News Scrapbook 1972-1973
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USILJ LJSD l/nl7J , i To See Action
Joreros Humb ? hapman, 98-7:, 1,-J~ -1,
Gr p ic arts sale .Feb. 20 at USO 4 1 4 13 An exhibit and sale of original graphic arts by contemporary and old mas- ter artists will take place 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 20 at USD's Founders Hall. Ope n to the public, the show will include 1,000 original etchings, lithog- raphies and woodcuts by Picasso, Chagall, Renoir, Dali and other artists. Proceeds will benefit USD studenL~. The exhi bit bas been arranged by Ferdinand Roten Galleries of Balti- more, Md., which promotes such events as an extension of art education on college campuses.
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ni er 1ty of San Diego sur-1 60 men this fall," Vinci ex- p J d a ot of people, perhaps ~lains. "We hope to _find oud , . . Just what we have m these I e n :Oa<:h An~y \ mct, whe~ 11 spring workouts. We are hold- won 1 • and t d .one agamst ing our practice early in the only t l1i its football year so we will have plenty of rev cn la~i sea n. time to look for ~ome more 'Vt" ha sot e more sur- prospects if we fma we are prises m store beginning today lacking anywhere." wh(n Uie Torcros open spring One of the top new prospects drills at U 'D S dium. is quarterback Bob Dubch who They will work from 5:30 to won all-conference honors al 7:'30 p m. fondays through Saddleback College where he Thursdays with ,an intrasquad passed for 19 touchdowns and game to cl1m::ur dril!s on March amassed over 2.600 yards in to- 22. tal offense. He is 5-10 and 185 total of 34 recruits will join pounds. holdovers from last year's squad Another QB candidate with 1n Uie spring exercises and Vin- added height is 6:5 and 215- c 1s countmg heavily upon some, pound Bob Tomlinson from junior college talent to fill some Southwestern College. holes in la t year's lineup. The two "freshmen" from "All but two of our new- MCRD are 6-5. 215-pound wide comers are junior college receiver Ken Wils?n and 6-1, transfers," \'mci reminds. 240-pound , qefens1ve tackle " he othei:- two played a lot of Howard Farmer.. I
-Stoff Photo by Tony Doubek C l1atting before tTw "Town and Gown" dinner party 11Rla las t nigTit by tl1e Univer ity of San D iego Auxiliary al De Safes dining room on the U~ f) campus are lr . A. M. Livin~r~lon, auxi/iar\' pre~ident, left; Mrs. \ \lilliam K. Buckle,·, dinn er chairman; fJr. 1\uthor E. H11gT1es,. un i1wsily president, and Mr~. H ughes. ·
~~rf-73 USD, Al umni Shift Ba eball Game Site
MOY VINCI ... drllls Toreros
foctbalt with the San Diego Ma- r 'les (MCRD) which provides corners and some pretty good experience. linemen m O\!.r ,, we have ome: very skilled men says Vinci. "We finished 10th lmebarkers last s~ason, the a a number o{ key positions.• out of 421 schools in rushing de- coach continued. . Al~ of_ ~he tSD had a 37-man roster at fense (, -CAA college division) new ones we are bnn_ging m go tile-end of the 1972 season. Of last year.when we allowed only 195 pounds or better. that group, nine are not ex- 74.5 yards per game. we·could On offense, the Torero~ h~ve pee ed back. Tops among these have been even better with a come up with 215-poun en are end Roger Leonard, tackle tighter defensive secondary." Kmg who was an all-league Bruce McFarlan and defensive Top newcomers in the latter tackle at Mesa (_Anz.) College, bark Bill Yavorsky. category are Randy Carucci (6· all-c?nference tight end Bob " \\ e only want to carry about 1, 19·) from Pasadena Cit Col- Mon!ca from COD and former • "We we11t after a Couple of lege and Pete Sanchez <5-11, some, offensive 2151 from College of tile Desertal. I , ·ti recrm ng, " 1 "We had some , sm I . ·
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What's Happening
" Inda-Persian Influences On Contemporary Art" will be held at the La Jolla Museum of Contemporary Art through Apr. 28. WEDNESDAY Pacific Beach Lions Club, 12:10 p.m., Catamaran Hotel. Point Loma Lions Club, 7 p.m. , Rodeway Inn. Mira Mesa Town Council Board Meeting 7:30 p.m. at Mason Elementary School. Lecture : "The Philosophy of Technology" by Joseph P. Ghougassian , Assistant Professor of Philosophy, USD, Alcala Park De Sales Auditorium, 7:30 p.m
TODAY Chamber Music Concert at UCSD Camino Theatre 4p.m. Mira Mesa Jaycees general meeting al the home of Abe Doliente, 10485 Westchester Ave. 7:30p.m. Old Town San Diego Tour, dally at 11 a m. meet at Visitors Center, 4016 Wallace Street. MONDAY Rotarv Club of Pacific Beach, ·12·10 p.m.,Catamaran hotel. TUESDAY Point Loma Optimists Club. 7 a.m. Kona Kai Clup Ocean Beach Kiwanis Club,
a . m. ,
7: 15
Kearny Mesa
Club, noon , Sands Hotel. Pacific Beach Toastmasters, 6 p.m. Waibles Restaurant. Mira Mesa Jaycees board meeting, Art Leitch Realtors, Mira Mesa Shopping Center, 7 p.m. San Diego Christian Divers meeting, 7:30 p.m., University City First Bapllsl Church, Miramar Road and Genesee. Single Squares Square Dance Club, 8 p.m. Bayview Terrace Elementary. An educational exhibit called
\eadmg scorer at Westchester High m L A Riel! Paulson out of Los An City College. The USD uits: DE FENSE BACKS - Vic Bennett, 6-1, 195; Tonv Wolters, 6-n. 180; 1:iarlev Sefton, 5-11, 17S; Mitch McDon Id 5-11, 190; Randy cClure, 5.7, .Pat Johnson, 6-1, 170; leff Horris. 6-2.:.'1.99 l ee Frledersdorf, 5•9, /'l; LINEBA{.;,C81t$ - Ed Tanori, 6-0, ,_. fe1:e i 0: c:r 1 Jc,~~ 5 ti: 0 lil~~sr )aniels, M:), ~J; LINEME N - Poul SYV• rson~ ~.a., 195; Jerry Netzlv, 6-0, 22S; -loward Former, 6-1, ~40; Gordon Duncan, >·ll. 220; Bob CampbPII, 5-10, 235. OFFENSE . QUARTERBACKS - Bob Tomlinson, ~~·, t\5J. feS~i~~l~~n:~J~A, 12~ 00 },~~~ ~?c'~~i3 1 tofi!~n, 1 f~. L,E:\ , O ~i~~CJt 1 'p~~l: ton, 5•11. 175; FLANKER - Bob Molino, p~•u1 17 f ~ Es~~\.;:" ~~ 1 ~W:-b 5 b, ~ 1 t ;:~ (\~e'll'~~~sk;~ 8 k1~~~ ~!ev, b-~l_.;tq_rnl~, ~2_1:- ~ztec Nine ..,
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