News Scrapbook 1972-1973

nied aid though they thou~ht they qualified, or people who were underpaid 'rlus year w are going to r re 'nt peop! who have be cused of w!'lfare fraud in .criminal pro- ceeding at the. Municipal Court. We know the students are pretty lamili r with wel- fare law bul h ' the proce- dure wm' work out remains to be sren. We are pretty well bre· king ne und here," said Miss Genn ro. Russell Rohm on is direc• tor of the Linaa i ta Clinic which operat QUl of thP. Neighborhood House A socl- at10n on y and Thurs- day afternoons. Last year 888 cllrnts werP ~erved, of which 65 cases required pleadings or court Rppearanc<>~, 503 wc>re resolved by negotiations or on the spot advice and 320 were referred to othc,r atlor- n{ ys or to public agencies for non-legal assistance, Linda Vista handles mostly , welfare rights ca <'S, 40 per lions, 20 per cent, and d by a named lawyer or lawyers who will take re- ~on.~1blity for the work. The program is an effort to give intern~hlp t pe training to law students in an wer to a challrnge from Warren E. Burger, Chief Justice of the u.. Supreme Court. "The shortcoming of to• day's law graduate lie • not in a deficient knowledge of the law, but in that he had ing with fact or people - stuff of which cases are real- ly made," he said. "There is no que tion about it. In this program the stu- denls are learnmg a 11reat deal about the actual practice of law as it is actually done,'' the little, lf any, aining in deal-

ca s. In J~nu ry of 1970, Board of Governo1 s of State Hai A oc,at rnn forth rules E:oviirn111g


prac I al of law sfu• the L D Law School b gan II ing them In l971. h,i n fl dents m the pr of laYi. A'ITO EV SUPhRVl on n lornn who is super• \l~m a group of students mu ;t Ile a mrmher of the Stat and hav ractlced law 1vely for twn years. Ca like ll~e above have been handled by llichard Wha nn. thml year law stu- dent d directnr of th clrn1c at t )1clropolitan rea Ad· v o Co1mc1l, at 827 A. St., :Na onal City, " 'e ha,·e three teams here, l'~l'h one con isling of two t rncys to supcrv1•e, two third ·car l,1w ~tudents \l,hO 111 interv1 w clients and repre nt them In court or at hearings, an


'"•e~E ' est team ,n town ,, '3•/ 15 • • challeriges Wh,ttrer EVENING TRIBUNE Dispatch WHITTIER-They are, the Poets have defeated USD 15 of the 20 times the two schools have played.

-staff Ph to by Goorge Smith

Prof ,,••or CT10,lr.s A T vncli aml Rill nlatcldP.v, third vear [(fl,. ~lttdent al the Uni ver;ifv of San Dieao. re•earch for a ca e Bill is working on (or tl1e Legal Clinfc ron•orecl hv tf1e Tam <:;cfiool. Poor person~ ore helped in {our San Diego Count}' locolions. t rn units of credit for their I have; but you have to have

some say. the best college basketball learn in San Diego. Tonight, however, the To- reros of the University of San Diego would setfle for being the best in Whittier. It is here they will ctlntest the Whittier Poets, beginning at 8 p.m. 12-5 record into the game, fresh from a 72-68 victory over Cal Poly San Luis Obispo last weekend. Whittier is 8-9 but USD will bring a

Whittier is led by 6 ft. 10 in. center Fred Hicks, a junior col'ege transfer who joined the Poets at m1dsemesler. Hicks scored 15 points and collected 10 rebounds in his first game. He is joined in the starting lineup by guards Al Hardin (13.3 points per game) and Jack Smoot (10.4), and for- wards Rod Tatum (6.9) and Bernie Hoskin (8.4). Robert "Pinky" Smith is pac:ng USD with a 17.7 aver- age and Stan Washington is at 16.6. . USD will return hume Fri- day night for an encounter with Cai Poly Pomona, begin• ning at 8. G FG FT TP Avg, REB ASST R. Smith 17 137 27 301 17.7 183 14 Washington 11 120 42 282 16.6 112 8< Thompson 17 65 2, 154 9.1 165 17 K. Smith l7 59 29 147 8.6 99 13 .. Smith l7 63 20 146 8.6 37 17 Cose-nzo 17 39 10 88 5.2 61 12 Davis 17 28 10 66 3.9 • 0 11 Modic 15 15 5 35 2.3 10 15 Roblns;on 6 8 3 19 3.1 9 2 Bolo 5 5 2 12 2.4 5 2

advocate5 on both sides and too of n th poor haven't had

clime work. 'OT F, SY

anyone," he said. During 1971

"After one interview hPre the student realizes that this i. not going to be an easy two people's lives, and they are crcd1 . It's working Wharton graduated the Umvers1ty of Dayton, three ears in 1he U.S. army In Vt tnam ?,here he was a bat•ery commander. , W!i n I came home, I work d for a month in Ne,v York In a management tram- :n program for a paper com- y. I •as domg well, but asn't gomg to be sat- p knew I Ohio, in 1966, and served '»tlh said from dl'pemling Wharton. on you,"

through 1972,

over 1.200 persons wrre Inter- viewed at the MAAC clinic; 2.35 were accepted a clients, 437 were referred to attor- neys in private practice or to 0th er age ncics aa d over 5 oo had their problems resolved at th e mibal interview. At the MAAC Clinic, the Family Servlr: Assoc1ation works with the legal per on- net, and the MAAC proVJdes interpreters and office help. Judy Di Gennaro is director Of 1)1e Southeast Wei- \ fare Law Clin c locat m the Legal Aid Off ce at 2751 Im- perial Ave. This clmlc nwcts Tuesdays ~nd Thursday& from 7 to g .341 r.m , and last ar saw 900 applicants. Sev- e teams were working here WELPARE CLIE :'I'S "La.~t-semcster we worked on fair heartngs w1 h welfare '/ clients, people who were de- here.

U II~ ,j>o/7. Re ·nd ed 's Ashes


tudent I said Professor Lynch.

isfied,'' he said.

•/2.1/~ T~ USD names Hoffman as rid aide Li versity of San Diego has dded a full-time assi,tant ach to what i hopes will be gr Wm>( football program. The school. which resumed ntercollegiatc football this i a t season 11 ith but ime fulJ. 1 11' 0 c:oach, head man Andy ~·;nc,. ye terda,· added Tom offman · Hoffman, 31, has coached r.e la t three ) ears at Mont- omel'} High Prior to that he was an a s1 tant for three years at Ca tie Park. Hoffman is a graduate of California State University. San Diego, where he was an offensive tackle from 1962-&I. Prior to that he played at Riverside City College and Coarhella Valley High. Hoffman will handle tlie offensive line. according to \ nc1. He II ii: join a start which include defensive :co()rdinator Bob Korzep and defensive backfield coach John Hamels.

Is enjoying his


work at 1he clinic and plans s a public advoc te al10n; 1f It is pos- lo work after gr


"We have an advocate sys- n thi~ coUI1try and I tlunk it's thr be t k nd to -::::.:_~~_:_--~-----'-- terr>

.Sunday, Jan. 28,. Channe 1l, .San J.nei,;v.--~--~~-~ Uni_ve1·sit.1· of ban Diego Founders Gallery, Alcala Park exhibit of, wall pi~l'S by Charles Emt!rs01 10 a.m. 1 p m through f e 1 ruary. · Father l.a~1ren~e Battle, associate pastor, St Joseph's Cathedral, ?1ves Scnptu~e rlass 9:45-11 ·45 a.m. Tuesdays, Room 2, Serra Hall, USD, Alcala Park Details· 295-57"! 239~229. ' ' ~' J Mission San Luis Rey Marriage Encounters Jan. 26-28 and Feb. 9-11; Ca thohc pentecostal retreat Feb. 2-4. Details• 757-3651, 278-4052. . !...--~__ s_t._l\_1_a_,ry's parish, National City, a

Hoffman Selected As USO Assistant Ur. iersity of San Diego yes- terday announced Tom Hoff- man has joined the school a.~ offensive line coach under head football ro1ch Andy Vinci. The act1011 followed Hoff. man's re~1g' •.ion as head grid co~c at :\Iontgomery High School. ··we are very fortunate to have a man with Tom's dedica- tion and enthusiasm and I know he will be a real asset to us," commented Vinci. Hoffman, 31, was an offen,ive tackle at Cal State University, San Diego. He was defensive coordinator at Castle Park High from 1967-69 before taking 01·er at Montgomery Hi·h in 1970 \N',.l\ GN I /,.'+./1 3

1/.2'S /11, S. ~o Shakespeare at USO . The University of San Diego Camino Theater, Alcala Park, will host a free presentation of A Mid- summer Night's Dream by the New Shakespeare Company of San Francisco at 8 p.m. Friday, Feb. 2. The cast of 26 young players will be directed by Margnt Rome.

Program Of v\ 1 omen's AuxiJiary To Salvation Army Door Of Hope

/In bolizc Choice For San Diego Women Of Elegance

The Women of Elegance who w~ e c·hosen this year for "Ele- gan<' • in life styles that enable th m to •rve their community ¼ith gt',t · and eft'i<·i ncy" are i\Im s. Bal'bara D. Anderson, J. Dalla.· Clark, Harold J. Cok ly, William .J. Doyle fl?r· Anita V. FiguPrerlo), .Merlin l Gal , M1- Iti onzale;,;, Clifford Grob tPm /Dr. Ruth ( rohsteinl, VIC for Il. Krulak, W. Daniel Lar• . en, Bonsall Noon, John C. (Mar e) O'Donnell and orton S. Walbridge.

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