News Scrapbook 1972-1973
USO professor gets honorary 0 Irving Salomon of i ty of San Diego faculty a d a member of the board o1' t s will receive an honora ry octor of Laws degr c frPm Georgetown Univer ity, Washington, fl C. aturday, ov 4 He 1s being c·ited for ser- vice lo the U.S. government and Georgetown University. S lomon is a trustee emeritus of Georgetown and former d legate to the United ali n and chair- m n of the American d legation to U E O A former Army colonel, he ch two political . c1ence at USO the Uni
11•11. ... 7'- SD Opera Work hops Planned ah Lynne v. 111 •nare thP girl's role while the pa of the 'swtor will be rnng by James Taran mn. Set for lhP opera " kshnp prnduct1on are by Bruce Ro- ma,o w1th co ume hy Debra Kmg .11Ss 1 or and William Offl,. r t at'- compal)ymg p a and the prr ra for •• 11! be un r 'he d Dr. Laura Schan and Debo- 'H ry Kol<\r.
11-17 Internafonal Dinnc If Id
C~OQi, McDOll~id Pi Scoring Skills
eorgetown Pays Tribute To Salomon
Scholarships to come fr benefit dance
bcner,t dance
It plans
Friday, 17, at the ll arhor I land Sheraton Inn. The don,ttlon is $4 a person. 1-'or more d tails, phone 2:!5· 62'Jl ov
~ru,m 17 < hips for anrwal clm,wr lnlf'mntio11a/ Club, lTniuPrslfy of San
gn<>n /n·
center, chairman of the scholarship co RJittee and Mrs. Carmen Heffler, ACretary, told the bishop of plans for benefit scholarship dance Nov. 17 at tlte Harbor Island Sheraton Inn. - SC .photo
PLAN SCHOLARSHIPS - Leaders of ,a new committee to raise scholarship funds for Mexican-American colle11e students admire a wooden head of Pope Paul on visit to Bishop Leo T. Maher in diocesan office. Mrs. Bertha Torres,
la=i Moadel o[ Iran, above, .s the meat /or a spPcial min- e mt>atball. Marguerita Va l- riglit, is one of manv chop- Jruit /or giant salad ·bowl.
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