News Scrapbook 1972-1973

JC> - £"-)2. C USD's Karena Shields dies, 'she walked gently withGod' .

Pa111 2 _ SOUTHERN CROSS, THURSDAY, OCTOBER5, 1972 Around the diocese Mn1J i\ll-K1•111it• \'()(~d r~ ·1lal 8 1:; fl Ill Saturday, Oct 7, USll l',umno 'rh1-.1t1•r Al ·;tl,1 l'ark

Not a (pectoral) cross in sight Ull 1,1•:ll.\ l.D Spnrazzo. d1airn1.i11 ot tlw ps)·chology

OH K \HE:\.\ SIIIELOS, who died last 11·(•l·k. 11as one pl those rare persons who arc not air.rid lo de111on~tratc their lo1·e ol God and 11n. Ahoo I never wtthout a smile, thi:s noted anthr )()fog,st brought lo the ni1ers1t~• ol San Diego campus not only her great protes 1or:1·1I knowledge but the distinct impre swn that she ll'alkcd gcnlly with God Her mohrntion 111 recent y<•ars w.1s work amo11g t ll' M.iyan Indians on the border f ll!Pxieo anu Guatamala, virtually untouch d b1 the cross-currents oJ c11·i11wtio11 and dtsfc'as<• ot rcccnl ccnturic•s. Ever) s11mmPr ~he went with prole sional and student l'ollcagues to.


research, which



11 orldwidt> recogni lion IT i\ \S IIEIU~. on her own property, that the fatal blow struek. Whether a snake or an inSt'l't, nobody really knows. But she was bitten. and within days Jound hPr own medical knowledge and attention m- sulf icienl to stem the onset ot thl' extreme allergic reaction to the. poison. In the hospital in :1-lcxicu City, hallway home to San D1eg_o, she could last no more, and died tlwn• September 27, the least of St. Vincent de Paul. She was 65. I !er professional qualillcations from San JosC' State, USD. and the Universrty ol ,\loxico. earned her the distinction of out- standing educator. llc•r teaching included 14 years at USD - originally as a member of the old College lor Women laculty - at Redlands Unil·ers1ty and San Diego State Univrrs1ty r., \\',\RTI:'IIE she taught ,\aval Air /\avigatllm . lier many pubhcations cover everything from children's stories to high- t scientific medical reports lier concern for others is rl'fk-ctcd 111 the famil\· wish that tributes to her Like the form ot contributwns to the diocesan Society tor the Propagation ot the Faith, Alcala Park, designated to the San Leandro .\l1ss1011. Chiapas, !\lex1co There arc not many photographs of this sl'll-dtacing doctor 11ho saw Christ in others. But she said slw liked the picture I took ot her lour years ago with a sculptured head ol a J\.layan Indian ,\lichal'I :\cl\ man

FAVORED STUDY - Or. Karena Shields, USO professor who died last week, examines a sculptured Mayan head in a 1968 photo- graP.h,

T orer port Matadorroster firsts~;on victories I'~~ • I

to improve ir defense

ro-q -72- USD Auxiliary

out for the

R1vers1de and •~

nentor Curt kout with

ams u.1d

vear · Three practices





headed \~drew Hae 11nd Gu\ Yrllz while golf coach Joh \\ 1lson ha two n<>w-romer for a team 'hlch won JO of l'l mate he la • year

next tor upcommg seasons. Basketball coach Bernie Bickerstaff welcomes back l'eteran squad which should improve on its 12- 14 won-lost record of 1971-72. week


Yancey, luncheon



chairm n, held a recent y for eom, mittec members who final: ized pl n" for the prog,am. Ten uest models repre- senting local women's organi- zations have been rnvited lo par~ate In the show. Bt{f've meetin

10-11--~ National missions' office uses Fr. Dollen's book to mark 150 years

ma le rial advancement is necessary but secondary. Pauline was quite serious when she asked for a prayer and~ penny-in that order." "FOR O\'EH 30 years." Father Dollen observes, "she Jived as if she was a poor woman. She identified with poverty, but she always had material wealtl, to fall back on in- emergencies. "For most of the last 10 years she literally did not know where her next meal was coming k m She existed on handouts, mainly from the poor, so that at her death even they were her debtors." Pauline was not content ju t to have started _the mission soc,etv. To fight growing secularism in France she started the Associa lion of the Living

Rosary for daily prayer. LATER SHE founded the Association of the Holy Childhood and asked children to give a penny a month for the world's "pagan babies. " She also began the Society of l\Iar,, a loosely formed religious congregation of members seeking per- fection. "On her Jove of God and love of neighbors, she was truly heroic," says Father Dollen. "Her faults and mistakes were very human; her charity was monumental. "THE C.\CSE of her canonization was introduced in Rome in 1930. On Feb. 25, 1963, the Congregation of Rites declared she had practiced_ virtue to an heroic degree. "

Southern Cross Reporter A PRIEST OF the diocese ha written the life story of the founder of the Societ, for the Propagation ot the Fallh to mark its 150th an- niversary. Father Charles Dollen. librarian at t,;nivcrsity of San Diego and Southern Cross book reviewer, is the author of Charity Without Frontiers. based on the life- work of .\larie-Pauline Jaricot. The book was published by the society which is using it for its anniversary appeal • for missionary funds. P VLI:>;E Jar1cot. daughter of a wealthr fa mil,, was born July 22, 1799, in Lyons where she died Jan. 9, 1862. She was only 23 when she founded the missions society in 1822 and gave much of her wealth away as an example to others. "It is no exaggeration to say," Father Dollen writes, "that the society was the mamstay of American bishops during our missionary days ... " The lesson Pauline Jaricot wanled to affirm is that spiritual progress is the more important thing, while

Court Mystical Rose, CDA, Riverside, bene~il tour Hollywood Friday, Oct. 27. Details: 689-7902. Memonal ~ass deceased CDA members 9: 15 a.m_ , Nov, 5, St. Francis de Sales church, Riverside. Austin Family Guild 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 25, St. Augustine high school, San Diego. USD symphony concert 8: 15 p.m_Sunday, Oct. 29, Cami~c, Theater, Dr. Henry Kolar conductor, Mary Mackenz1e soloist. Dom Aelred Graham, British Benedictine monk, speaks on "Seeking for God" 8 p.rn., Oct. 20 and 27, Watkms Hall, University of California, Riverside_ Free lectures. University of San Diego homecoming Oct. 26-29. Includes USD Toreros vs Loyola Lions football 7:30 p.m., Oct. 26; dance Oct. 27, Bahia hotel; President's di nner, 6 p.m. Oct. 28 ; Mass 9:30 a.m_ Oct. 29, Founders Hall chapel. Center for Christian Development, Sa n Bernardino, Evenings of Prayer, 7:30-9, Thursdays in November,_ except .-.J Thanksgiving Day, 459 W. 17th ~t. Donation $2. Details; 882- 1776. Drop-in night Tuesdays, with Mass, dialogue or prayer. .._ Parent-Teachers Group, Santa Sophia Academy, Spring 0-.:- Valley, 8 p.m_ Thursday, Oct. 19, parish hall. ....__ Rosary Cr usade 2 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 22, St Joseph's I-- Cathedral, Father Donald Buchanan of Redlands, celebrant. Sponsored by San Diego Blue Army of Our Lady of Fatima, Legion of Mary and other groups. J Religion classes for deaf and hard of hearing Sa tu~days, 10-- 11 a.rn., Room 162, University of San Diego Cammo Hall. Details: Terri Duffy 298-9014. (_j st. Michael's parish, Paradise Hills, CCD awards, 9 a.m. J -Sunday, Oct. 22_ Holy Family Guild benefit c~rd party for Sisters of the Holy Family in religious educa~on l p.m. Saturday, Oct. 21, St. Didacus parish hall, San Diego. it St. Brigid's Madonna center, Pacific Beach,_CCD 10-week teacher training 7:30 P-m. Wednesdays, starting Oct. 23. University of San Diego Auxiliary student loan fund benefit fashion show noon Thursday, Nov. 9, Bahia Hotel. Reser- vations: 274-4714, 276-4185. Mercy Hospital and Medical Center benefit ball and fine arts auction 6:30 p.m. Saturday, Oct 28, Sheraton Harbor Island Hotel. Information Gfoup Movemenl dinner -da nce Sa turday, Oct. 21, Rancho Bernardo Swim and Tennis Club. St. Michael's IGM, Poway, host.

T~16"'-JV~ ACCENT ON CLUBS USD alumnae 10- r~- , expands annua holiday eve

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