News Scrapbook 1972-1973

U D sets courses at Marine depot, . 1 : . ?,~!:~~~~,~~"~'~f'~~meo Die will ~gin off-cam'us can be delraye~ by us;n~ m- ..:i I g next month to help srrvit·e l'eteran s e~ucat10nal ca ,e benefit· or the .\larme Corps ecl~~: 11 ~~~ 1 es will lead to a tuition a ·s1stance plan . ma tcr' dc•gree In education- The graduate program "' 1 11 I p tholog) Another will be off~red at l\rn )ocat10_n , .11 fer undergraduate cour~t-s \ltra-Co ta Coll_ege m Ocean- taught b, regular LSD facul• ,,de and Imperial Valley Col- t, m cla rooms ·ct up at lege in El Centro.. . tarmc Corp. Hecrutl Depot. Six graduate umts 111 educa• Cla e scheduled at .\ICRD ll0P will be offered by LSD n ude econom1cs, fo~ngbh, each semester The equence histon, pS)·cholog}, polit1cal of courses wil_l let stUtlent~ cienre and oc10logy Credits earn a ma. ter de~ree ove1 can be applied to\l.ard a two years while tudymg l'\_e- . ree program at USD or mng ·, al:eorchng to Dr. G1l- r gn ferred to another college berl Oddo, director ,<'f grad- 0 Unt\er 1t~, a l,SD spokes- uate programs at USD an explained . Oddo said student entel"ng Reg1strat1on \\ill be in the mnster·s program must Building 107. Depot Educa: qualif) as regular entPrmg ti n-Tr~~s1tion, al MCRD .it 6 graduate students. p 1 Sept 7 Clas es begm Ocean ide registration for pi i1 at 6 p.m and contin• •·orth County . tudent will be u for 15 week . Tuition Sept. 8 al 6 p.m. in Room A-1 (·hargt' , pm ablt: at reg1stra· of the Commun11:at 1 on Cen- t n, are 55 pe~ umt A 15 ter at MiraCosta College Tl' 1~trat1on Is al o char ed to Classes \\ill be hel~ onday new tudcnls and Thur da evenmg for 15 '1 lie l D oke rr ,1 :1 wl•cks from 15 p.m to 7




p ce 2 - SOUTHERN CROSS, THURSDAY, AUGUST 24, 1972 Around the diocese our I d of th.- I k rummagl' s.11 for new p:m h hull,_ 9 m 7 pm Saturday anrl S1111clay, S1•pl 2-:1, Crc t Park, L 1k Arrowh(•ad pt 8·10, 31


IN w Bonus Authority Proposed By DO. 'ALD 11. HAHIUS0'.'1 Staff Wrlter The • G l)iego Union SAN CL IENTE - Plana o end the niil tary draft by ne .July 1 were confirmro yestt>1 day by Pr id .t Nixon. The President's announce- I mer.• was di tributcd after he conferred for more Ih n an hour with D, se Se •rctary MP!vin Laird 1


begmnmg St pt 11 al Valley . tudcuts tcr. ept 8 at 4 p.rr. rial Valley College. ('J;u e \Hll begin atter 1eg -· t • OP that da, and l'ontnrue on aturda1 s · tor 14 weeks staru g at 9 a,m, each day Thi· is not a ty pieal exten- ton ervice, • Oddo said "All students e~tering the gradu• ,1te program 11111 t meet regu- lar qualificatmns and will be taught by regular USD facul- ty • tudenh do get one brt,a - there I no foreign ia n- guage or the,1 requirement for th ma ,ge de •ree m edu atmn at l D Oddo said

( 'hurrh of thr Good st11·ph1·rd St Joan ol Ar~ ~; ndl•, h rbc,·uc, ·quar • d ,m·e, Saturday, Aug. :?t,. S II

hny 1cgo,


8485, Z71 7:ll4

Boy •pt I 3, El(' rmc-lo ltt-tn•at 11011'<·, H<'dlands D •tads. 7 !.,-1!1'.ll, 7' i11.112. 1• h h atholk c:omrnunil) ptlgrunagc to Polish t·hurd1, 342~' w. • ms, J..os Angdcs, :l p m Saturday, Au_g 2u. ~lus ll'av ,. rm lik Mona. tery, 51:>4 llawky Blvd., Sa IJ1q(o. Inrormahon : m :1s,1:1. San Ui go llluc rill)' ol Our of Fa_tima. l~vcnii'.g Hccoll tmn H o'clock Thursday, A~g. ,n,_ SI Jo~rp~,: ('ath dral 1-'athcrJost·phT. Conroy, OSA, ol. orth A lo,r M.iss , <.-ckbranl. St•arch for Christian ,\1aturil), for girl., Sept 22 2 o •t t 15, !'ala H1•y • mp, Pala, Detail 722· 1· !:, 7 l 'a lholi Daughter, of ,\m1•ri1·a rccept10n for , mdr M11rchel C. T velson, ne"' we t coast. d,rectur. I llnndclasp, 7.:io p.m Thur day, Aug :ll, St \ltd,ac·I s hall, Par,uhsc J11lls Court Our l..ady of San IJ1l'go host ni~rrsity of San 1>11•~0 Foundt•r~ (, dlery !i('ulpture by 1yrna ob1l • ~pt 7 ct 8, Alcala Park campus T outhem Gros urge parls e. tu end weekly bull · tin i r lbl round the dloce e items or other new , par t I Cu thi colu~n ~JU l reach th1, uff1c~ n1H1n the Y.C('k I pubhcatwn. - 7:l- USD Gridder~. rloHit ·~· I l"{'lr ·al, Atl• Dc1 Award eamhd~te~, r,sh

"-Providing sufficient nu.n hers of doctors and other lughly trained ·pecialists in critical skill .

USD and USIU gridders report for preseason drills S.e ,{, 5 l.o - 7 2 The University of San Diego year goal of $50.000 to cover , for the first time m 10 years operational costs. will greet some 60 new football USIU CAMPAIGN prospects today at 3_p.m. as Fifty candidates for the they report for physicals and United States lnternat1onal equipment. just live da~ alter University (USlU) football the resignation of Tbrt!ros· t mare expected to report on director of athletics Phil Thursday . Aug. 31 when oolpert. physical examinations and the Woolpert. who had served JO issuing of equipment is vears at USD, came to San scheduled. Diego after a very successful Coach Marv Braden, who basketball coaching campaign sports a 20-10 record for three at the University of San seasons with the Westerners. Francisco. His 1955 and 1956 said that two-a-days will be teams were NCAA champions held daily starling Friday, and for his 1955 season, Sept. l and will <.'Ontinue Woolpert was named i',;CCA through Saturday. S:?pl. 17. Coach of the Year. All workouts will be held on The Toreros will begin fall the Cal Western ' Campus of practice Thursday al the San USIU but all five home ga~es. Diego Naval :Training Center, including the opener agamst and following 10 days of the U. of Puget Sound on workouts will move to their Saturday, Sept. 23 , will be campus stadium to prepare for played mBalboa Stadium. their season opener against UC Among 15 re tu_rn in g Riverside on Sept. 16. lettermen is Doug Omer. a do- INCOMING TALENT everything athlete who'll play Player talent will include quarterback after a one year junior college transfers. absence at that position. Omer, incoming high sch oo I who missed spring practice to graduates, and a few holdovers attend the USIU campus m from last season·s club team. England, played running back Unlike the club squad's of the and wide receiver last year as past few years, recruits this a junior and earned a letter in son will be accredited his ~phomore year as a st11dents carrying full stady quarterback. He was a varsity loads. performer as a freshman in the Sin taking the head football defensive backfield. job. seven months ago. Andy GRADUATION HURT Vinci h developed a non- The offensive line ;is p it rporation which riddled by graduation with only JS umes all financial three holdovers. Bob A~ciaga sibilit for the sport at at guard and Mike McGnff and lte un.ivers1 Established as Andy Borgia al the tackles. 9,e U" Club governed by "We lack depth in the ~d of tr ~es, it has offensive li'ne,'· Braden said raised enough fu to fence but he noted- that Dan and hght the stadiu and is at Passlacqua, a transfer from the hall-way point its first

Classes have already begun at the Umvers1ty of San Diego, where enroll- ment grew 13% this year for entering fre,hmen. Overall enrollment at USD i up about 10% - with a total of about t 650 student - not counting the law school. Although the campus may look the same at USD - the school itself has un'dergone some significant changes ~n recent months. Among the changes 1s the merger of the College for Women and the College for Men into one co• educational undergraduate p "ram. The growing law school with a l't'cord enrollment this year of some 870 t:idents - has a new leader, Donald T. W k in , a former University of Con- nee JCUt Jaw professor. Weckstein, 40, took over the post last month. E \/. "\iR18tJ Clas es begin thursday for United States International University stu- dents. who will be hit this year by a hefty tuition increase. USIU expects only a slight increase •hi. year over last year's student popu- 'atjon, but tuition is climbing from $630 a quarter to $730. A university spokesman said the tui- tion increase is necessary to offset ns- ing costs in operation and planned building construction at the Elliott campas when Cal Western facilities and staff are oved there after the 1972-73 school year. The California Western campus on Point Loma - the original site of SIU - was sol\:l to Pasadena College rlier this year. Pasadena College, a small Hl>E'ral-arts school affiliated with the Church of the Nazarene, will take over operation of the campus 111 fall of 1973. They will begin moving in gradually later this year, according to Shelburne Brown, Pasadena College president. Total enrollment of USIU, including graduate programs. the law chool and overseas campuses, is expected to reach 4,650. t:SIU operates campuses here, including the Schoo of Per- forming Arts in downtown Diego, and m England, Mexico City, Hawaii, Afnca ;ind Colorado. q,- I S - 7 :2,__ •There probably "-On't be any overarr mcrease in enrollment this year be- cau~e of the Cal Western situation, ' said Byrne agerburg, admissions di. rector f9r U U. •·B.t nearly every other campus and 1nd1vidual program is showing an in• crease. U JU i n't the ge 1t tu1t1on d nt w re r ed rangement. only university lo chedule USD stu- 1h a new r e ar-

"-The Congre

t)lrougb pendi




!&gislation, partl<:ular- ly th unformed serviees spc c1al pay act of 1972, which ill provide needed bonus autho . to help . projected snorta.,e · m critical skills and other pos 1 sible shortages in the number of en.listccs ;il'ailable under -a zero draft. ''Given this kind of support," Mr Nilf'on added, "we will no longer need conscription to fill manpower requi•cment~ after July, 1973. This mean, that 1t will not be necessary tJ reqcire from the Coni(ress an eKten"ion of imtuction authority of the Se- lective Service Act past July of 1973; further authority to con- ~ript thereafl(!t would re,t ith the Congress.'' Laird said draft calls have been reduced from 300,000 a year when Mr. Nixon klok ice lo less than 50,000. thi. ear He said although peacetime consc iption will end, the na- (Continurd on A-2, Col. 1)


July .


Golden West JC. looked good m spring practice at center and Don Carson, David Schleich and Bob Hood, all with some experience last year could (ill the bill at guard along with Alex Esparza. from Gavjlan JC. .•

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