to charities in the San Diego area that has totaled more than $600,000 in the past 25 years , Las Patronas prexy, al- t r a c t i v e Mrs. Donald R. Mayne, attested.
taste" w 1 1en she spotted M;irge (Mrs. Albert C.) Blatz of La ,Toll a in the s;ime blar.~ a::d while print gown ~drift with maribou at hem and cuffs. Also at the Preston party wrre frequent Phoenix visi- tors the Ed Linlhicums or D R 11 a s. Virginia Linthicum (the former Mrs. Clint Mur-
Chartered in 1949 asa Catholic Institute of Higher Education in the Diocese of San Diego A joint venture of the Clergy, Religious of the Sacred Heart and the Laity
· -.., ,.,
Dr. Author E. Hughes, first lay President of USD, talks with students. A small University with close student-faculty relationships, offering a value-centered education. College of Arts and Sciences School of Business Administration School of Education School of Law GraduateProgroms Doy and evening classes
The glittering party closed al 3 a.m. and members were . on deck early the next morn- ing, dismantling and looking ahead to another year.
-Slaff Photo
Or. JI.Icf:lroy, newly inuug- Diego, is greeted bv li/orniu State Vni- tf,e pre iden of ity Home.
The University of San Diego serves the people of the Diocese of San Diego with its varied campus programs. Art exhibits, speakers and concerts are offered ·through• out the year.
For information on the University write: Uni- versity of San Diego, Rm 266, De Sales Hall, , 'Alcala Park, San Diego, California, 92110, or call 714-291 -6480, extension 354.
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