News Scrapbook 1972-1973

/C>-,'f. ITT scandal bamed for convention move

USD favore over Loyola following wi

-5taff Photo

left, and Sammy aking handoffs when ola tomorrow night.



ouble digit nu- I double trouble Running backi.

Tuesday, October 24, 1972 - QB Shuttling Pia_ Spreads -·

westefp College be'ore joming was ambushed by Redlands


University or San Diego hasltne oreros. Orf to a slow start (30·0), Claremont (30-0), and scored 15 touchd v.ns on the after suffering a hip pointer in Whitt,er (40-0) in its first three ground in fashioning a 3·3 pre-season scrimmage, he has start _The offense received a rec hus far th season rome along fast irr recent boo t m 1\s last start_ when these belong to the To• gam and now has 345 yards quart~rback Dale Cr1sc.1one rer 1-2 punch of running in 9l tn . [Or a 3.7 meanwlule saw !us first _action this seas_on backs Sammy Croom and Andy scormg fo1r touchdowns. :irter recov~nng from a foot !~- Sanchez. His senior year at Castle Park JUI') and dm:ctcd a 19· 18 wm · d th · b t found anchez scoring 24 touch- over Pomona. The pair enJoye etr _r downs and he has continued his The Lions re idle last week evemng oCofltlhe .fason ata1nsd fine plav at Southwestern mak· ' SD char d past the same Pomona e~e .a t \\E:'e. a£° mg the· a i ague ~quad both mona club, 28-6. coach Andy Vmc1 1s h_opmg or seasons The Toreros resorted to the a repeat tomorrow rught In ~ 1 - "He's· hif. "d of a guy wlloltwo quarterback system for the rare T~ 1 ~rtay / 0 T:'..o e~g:g~t can turn I e around at an! first time agamst Pomona and rnent ~ 1 yo a O 1 time," el Vinci, "a real some of the same is expected es. blue-chi a le¼! who can play tomorrow night. Tom Jones. a "Our off~~se _ha~ been •patty both of ense and defense as he 17-year-old Ire hman from Au- all season, Vmc1 cornpl~med. has had to do with our small gn ta, Ga., J()med regular Hen• ··we lacked cons1stcnc: Ill al• ro \er of players.,. 1 -y Sint 4 y on an equal time most every game Then, last 'f'he duo may have '.!. chance basis after eeing brief act1qn week we put It all together for lo roll up c:on tderable yard- the week before. . the first time. Croom_ an~ San,<;• dage again tomorrow night Jones completed four of f1Ve hez both d1~ outstandmg Jobs lagam 3 t the 1-3 Lions from Lo- passes after going 1 for 8 pre- O_utstandmg well describes yola. viously to earn. another shot their ef!orts coach Tom Richards' club here tomorrow night. Croom collected 143 yards and a touchdown 24 tries, Sanchez 114 for two Tds in 22 carries. Crossing the goalline was


'r. em \\ill Qe u ed again w n

host Loyola

ursday night game -

. en: runners sweepmg


his w k.

The qu I erback. are junior the-

p five place .

J'he Griffins are so strong



Henr Tom



n that defending state champ E:d "Sintay has done \\ell for us '.\1endoza 1s the No. 2 man this this year but Jones has looked year to freshman Terry C?tton. good in practice so I decided to Cotto_n has . et rec?rd at five of b th f them la t week ,, the six courses he s nm on thus us_e . o . o , far. Vinci s td . Tom Lux I No. 3 d coach Vinci so had kind \\oi:ds_ for Bob Larson said he feels these a Torero defense that hm1ted three could run on any team in P~mona to 15 yards ru hing. the country, either junior col- 'When you conSJder six of Jege or four-year. our ori · al starting ll aren't Joe Stubbs, Larry Stone, with us anymore, we've done Steve Israel and Bob Wilson quite ~II," _Yinci said. He complete the seven-man team. noted his middle linebacker The Griffins ate so strong weights 165 pounds and is that in the recent Long Beach flanked by 160 and 170 pound- Invitational, Grossmont took ers. . the first six places in a field of Vinci SJ g out m1~dle 11 teams and 90 runners. And guard Co ll. nley and line- their seventh man was ninth. backer D ell Beshears for * * * their effort junior soccer team fro~ * * . Hanover, West Germany, will U.S. International University visit San Diego Saturday, meet- fell to ~3 and if _coach ~arv ing the Aztecs of Califor~a Braden 1s upset, 1t hasn t af- State University, San Diego, m fected his sense of humor. \ a 2.:30 p.m. match on the Bal- Speaking on the turnovers boa Stadium pitch. that have plagued his club, Braden said: "It doesn't matter if it's home or away, we·re proficient in both placl!s.

,G+ctw 10·1.! -1 Toreros go Thursday night to bols er ew grid program

Jack Aderson Aid Calls ITT Fallout Good The !TI affair and its resul• tant shift of the Republican Na- ·onal Convention from San Diego to scandal out." acc-nr the Wash1 press corps. The ob.."€f ijoo was by Brit ; Hume, chief ,Jn tlgative re- - porter !Jr colu 1st Jack An• l:li derson. Hume, 'ho addressed ) students at. IM University of San Diego and ~n held a rap session. said the incident hope- fully will b~ 'rcllective of a o wider truth." 1 The "wider ruth.'' he said, Is Y greater awareness of the "abili- "°' ty of men in corporate power to I influence government." .....! It is the hope of journalists, Hume said, that such aware- ness "will result in mJre con- structive politics." In this light, Hume said, the ITT incid

nothing new for Croom. The 6-2 and 190 pounder out of Elgin, Ill., has scored once in each of the Torreros' six contests. And he docsn 't believe in the short gainer. His TD romps have been for 90, 58. 57, 35, 23 and 19 yards. The 21-vear-old socio Io g y major rushed for _s()() yards at Palo Verde College two years ago, then sat out most of last season wit!\. an i.11Jury His currl>nt stats at USO sh0\'l 93 yards in an even 100 carries for n impressive 5.9 average. Sanchez (5-8 and 175) played at Castle Park Hiih and South-

"The script will remain the same, but the cast will change. We've got our problems holding onto the ball. This week we spread it aiound. Five guys fumbled one!!"" Braden said ii e Westerners played tomorro (they play Saturday at Los Angeles State), freshman Rdben Anderson would be at q erback repl- acing Doug Omer. Omer is a versatile type who played several po itions last year. Braden w a ked where he might be Saturday. •·Right behind me on the side- lines," the coach replied. Braden praised the play of defensive back Robert Redd and said the Westerners were once stopped after havio'g a first-and-goal at the·two and a second-and-goal af the six-inch line. " * * Inches are of no concern to Grossmont Colleg~.,cross county team th! fal[~rne Grif· tins have been \'\'inning b, miles. The Griffins have alwayi been strong in the, sport, win- ning the state junior college title in 1965, placing second in '66 and third last year when fa. vored. In 21 Mi ion Conference dual meets, Grossmont has never st and the Grilfs have won the ast six stra· 0 bt by perfect

que 100

'T e k that really want to play football. nes that maybe d1dn 't have such good en1or }Wm high chool and were overlooked by other college The ones that know they'll get a chance to play here · Al ones that know. with Vinci leading the driv USO will someday be the presllg1ous schoo 1t was once directed toward. And with his newest to be experiment - Thursday night college f tball - the drive is beginnmg to pick up mOmelltum. "F'ootba I on onday mghts," said Vinci. "whv not Thursd y?" We'll see come tomorrow mght when the Torero host Loyola College of Los ngel at 7; 30. It will also be USD's first horn ommg m 11 ears "Let try it." Vinci said. "We've got the avenue to ex nment. I've talked with the p,res1dent (l ) and the booster club and they all said. hey l's a good idea· .. "A Jot of oth r coaches like the idea. It gives them the opportun y to scout on the weekends. And for the playus it will mean a day less practice during the week. I've never met a kid tha ed practicmg during the week. r t fewest sporting event going on n he fall on Thursday evenings I'd like to be able to mo11opolize th newspaper sports sections on Thursdays. Alter all. there are some alumni who remember when it was USO tonight and the R s tomorrow." Other advantages would include making USO stadium a regional stadium meaning USO would lease the field to area high schools on F'nd y and Saturday evenings. thus aiding the supplv of lighted fields for night play and also bolstering the financial situation of the Toreros. "Lets make this a place where people know they're going to see a football game on Thursday, Frt y and Saturday rights. Then on the mghts of the high school games we cam advertise our own game for the followmg Thursday night "The results remain to be seen." Then: 1s the possibihty that. through financial blessing from individual "U" Club m mbers. carnivals, concerts. spring practice. a~ve~h ing and the selling of Padre tickets. Vmc1 utd enlarge the stadium to a capacity of 12. . thus enabling larger crowds and bigger ·take at USO stadium events We could po. s1bly end up with even home game~ next )'ear ' Vmc1 said "At $3.00 a head with a crowd of 12,000. that's $252,000 over seven games Even at $2.00 that's still $168.000 ' Then there would be the $300 per night rent from high schools And that 1s not all bad for a econd year program that needs $180.000 to run a smooth operation, tu1t1on and all. Con ider this season as Vmc1 has managed to field some 35-40 athletes and win two of his first five games on a $20,000 budg t. "The kev 1s having a place to play " said Vmci "And it's not that far fetched nghtno• ·· The

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