News Scrapbook 1972-1973

;t,r ju t Tanother Smith

T or~l'O star' S 5

San Diego, Wednesday, March 7, 1973 Pinky or Bob, Toreros' standout not just another Mr. Smith



this year by his brother, fr ny Smith, who broke Pink ·s d100I scoring record at Jefferson High by 49 ·hman Ken- There 1s another Smith. Joe, on the Torcro sta1iing five. But he's no rela- "It's fun playmg with ]{ nny," 5a1d Smith. "He was a sophomore whC'n I was a ~rnior in high school and we only pl yed I\\O games together. , 1 with him quite a bit last umm<>r bPfor<> he played in th<' state boo! all-star game. Thal was the mning of our unity, we shared what e ore that, we were two separate players." That is not to say. however, there isn't some rivalry between the Bros. tion. hi th B f nowledge we had toge er. "There• ,ire tertain drills we havl'," aid S1111th. ·'where you can take out µer onal grnd•,es against people, My brother and I arc always going at 11 !hall hi• brotilcr. who shares play111g 1 ~ith Pet!' Cosenza al the other fonrnrd . He weighs 207 lbs. The dimensions. obviously, are not that," said Pinky., u the pros want me 11wy ma) want me for the backcourt I · . 1 could pl y there ul nght now I 1 me tho e of a pro forward. " l realize it would he a draotic change " or o:iurse if basketball doesn_ t work points. Snulh . It's I.ind of a tun thing." Pink\'. at 6 fl. 6' in., is 2 1 2 in. taller don't ha enough c · encc becaui;c

By JACK WILLIAMS When Robert Smith wa~ a baby, not much bigger than a basketball hoop, his mother started calling him "Peeky," It was a nickname that last- ed about a, long as it took somebody to say "Pinky." Whatever you call him-and Robert longs for the day when folks will ad- dress him as just plain "Bob"- here is a guy you won't mistake for just anoth- er :'\Ir. Smith. Some ob ervers. in fact, have likened him to Sidney Wiclts, a basketball play- er of similar dimensions, style and fa. eta! characteristics. It's a comparison Pinky Smith - ''That' the way I sign my autographs" n r ally get into. dream of playing against Wicks," sa1 th, "of having him see me and think h looking in the mirror. It could be some day.·· Indeed, it could, and a pro basketball court would be as good a place as any. Wicks, at present, is a Portland Trail- blazer Smith is one of two genuine pro pros- pects cavorting for coach Bernie Bick- erstaff at the University of San Diego. He is one of the big reasons they are 18-8. bound for the l\' ational C.Ollegiate Athletic Assn. College Division playoffs Friday night in Bakersfield. It is there, at Bakersfield City Col- lege, that the Toreros will oppose Bak- ersfield State, also 18-8, at 9 p.m. It is a wonder, considering his one-<>n-one con- frontations with everything from pneu- monia to black widow spiders, that Smith will be there, too.

Two weeks ago, just when he was be- ginning to regain most of his strength from a case oi the flu and a broken foot that hounded him in the early season, Smith was bitten by the black widow. Then came a slight injury to his knee. Last year, as a sophomore, Smith battled pneumonia for part of the sea- son. As a freshman, all he had was a His left arm remains a trille weak from the spider bite, and he is about under what he considers hi · be: t ei ht, but Smith will be th ro Friday m.ght. H wii, be t111'ne i th an 18.4 scoring average, a 55 0 shoo mark and the kind of board work which has produced 10.6 rebounds per game. Despite the statistics, Smith's pn·s- ence at a school as small as USD would seem a handicap in terms of a pro lu- "It could be, I suppose.'· he admit- ted. "but being in the regionals helps. So do<>s bemg on a team as good as It is a tPa!l1 , in


CT - Kenny, left, and Pinky Smith figure to be very much In evidence Friday nrght when the University of San Diego opens th college division • CM basketball playoffs again.rt Bakersfield tate in Bakersfield. P inky is a Toreo standout, scoring and rebounding, and a top pro pro ·pect.

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ith has been

(Continued op. pag C-8, col. 4)

Bic ersiaf f Cofn 1 e Bocl With Torer s (ContinuPd from Pagf' C-1) tallstics from that gam , o position's sty!r of o l~r r lnsi ts We couldn 't hit .l'l • o II against us in prc1 rn thing. Ptnky 1/:im1thl had" 1he ()11s year we have hern re- nu and Stan (Washingto w mrntlously prepar('d bv mething into the team."


s Young USD' s in hot w t:nivcrsity of San Diego, a team of the future, will get its feet wet 111 postseason basket- ball competition tomorrow night. It is unlikely the To- reros w1 II drown. Despite an all-under- classmen lineup which in- cludes four juniors and a ~ophomore- when freshman forward Kenny Smith isn·t postseason honors t morrow night at 9 agamst Bakersfield State in the Bakersfield City College gym. UC-Riverside and Puget "3

Aztecs try different foe after defeat

'Tf::f8t,t 1--}

6-4 forward 0d Ward at 9.3 and 6-6 forward Ellis Porter at 7.3 All but Toney are se- rnors. USD is led in coring b Pinky Smith, who a " - aging 18.4 points per ga e, • including 5511(, accuracy fro111 the field . Washington hit- ting at a 16.9 clip and leads Jhe team in as ists, 157 As a team. the Toreros om- shot t_heir foes, 47 1 'o to 4'1%, in compiling an 18-8 §on record. They also averaged 47 rebound~ to their opgp- 41 and outscored them, USD's 18-8 season record is the same as Bakersfi Id State's. UC-Riverside• run- ner-up to the Roadrunners in the California C.Ollegiate Ath letic Assn., submits a 23 4 record Pu el Sound finished 18-10, WI g 13 of its last 16 games.

Sound collide in the 7 p.m. opener. Winners of tomorrow night's games play in the Dis- trict 8 championship game at 9 the following evening, fol- lowing a 7 p.m. consolation encounter between tomorrow night's losers. The District 8 champion ad- van~es to the NCAA College , D1v1s1on championships i Evansville, Ind., March 14-16. In Bakersfield State, the Toreros will be meeting a team they defeated once, 70- 69, at home and lost to, 73-56, on the road. In defeating the Toreros, the Roadrunners held Stan Washington to his poorest shooting night of the season. The 6 ft. 4 m. junior guard was two-for-14 from the field in scoring six points. Robert "Pinky" Smith, a flu victim, scored only eight p9ints. U~D turned the tables the next time as Washmgton and Sm!' : each scored 25 points. \I, ,, bington and Smith will be the Torero starting lineup IPmorrow night, joineci by junior center Ben Thomp- son 16-6l, junior guard Joe Smith (61 ) and sophomore fonvard Pete Cosenza (6-6), who shares playing time with Kenny Smith (6·4 ). Bakersfield State is led by senior guard Richard Ross, who averaged 13 points per game. Bob Rodriguez, another se- nior guard, is averaging 11.5. Carl Toney, a 6-8 sophomore center, hits at a 10.5 clip wi h

starting, that is-the Toreros are conceded a good chance of surviving the National Col- legiate Athletic Assn. College Division regional pl yoffs this weekend. They begin their quest for

Bickerstaff also feels USD has some unsung herops, hi~ second uni of Mike Bajo. 1ike Merriman. Steve Jones. Charlie Caruso and Ron Mod- e with Tommy Davis also serving in several com- binations. "Those guys have

M't2~i~!jrt1 i i Gospel

set tomorrow

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