News Scrapbook 1972-1973

University names 1-1- 7 2. four to trustees

Priest vocations S"~ - ,-,,-,~ directors convene Vocations directors representing must of , .the Diego diocese who speak at some

-11 University of San Diegi> off,erS I!'laster o_ education degr_~e 'A courses at Mira Costa college; Oceanside, : and Impenal I)~ Valley colleg~, El Centro. U~dergraduate c_ourses at Manne si:- Corps Recruit Depot, San Diego. Information . 291-6480. 1~1 I) V\

-Page 2 - SOUTHERN CROSS, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1972 Around the diocese Holy Angels Byzantine parish bazaar noon-6:30 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 24, 5154 Hawley Blvd ., San Diego. St. Mary's church, Escondido, fiesta, Friday-Sunday / Sept. 29-0cl. I, American, Mexican, Italian dinners. Diocesan Council of Catholic Women, Exec utive Board, Wednesday, Sept. 27, Rancho California golf club, Temecula. High school CCD workshop, Saturday, Sept. 30, Center for Christian Development, San Bernardino. Pa lm Springs Dea nery, DCCW, 10 a.m. Tuesday, Sept. 26, St. Anthony 's parish , 680 S. Santa Fe St. San Jacinto . USD Auxiliary fashion show committee, 9:30 a.m . Monday, ·Sept. 25, San Diego Yacht club. .

f th USD College ·t had its ch

trustee o for Women w en I own separate board .

Southern Cross Reporter FOUR MORE members have been named lo it~ university of D . g. Board ol Trustees. I hey ,Ir\ Dr Earl R_obert Crane 1 an Bernardino, Rober~ . !{eyes nf ·acramento. 'rs. Timulh~ Parkman of 1 uc- Arlz. and Mrs. C. Arn· son, . o· holt Sn11lh of San icgo. Dr Crane , faculty t L ma Linda member a u 1 Urn H•rsily' is co-!ound,c_r o the Children's Dental Clime, S ·in Bernardino, a~d · ' l c llorma president of t 1c a 1 St ·itc Society of ~r - ' II be m- thodonists. Ill' WI h H ly vested a K111ght oft e o Sepulchre in October KEY,ES I. Go\' Ronald Heaga n's ass istant f?~ Com muni ty relations A US d ate lw Collt•gc tor Men gra u ' . l Board ol ser \'cd on i s . the



of the sesswns are the Rev . Henry F . Fawcett. director o{ the permanent deacon program. Dr . Gerald Sperrazzo . chairman for the psychology department at the University ot San Diego and the Rev Robert Buchanan. on presem inary work Lutheran Pastor Jack Lindquist. who also teaches at USD. is also to speak. . It is expected that at least six bishops are tu. attend the convention. representmg the national Catholic bishops' committee on vocations.

She is a graduate of a college of the Religious of th~ the USO women s c MRS. SMITH is the wife . S __, Heart founders o ollege , aereu ,

Catholic dioceses ol the t;mted States are to meet in San Diego during the first week ol October. The directors. who are priests. are those charged with the respon s ibility !or encouragin~ young men to train for the priesthood. More than 150 will meet at the Hilton Inn for the annual convention. Oct. 2·5. Local director. the Rev . Neal Dolan. is to act as principal host. He is vice president of the national body. Among others from the San

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...ustin Guild planning Christmas Fair benefit St. Augustine high school, San Diego. Volunteers and donations welcomed. Information: 286-2239, 286-2241, 463-lj(!46. African Folk Dancers 7:30 p.m. WL'denesday, Sept. 20, University of San Diego Camino hall theater, Alcala Park. Concert Alcala Trio, 4 p.m. Sunday, Sept. ~- ? ' "" l-r- 2-- -,c,--.~ Cf!4>S · 1 -

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National Bank .

'TR_IBUJ.-1~ USD PLAYS HERE q - --i.."?:>-72. Vinci sets sights on crowd, points . He has become a promoter four from star1Pr llenr~ Sin-



Trustees university's

consohdat1on. Mrs. Parkman was a


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as mueh as a fontnall coach . measurur succe ·s b, the • 'lands as well a: the number of points on the seurehoard •·r guess 2.000 would be a reasonable crow(1. ·• ~~id Andv Vine· of 11~e l' 1 rer~ity of San Diego. "B t ve're trv- ing for 3,000 or 4.000. If the communit) support~ us. m timP we'll have a helluva pro- gram here:· \\'hat l'SD has now is a team lackin!l' in d~pth. ex- perience and tradition a~ it opens its home season tomeht a! 7:30 again5t formidable Claremont College in the new!~· lighted campus sta- dium. "Give u, time." pleaded Vinci. ··There i~n't a tan who walked awa~ trom last week's game (a 34-14 loss to CC-Riverside) who wasn't e~- tertained or felt we wouldn t be winning our share of ball games.'' The bat1le however, 1s mostly uphill. Claremont. _15-3 over the last t"·o years, is a more potent opponent than Riverside. The Stags, who return 20 of 22 starters. have a legitimate pro prospect in Chris Stech~r, a 6-ft.+in., 270-lb. defensive tackle who was all-District III in the :-lational Assn. of Intercollegiate Athletics last vear. ln the offensive line, bave Austin (6-2, 250) has been all-district and. al]. Southern Ca1ifornia Inter- collegiate Athletic Conference for the last three years. Bill '\ash (804 yards) and :\like Graber (573) are back to carry a thumping running game and Craig Ducey <6-4, 200) is an able. if unproven. quarterback. "We'll throw against ·em." promi~ed Vinci. "That's our forte." It also proved doing against which picked off CSD's un- Riverside, six pas,es, ' · " • o'· l . the pcop e m 11umoe1



Noted anthropologist Dr. Karena Shields dies

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B) 'ROSE:llARY E, 'G Ro~ary for Dr. Karena Sh·elCW, 68, a medical anth- rooologist who d1scove1 ed many ruins of the Mayan civ- ilization which flouri hed,.-in the \lexican jungle, will be Tccited at 9 tonight in Carme- lite Monastery Chapel. Dr Shields was an associ- ate professor of anthoropl ,gy and sociology at niversity of San Diego. :11as. will be said at 4 p.m. tomorrow in the chapel, Bur- ial will be in Holy Cro Cem- etery Dr hields died Wednesday in a :\Texico ty hospital. A snakebite is the suspected cause of death. Dr Shi~lds. who. e parents o,rned a rancb in San Leandro, Chiapas, operated medical mi:sion at th t ranch for l\Iayan Indians. She pent umners at the ranch, and Indians from the Mex an Guata,nalan border area b gan commg to her for iped- 1c I aid. B~cause of this Dr. S'u Ids studied tropical medi• cine at Cniversity of Mexico nd earned her medical de- gree about 10 years ago. On her ranch, called Finca Tacalapan de San Leandro. Dr. Shields grew cocoa beans and raised cattle. Students of Univer ·1ty of San Diego and from Univer• SJty of California medical sc-hool were permitted to ac- ompany Dr. Shields to her anch for seminar study. ln 1948, Dr. Shields wrote a diary for the old San Di ' Tribune-Sun" about her ex. pcdilion into the Mexi ungles to learn more about 1ayan culture. She ,,rote books entitled. "Three In a Jungle" and ·•Ma}an tegends." She w!IS professor of humanities Universit) of Redlands before omg on the expedition. She began trips "~ack home" to ~Iexico in 1932. In 1912 when she met a trib- a group, she said, "I men- tioned tlie name of their old chief and they instantly knew who I was because it seems I had become- a legend ,..,1th them too. This was the big- gest thrill of my life. 'I lhmk of the Mayans as my people and I am happiest when I am in the jungle." During her 1948 expedition, she wrote, ' It is wonderful to be here in the dripping forest again. There is always the soft, omnolent pulse of the cicadas and sometimes the low hollow laughter of the 'Ho Ho,' e bird of 0111.e. sort that sill and makes gtltteral com ents n the night ..." S trave ed by riverboat, h fiack and by foot to deep

held ~t 11 a.m. tomorrow in La Jolla Mortuary. She died yesterday in a convalescent hospital. Burial ill be El Camino Me- morial atk. B m Grand Rapids, Mic , he was a county resi- dent for 16 years. She 11 d at 3761 eland St


Claremon s Five years ago, Claremont College decided 1t was not enough to pursue excellence in academics. Why not, it asked itself. carry the ball a little further'' Why not try for superi(lrily in athletics, 100? rt was about that time lhat .Johll Zinder was hired lo res- urrrct the football program. Since then. Claremont has gonr 2~-11-2, winning 16 of its last 19 games. '·They were known for being the doormat of their conference (Southern Cali- fornia Intercolle iale)," said University of San Diego coach Andy Vinci. "Now they're gotta a heckuva pro- gram. "I think we can do the same thing." For USD, however, that time seems a long ways away. The Torcros dropped their opener to UC-Riverside. 34-14, last week and enter their home debut tomorrow night at 7: 30 as decided underdogs to Claremont. '·Claremont's tough." admit- ted Vinci, "but we'I be better, too. We can still have a winning season. UC-River- side h,Bd 40 kids on full rides and a full1ime coaching staff. We have neither and yet we wen(' still in the game until the fourth quarter. It was a wild game." USD has made chati,.,es this time around, some dictated by necessity. ''Five kids came out of the Riverside game with ankle injuries," said \'iflci. One. safety Tom Young from Mount Miguel High, is out for Ure season with a broken ankle. Bill Jache, Mik · Murphy, Sam Croom and Tony Smith arc slated (o open in the c- onrlarv •hich was rirldled fo 250 yard's passing SaturdaY, nigh t. . Another change imd middle linebacker !\1ike W - ner also moving ml,(I e st~rting fullbac · slot, ahead of iniured Nate Harris, who

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l-•i..,_' .Jo ( l""- L , 61-n- ' Ho}id a y Happenings' benefit sponsored

q·- 22.-?2 averaged 4.3 yards against Riverside. Brian Connolly takes over for Ear Milligan (chipped rib) al right rnd and Mike Oullaw is a likely re- placement f •r Ron White at offensive ~efl tackle. roke loose on a 54-yard to down gainst Riverside. \HI move in for Andy Sanchez at tailback. Sanche,; who caug I four passes lfor · yar s and rushed rn ti. s for vards against Ril'er · de. is n an e victim. He hasn't prac1ic~d all week. Claremont return 20 of its 22 starter, from last year's 7-2 dub, which defeated USD's club team. 22-0. en route to nnet-up finish in the l\'alion Assn. of lnter- collegiate ~lhletics District III rankJngs behind Cal Lu- theran.

cr-2.. 8 - 7 2..

_by USD Auxiliary "Holiday Happenings" will be the theme for the Nov 9 benefit fashion show sponsored by USD Auxiliary. Fas..hJons from Salr.s will , feature holiday ensembles.

rn ei.rh• childhood with her parents. She was educated in the Lnrted States-, receiving degrees in education, anthro- pology and archeology from Stanford University and Uni- versity of Southern Cali- fornia. Most recently, Dr. Shields reported findings on a strange hemorrhagic fever which rav- aged the Mayan Indian popu- lation in 1967. After reviewing the epi- demic, researching the dis- ease and the medical history of the area, Dr. Shiel sus- pected the epidemic wo not have occurred if M ican ernment had not s ayed ~iexican-Guatamala bor- . area with DDT. l osquito' hich the govern nt was trying to eradicate, '111:!re killed but so were the cats which preyed 9 the rat population. The t ts were the carriers of the virus which brought fever to · e Indians. The cats would get DDT on their paws, then ingest the DDT when licki, their paws. 1·he ··ease was marked by pin-point hemorrhages. A county resident for 20 years, she last resided at 10094 Granito Ave., La Mesa. She had been a teacher for a bout 40 years. She was a Carmelite Ter- tiary and was a member of Holy Angels Roman Catholic Church at the Carmelite Monastery. Surviving are three daugh- ters, including Mrs. Ronelle Wright of San Diego and Mrs. Donald Wheeler of El Cajon; a sister and eight graQd· children. Goodbody's Boule- vard Chapel is in charge. The family suggests contri- butions to Propagation of the Faith for Mission San Leandro in care of the Catho- lic Diocese of San Diego.

Mrs. Joseph J . Mullen, Mrs. George C. Zorn, Mrs. Edward Tagwerker, Mrs. William T. Stonehouse, Mrs. Larry D. Mabile, ¥ Lemar H. Hunt and Mrs. Thomas Finn.

The showing will be held at the Mission Bay Room of the . Bahia Hotel Proceeds will be i used for loans to students at the University of San Diego. Dr. Virginia Livingston, president of the auxiliary, said Mrs. William Yancey and Mrs. ; Thomas T. Homes are co- chairmen. other committee chairmen ! are Mrs. Frank Pave~ Mrs. / Vital E. Haynes, Mrs. James Mulvaney, Mrs. Thomas W. Keelin, Mrs. John A. Waters, 1 Mrs. Edwin C. Ferguson, Mrs. " Thomas Brady, Mrs. John M. Athaide, Mrs. "'.alter Wilkins,

. USD Serra Hall, Alcala Park, 7:30 p.m. Thursdays, group discussion leadership training; Wednesdays, basic theology ; 9:35 a.m. Tuesdays, New Testament studies. Our Mother of Confidence, San Diego, CCD lL'acher training, 9:30 a.m.-noon, Tuesdays and Thursdays; parent- educator program starting Oct. 3, details: 453-4715. St. Mary's El Centro, 10 a .m.-4 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 30, religious education workshop; Thursdays, CCD teacher . CCD Center, San Bernardino, 10 a.m.-3 p.m., Saturday, Sept. 30, high school workshop; Sunday, Oct. 1, school principal workshop. St. Francis of Rome, Elsinore, and St. John the Evangelist, Rubidoux, CCD teacher training, 7:30-9:30 p.m. Tuesdays, IO weeks. St. Ann, San Bernardino; St. Catherine, Rialto; SL Mel, Norco - 7:30 p.m ., Thursdays , 10 weeks, CCD teacher training. St. Francis de SalL's, Riverside, Come lo the Father Workshop, 7:30 p.m. Sept. 28, Oct. 5, 12. Court Good Shepherd, CDA, Aquinas high school scholarship fund, memory Mrs. Stella Desrochers, regent 1967-68. Catholic Daughters of America district meeting Saturday, Sept. 30, Holiday Inn , Ontario. Court St. Clare, CDA, noon, Saturda , Sept. 30. Oneira Woman's Clubhouse, San Diego. Our Lady of the Lake Church, Lake Arrowhead, only one ,aturday Mass, 5 p.m., except three-day weekends when 7 ,.m. Mass celebrated. Victorville Deanery Day of Recollection for priests iednesday, Oct. 4, Sacred Heart Seminary, Victorville. St. Rose of Lima Italian Catholic Federation chicken iarbecue 1-6 p.m. Sunday, Oct 1, parish center, Chula Vista. St. Martin's Woman's Club 11:30 a.m. Thursday, Oct. 5, parish hall, La Mesa. Christmas !<'air Nov. 4-5. ;\fary McKenzie vocal recital 8:15 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 7, USD Camino Theater, Alcala Park. ·

jungl s where she met de- scendants of the l\Iayan em- pl c. She said she believed her- etf to be the only Jivmg per- on fayan chieftains and high priests have PCl1!l1tted to carry off r_ock e from 1cient builllin s or to openly o erve village hfe. llom n ar Cl&¥eland, Ohio, Mrs. Shields went to Mexico


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