Full Line Product Catalog

Addressable Fiber Optic Moisture Detector

ADVANTAGES The sensor is a solid-state device and is not susceptible to mechanical failure The sensor is comprised of low-cost materials The sensor can be in direct contact with the underground environment without degradation of loss of performance The sensor is reversible, i.e., it will return to its normally insulating state upon elimination of its humidity The sensor acts as a simple electronic component and is readily integrated into an existing TX Monitoring System The sensor acts as a distributed sensor, i.e., it detects the presence of water at any point along its length (length can range up to several hundred feet) INSTALLATION Up to one thousand moisture sensors (TTX type) can be read with a TX L3 Monitoring and Control System in any of the following combinations:

Up to 4 TT cards per system Up to 8 TTX cables per card Up to 4127 TTX Modules per cable

Up to 10 moisture sensors with TTX 5/10 Bank Moisture Detector Module Up to 2 moisture sensors with TTX 2 Bank Moisture Detector Module

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