Full Line Product Catalog

THE JAMESON MISSION At Jameson, our goal is to delight our customers by providing “World Class” quality, prod ucts, and service. An innovation and technology leader in our markets, we preserve a unique family business tradition based on Christian principles.

OUR CORE VALUES INTEGRITY: Uncompromising adherence to moral and ethical principles:

Honesty. To speak the truth and do what we say. Respect. To treat others as we desire to be treated.

CULTURE: An employee centered, family atmosphere: Our employees are highly valued. There is a common commitment to personal growth and higher achievement within the organization, working to promote from within. LOYALTY. We strive to develop long term relationships with our customers, suppliers, and employees. TEAMWORK. We honor the contributions of individuals through collaboration in problem solving, decision making, and setting strategy.

PRESENCE OF MANAGEMENT. Our management is involved, visible, accountable, and places the highest importance on our special culture.

COMMUNITY: We believe in corporate involvement and encourage our employees to be leaders in our local community.


C.L. Blankenship, Inc. • 800-247-7747 • sales@clblankenship.com • www.clblankenship.com

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