News Scrapbook 1972-1973


USO symposiulJl set -s~t;\~e-, by trustees ~aturda-y • address outlimng

112.• f 73

the past history of USD and a look int our future The afternoon w1 be devoted to In-depth delibeta ttons with the deans presi4,lrig shop set-up will enable each person to learn somcthinf! of the totn University. Hugh~s said Dr. Howard R. Bowen Chancellor CJf Clairemont Universitv Center will address th 'group during th luncheon Dr Bowen·s topic I The Roi of Trustees in the Future of the Univcrs1tv. Tht· lour schools of the l,mver ty of San Diego will be represented bv acting dean Ernest N. Monn. College of Arts and Sciences; acting dean Robe1 t Nelson Sehool of f,ducalion dlan Clement .J. ~oun . School ol Business Administration : and dean Donald T Weckstein . School of Law Th<> mcl•lmg$ will be held al the Westgate Plaza Hotel. at ,round discuss'!Qn devoted to ti\ The rot'ating n school. .

A symposium for the Board of Trustees of the University of San Diego has been planned for Saturday . The all day session will follow the trustee s quarterly meeting to be held at the University on Friday afternoon Dr . Author E . Hughes, president. has planned the symposium around the theme of his opening address, "USD Durmg the Next Five Years." "The day of meetings will give the Trustees a general orientation of the total ' University " Hughes said. "The four Deans will be present as well as other administrators to answer questions and search for answl•rs in our round table discussions ' The da will with an


1 S Cntr rr.d the•1 tennis 1;1atr·h with the Untvc i,;Jt y of W.-ishmgton on thP t sn courts today 111th ~n 8-1 r<'cnrd. or tho,c eight 1·1rl<>r ics, 11one has h n morr> 11nnrcs- stvc th an y,·sterclay Th:it 's 11nen !'Sil l11rnrrl hatk Tr. rt nrsscr, 6 3. Th() Volunt ers 2i·2 las• eason ar usuali~ ra nkrcl among lhr> top 10 (·QI. lcgialP fr,nns In the n,1t 1on. A key singles nrntch fou Jinn l Oj la of U~T) rl0\\'lllll" Bob Pcm·", 6-3, 6-7, 7-6, ;::iv: 111 i:: t~" J'or ·• a 4 2 1'-ad "n- f('nng dou bles pla). Summa ry: 3

one ."


San Diego, Thursday, Mareh 22, 1973

old color for Toreros in two w ys

stage what they h-Ope will he the first in an annual senes. tlJe Blue vs. Gold game. It is an lntrasquad affair in

ing financially olv nt With no financial a s!stanc~ from the umver 1ty 1n the form or srholarships, the program is funds- and those it can bring in through ticket sales. the scholar. hips f governme~t grants based on need. '.'It's an uphill struggle." s 1d Vinci. It is one, ho iever that U D eems to be w n~ ning. Tonight at 7 the Toreros will .Most of USD offers are in f operating with private

For years, Um1crsity of an Diego's colors were blue te. Then Andy Vinet went ~ t and ord ed some ::ind

220 lb. defensive Gordon Dun- can from Saddlebacl: College and 215 lb. wide receiver Ken Wil on from the San Diego .Marines, will be withhe.ld from tonight's action because of injune . Rob Tomlin. on, Boo Dulich and Ernie Simon will share quarte backing dut1e Henry · last year s tc1bad ha ulll> k. Tom n lrom .\ u- 0 backed up , 1s re hlrl•

which t e team

\I ill be di-

old uniforms.

into offense and de- ed on a pe ormance wilh points bemg

v1ded fen~e


Toms ·o ·quare off in a preview of tomorrow' · annual Blue \ . Gold •cei-imrnuge.- ·taff Photo ----'·•eros near end aining grind

mmd we·re gonna have one hellm a backfield." Once again, ll will revolve around tailback Sam Croom, the• transfer from De Anza Co'lege whil rushed for 1,177 ya1 s and averaged 6.2 yard per carry last fall . Croom , ho11ever, 1 • pected to be among he ing tomOITO\I nigh mis ed the la lour da pr ctice with th flu "Last vear ' · d "we would have n m trouble 1f Sammy couldn t pla}. This year w r Ollila ha \ e th<' depth.' Indeed, the tailbat·k tomo row night in the startin o • fense is Rick Paul n, a pounder who has been one the most 1mpres.~ive newco ay a I In 1969 he was the lead scorer in prep foot II in Angele at W tche r High" Paulson (foes not • ers m camp. "He can play or flanker for us "And he's gonn

Vmc1 , every day is a on, every ltU· at1on fir t and go, I-to-go, ev- er) I tter m th • alphabet an · or an 0 'f battl the campaign to build Un ve 1ty or San Diego into n foothall power, never e ms to ·ubs1de. •When ) ou tart \I Ith noth- m " a d Vinci, "you don't stop" Vint'.l' Torero. have been at t for the la t month, four day a v.eek. They will con- dud, spring drills tomorrow night at 7 with a glorified crimrna"l', a Blue vs. Gold g, me, n V1nc1 calls it, matching the defcn e against • the off ns • It a ne twist," said Vmcr. "Of c urse, every thing we do t here L a new twi t. W 'v gotta appmllch things a little different!)." Accordlngly, the game will be conducted under a unique . coring system which awards points on uch things as 15· yard gain , interceptions, de• fen ive ·tands, etc. "We can't play our alumni," said Vind. •·so we're dtvidmg up the squad. It'll give the offense and,de- fe1L~ a chance to work to- gether, as a umt and build some pride." The players on displa) to- morrow night at the USD field m many instances bear no resemblance to the USD quad which finished lhe sea- son with a 6-3·1 record la t ea. on, the Toreros' first in intercollegiate competition since 1961. •·we'r better right now than we were at midseason last year," said Vinci. "But we've got a tougher schedule neict fall, plus the fact people won't be over ooking us any- more." • Vinci brought in 34 new re- cruit this spring but the re- cruiting season. like the foot- I easo never ends in football

-Run Double By Williams ins for USD

Spring Game' Ends USQ 1 ,~ 1, rid Drill - .,.,,,.,,,~

Santa Sophia Altar Society, Spring Valley luncheon- fashion show 12:30 p.m. Saturday, :March 24, Kon a Kai club, 'Shelter Island. Re$ervations: 465-3297. ' Vocation weekend retreat March 23-25, young men at Apostolic Center, USD campus; young women at Benedic- tine Convent, 3888 Paducah Dr. , Sari Diego. Details: 298- 7711, Father Fawcett or Sister Eileen. Catholic Daughters of America Evening of Recollection 7 o'clock Friday, March 23, St. Joseph's Cathedral. University of San Diego Founders patio dedication o Vietnam Veterans' Memorial by Bishop Leo T. Maher 11 a.m., Wednesday, March 28. St. Mary's Altar and Rosary Society bake and rummage sale 8:30_a.m. Saturday, March 24, parish hall, Broadway and 13 St., Escondido. Holy Family PTA luncheon 11:30 a .m. Wednesday, March 28, par h hall, 1957 Coolidge St., San Diego. Academy of Our Lady of Peace Alumnae Association Day of Recollection 10:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Sunday, March 25, 4860 Oregon St., San Diego. Details: 281-5616. Legion of Mary Acies 3:30 p.m. Sunday, March, 25, Joseph's Cathedral, Bishop Maher presides. ---~J~,._ 7~ ~ ,1t£11W c.R-:i.55

Croom's breakawa '·But he hits the li and faster," said V Paulson will be the starting backriel Tomlinson. a 6 ft. pounder from Sou College at qua rterba Jin. on, a superb d


passer, share quarterbacking duties with Bob Dulich, a 5-10, 185--pound- er from Saddleback who ex- cels as a rollout passer and runner. "With those two q backs," said inci. " two separate o enses.' Henry Sinta1 last starting quarterback, open at fullba ck. Andy hez. last year's fullbac flanker said Vinci. "He's the best blocking fullback I've had in year . How does he run7 Like a full• b k." Sanchez, undersized at full- ack J. more suited !o nker where he has greater rtonity to use hi ex- ceptio moves and quick- ness in e open fie d. " If t have a weakness right '," said Vinci , " it's proba • in the offensive line. We coul'1 use more depth, a fe--.1 more studs. I'm thinking ahead to our first game, with U'C-R1vers1de. They've got five full-time coache. and they're deep at every J» ition. It could be our toughest game of the .ea. on . '·Five months from todav we start practice. That's not much 1e." ;r ARTfNG LINEUPS OFFENS • Plover w1. Yr. Lil Jim Ryon ........ .... . ,215 Jr. LT Ken l(lr,o •• •, • ••• ,••• •.• ?25 Jr. LG Jfrn K.t( lis •.• •••••• ••• . m Jr. C Ron Alllsor\ ... . .. , .. . ... . .. 165 Sr. RG-BobMonca ••••.• , ... .. . 225 Jr. RT-Ron Wh te •.•••• •••• ••••••2-40 Sr. Re-Paul T sco ...•.. ,. .•• ns Jr. QS-Rob T lnsor,. . ....... . . . 120 Jr RS. Rick. son •• .•• . ••• 190 Jr'. FB Henry toy ••••..•••••. • 220 Sr. FL AnOV S hU • •,., , 175 Sr. is due to "I can't sa enough good things about Sintay."


hlS man "We

d four more e- me n and ne r unning back to be two-d p a ve · ' l( I

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