News Scrapbook 1972-1973

La Jolla 1 Wo-lllan joins USD board 5evi-~


Figueredo , Jolla physician, and Mrs. James S. Copley also of La Jolla . Mrs. Smith, a La Jolla resident, 1s an active member of many La Jolla and San Diego organizations including La Jolla Art Association , The Committee, Volunteer Bureau of San Diego, Inc. and Women·s Association for Salk Institute and Globe Guilder. She is also active in the American Busmess Women 's Association, National Women 's Political Caucus and Republican State entral CommittPe of Cal1lorn1a Active in Republican politics, she was formerly a mtmber of President Nixon , stall Mrs. Smith is a m 1ber of the Board of Truste<> c·ripps Clinic and Re~e.irch Foundation, and the Board o{ the San Diego Th atre and Arts Foundation Beside s her many· philanthropic interests, fihe is recognized for her ability as a business man particularly m real le and mterior design. a La

The appointment of Mrs. C. rnholt Smith to the University of San Diego Board of Trustees was nnounced recently by board chairman Bishop Leo T. Maher. The appointment brings the numb<:r of women on the USD board to five. Others include vice chairman Dr Anita V.

9 ,7-1 UNl'vl RSITY. OF SAN DIEGO B) lERRI DUFFY 11re than 2,500 USO tudents have started a seme ter that refJ~cts an attllnde of change. The most e\ 1drnt example of change is the total reo gamza- t ol the um\·ers1ty"s academic structure based on sugge~- tions made to a recent survey to see hoi. the uni\ers.ty ca n be•t ~erve the student s. The reorganization has divided the c,1mpus Ill 'l thrr e 5Chools and one college, and ha; create~ the post of provost lo coordinate 1ntern" l academic affairs.

Scripps mu eum gets $25,000 gilt lor research from Southern 1fornia First National Corp , for use research , exhibits, education pro- grams and staffing. ' Don W. Wilkie, director of the T. Wayland Vaughan aquarium, said one im rort ant program financeci by the donation is the CareC'r ExperiC'nce Stuciy Program h acted by Heidi Dun don, who is working toward a master's degree al San Diego Sta.te University. It's purpose is to give high school stu- dents work experience in marine biolo- gy. Wilkie said several new exhibits made possible by the donation mclupe a rivers of sand exhibit, a manne trackmg project and a wave display. u num-museum at Scripps In- of Oceanography in La Jolla titu 10 eceived $25,000

llefure the reorgamza I ion, SD hJd a departmenl al for- m;it " 1th the aca cmic d1s- c1pl"1cs less clearly detinc,'1. 'l he Schon! of Education, under the dirrct 10n of Acting Dean Dr. Hobert E. Nelson, 1s lea<\ eflrcled by tlw rei ga111zation and contmu<'s combining education cout cs and curricula. The College of Arts and Sl'I· ences encompasses the liber- al arts ma;ors, formerly in the forma t DPan Ernest , r. Murin h~ combined the original 16 de- partments nto eight, reduc- ing professors admm1s- trat1ve loads.

llSD, llSlll promise.big trouble in college le el gridiron circles ad1um, even a Saturoay, against Occidental m n•rovc11·d Huclx·n Anderson Los Angeles, they 'll lace a and M 1kt' Olto111bnno rr11ght not team returnmg 43 l ttcrmen rl'mov •Omer alone Th· 6 o. 180 lb senior ss1sting the Tnreros' ro111plct I 20 of :17 throw for a enlh11s1asm side of tt • game, total of 2.'i.'i yards inC'ludmg defensive man Mike Wagner thr •(• tou!'hdowns Omer had brought his total of unassisted gm,d r •C<'llnn from th · ex tackles to 27 m two games "'- KParny ll1gh 11.i ·h Dwight lit• s also picked olf three Jll Mc-Donald , who hault•d down 10 passes and recov red three Z ol th, 20 catd1cs on the d,1y. tumbles -i good enough for 56 y.irds and ;1 , aid Vinci, " He 's a good -Z. pa of TD ' For that , ht• rece1v1•d the player of the game uward ·we·r as £me a t :im as we vc ever been.' Braden said "Our defense I n w 1t' ch,ing1•d a greai deal Tt;ey' ve showed to be very quick ' TORERO TOASTlr..G one ' c:i Occidental slipped

'I he School of Law 1s not w to USD allhough Dean Donald T. Weck tem 1s. 'fhe law hool was founde d m 1954 as pa rt of the former College of I; . T]le chool of Bu mess Adm1m,trat1on 1 1th Dr Clenwnt J. , oun as dean , ml ofler g actuate degrees m the nea, future.


pa.;t f Azusa l'ac1fic, 14-13, n their opener la t weekend behmd the rm of quarterback Joe Ch1lberg. 4 Tht 7oreros hope to counter t with a strong running game, 1-J leo by halfback Sammy Croom. Croom. against Claremont, 1 broke a school record with a 90- -' yd touchdown run In 20 t' earrie. on the sea n, he's gamed 198 yard for a 9 9 aveagc per carry As a team after two games, th Torcros have 011t ru hed their opponents 455 to 262, and hit on 15 of 41 passes. Quarterback Henry Sintay has thrown for 214 yards, while Roger Leonard leads all rece1v~rs with six receptions. See, 1 t does add up





ys people misled

Qu1C'k 1s al o th word from lcala l'ark where the Ter •ros wasted lilllc tune jumping 1n and jommg college football . They whipped fa vored C'lan•rnont in ju t th 1r econd outing m II years mfront orth l,1 rge ·t crowd 13.200 1 to witness a USDevent since 1958. " It wa a very cmotmnal game, aid head coarh ndy V1n<·1." but we were emotionally ready to play ' I.1ke in fact worse than , llr' d •n ·s Hun ·h, Vmc1 carm•d JUSt :1:1 pl•v"' r,n fhP (JUad

·rm afraid that a large part of this country has br<'n cciuca trd by the Pr<'5 dent for thr pa ·t 3' 2 y<>a rs on what 11 would mean to end this wa r. The1,'ve hrarci h,m 'alk about humiliation, ahout dcfca' ahout bloodbaths hypnthPtical 1:Jlnoct?alhs. "Thal was an r11I thinl( to dn '' Ellsber;; said 1he ,mpaet of thr Pent agon Papers had not been as l(reat as he haci honed. Refl•rm1::: to cent rolls II hirh ~ho" 1hr ma1orilj of lhP pvbtlC' tavors Nix on's rerlcrl,on Ellsbcrg said lhPAmen c,1n 1wopl 0 no longer care about U.S. in,oln)nwn1, "so Jon;; as lh<'re are nn more American casualties, They don·1 C"re abol1t Asian casuall1e .'' Trial of Ellsberg and Russo in l; .S. district court in Los J\naeles has hc>en drl.nrrl until the Supr<'me Court rules 011 m' roctuction of wiretap ev1ctence. In a news r-onferc nce hPfo rp his p h here, Ellsbcrg told newsmen e and Rw;so were the first per- be tried for "smuggling news to f'ncan puhlic."


nler FormPr Ranrt Corp cicfensP analvst Darnel Ellsh<'rg has dP[P,iried h'" ex• pnsure pf the tnp-sPcrrt Prntai:tor Pa pers as an ef[mi to expose i.hat he rharoc rnzrd a: •·e\·il policies" m the l: S. vohement in Vietnam . The 4 rar-o1ci ~rscarcher. 11 ho is under r ,J ronspm-1c\ 1nd ·tments with Anthon,, Russo for making the documr.ntfi public, told an aud1rnr·r of 1,300 yPsterd:n at the Um\ersit) of Sa Diego he now feels hr ~hnuld have fl'· lea~Pd th<> pap('rs earlier. He said the American propll' had been m1slPd by Prc~idcnt ·1xon ror cermng U S. disrngagement m In dochin:.

IJ.m,on ,,&pl,;:;.~ ublic Denied facts On Wa, llsberg Says (Continued) in rummg the rice crop, le to tarvalion. Ellsberg predicted that r. 'ixon will order such bombing after the November electio for the President He ·aid that studies of miru Haiphong Harbor rn North Vie nam by most experts ind icated 11 would not halt the flO\\ arms , but wouid op the f'o v of food to the nort . STATEMEl\'TS CH!LLEc .GED

blos' Aerial ttackDowns oreros, 29-16

1hat thP ne,1 spapers and the hould lake a pretty lively in- he 1s~ues that are raised b¥

I DANIEL ELLSBERG • . . judicial 'abuse' PublicjTienf ect Facts On War, Ellsberg Says

vrng he expected the war to cont in• md fm itcly if Nixon s recleelected clisl'ounte

nk that Henry Kissinger will lo negotiate so long as ii suits pu rpose," El b berg sa id. ucstion-ancl-;inswcr session fol- e speech, Vire Adm. Fitzhugh N, rel_., challenged F~llsherg•~ f anrn·e g1\ cn Nixon by in- sta ffs conc<-'rning the mih- of ining Ha1pho~_g h~r

atalie Be t airs sports


KOGO offl ials said. Miss Best also writes and broadcasb five times daily on KNX-CBS with her "San Diego Report." As a journalist, she has worked for television, newspapers and wire services. In 1969, she made two trips to Southeast Asia and covered the Vietnam conflict In depth.

atalle Be t of La Jolla has establL,hed another an D ego f rat-an all-woman'• sports ihow. A veteran report r and newscaster, her new show, "Natalie Best-Women in Sports.'' airs on KOGO-Radio Monday through Friday at 11:45 11.m. This ts the only women's ports show in the country,

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