News Scrapbook 1972-1973

Sanchez oted f oreros' MVP Sophomore running b~ck ndy Sanchez was named 1he • ost valuable player for the Tniversity of San Diego's foot- ball team last night at the awards banquet held at the Town and Country Hotel. Sanchez, also used as a line- backer on defense, gained 639 yards in 167 carries and scored six touchdowns on the Toreros quad which finished with a 6-3-1 record. A graduate of Castle Park High School where he was named Metro League back of the year in 1969, Sanchez also was an all-conference selection at Southwestern College in 1§71. Other awards last night went to Bruce McFarlan, most in- spirational ; Mike Wagner, best deJcnsl\·e player· Sammy Croom, best often v player; Tony Castillo, high t offensive efficiency lineman; Tom Jon , most improved offense and Bill ache, most improved defense. nchez, Wagner a d '.\lcFarlan were named captains xt · ~ar'"""·- - ~ -

USO-schedules Yule program A posada m the authenllr in search ot

lodging. After

being turned away many limes they find a place and there i great rejoicing. Candy filled piilatas will be broken The llalll't Folkloriro will dance in

Mexican tradition will be the



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University of San Diego to the people of the commumty of San Diego County. A pcrtorman<'<' the Ballet Folklorico de Tijuana will be held in the open-air Creek Theater on the USD Campus on Sunday, at 7:30 p.m. The public of all ages 1s invited. The Cathedral Choir of TiJuana will lead the Posada which enacts the Journey ot Mary and Joseph to Bethlehem by

natm• costumes.

·;~~ & n Devils Rip T reros, 85-59

rizona ·To l I 7 oreros,.79- 0

35 p ints, 17 rebounds iA.,614~ US_D gets n.t•'>'h last chance in Arizona %;.VENING TRIBUNE DiSPOl,h TE'.\1PE, Ariz. $ity of San ::>iego's va ion failure unless the Toreros \ from Arizona State h~re in Flagstal! last n ht. It 11 as. the 1 r ~econd JOS8 ·11 a row since the, !eh home. t wasn t Pinky Smit l's fa US~ didn't come out on to last night. He scored 3;; points and turned m 17 rebounds. The· free thro~ line once again helped pave the wav for USD's setback. just as ii did the night before aga:nst L'niversity of Arizona in Tuc- son. Last night the Tru·eros had only thrc•e chances in the second haU and made two of them. Their conquerors hit on 21 of 26 from the ehatity line. USD outshot Northern Ari- zona. 44 to 40. in fie1d goals. Swnmary. of Arizona \I ill be a cc.:nplete mght. be Toreros 11 ere downed by ortl1ern Arizona linlver- sity. 79-73,


COPLEY AIDS QUAKE FUND James S. Copley, chair- n an of the corporation pub- I hing Copley Newspapers. last night contributed $2.500 to the Nicaraguan earth- quake relief fund. The contribution 1Vas made on. behalf of The Copley Newspapers. Contributions to the relief fund may be sent to The Ni- caraguan Earthquake Dis- aster, in care of the Ameri- can Red ss, 3540 Fifth Ave., San Diego, Cal!~ 92103. r}M/

CCD area chatrmcu "" u ..... ____ ference Room, Alcala Park, San Diego. Teacher training for mentally retarded 2-4 and 7:30 - 9: 30 p.m. Details : 291-7614. 4 Unh ersity of San Diego Serra Hall, Room 2'1:l, preschool . teacher training 7:30 p.m. Wednesdays, Jan. IO for six weeks fl :\lission San Luis Rey CCD basic theology 7:30 p.m. " Thursdays, J an. 11, for 10 weeks. .......,_ St. Mary's Star of the Sea , Oceanside, Scripture class on New Testament IO a.m. Tuesdays, Jan. 9, for four weeks. Details 722-1688. Center for Christian DevelopmeuL San R<>•--''-- nn~ .,_ teacher tra in;~- - -

, Plloto by Dennis Huls


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tucfent rorulcit,cn includP

' Dorothv Flor- ,\lr,. Florer., e, pla,min; a law

1•11 c, witli on •'l1cliael Paul \ Vright.

pre iclerit of r m er~ily of Sun Diego student hocl ·.

·a Jears ago .,,. 1 . '"" ~, From The Southern ( ross. ec. 19, l!J.J7 - Pope Pius XII ells Arc hbi shop John L 'Alton, Pnmate ol Ir land , md other Irish bishops he is oncerned over the large- ,cale crn1gration of young people from Irela nd and urges Cutholic orgunizations to encourage youths to remain 111 their •0untrv . - . - National Catholic Re settlement Council formed in New Yr k to assist all dio ceses sett1r g up re ettlemen1 committeei. dedicated to thf rehabilitatio~ and welfan of displaced persons in lhf U.S. Universil\ foundation i'' und holds luncheon for ucwspup ;,hd radio cxecutiv~, IJu mes , civic and other leud rs to acc1uaint them with l'atholic educ, lion ,ind get lh1>1r support {or $2.5 milli on drive .for the Uni versi ty of San.; n go a nd other educallon:11 ins itutions.

USO Sets Course In Astronomy A special course in astrono my inspirPd by the ne~ plane, tarium in Balboa Park will be conducted by University of San Diego Jan 4-25. Titled "The Violent Uni- ven;e," the course ,• designed as an introduction to modern astronomy for non cienCE' ma- Jor~~ A spokesman said "inter. st in the course was sparked y the new planetarium in Baj• a Park." r n,,tructors will be Dr. Rarn• t Rickett and John J . Kauf• f('!jearcbers at USD s will meet each week, eta from 1:15 to 4 p.m. Regis- eUon will be m De Sales Hi11l on campus at 8 a.m. and 6 p.m; on Jan. t

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