Morrisville UDO - June 2017 version

Article 11: Interpretation and Definitions Section 11.5. Terms and Uses Defined 11.4.2. Exceptions and Variations

B ANNER S IGN See Sign, Banner.

B ANQUET F ACILITY A facility or hall that is hired or rented by individuals or groups to accommodate private functions such as banquets, weddings, receptions, anniversaries, and other similar celebrations and social events. Such facilities may include kitchen facilities for the preparation or catering of food, and the sale of alcoholic beverages to guests only for on premise consumption during scheduled events. B AR OR L OUNGE An establishment having as its principal or predominant use the serving of beer, wine, or liquor for consumption on the premises, and which sets a minimum age requirement for entrance, consistent with state law. The primary source of revenue for such use is derived from alcohol sales, and the secondary source from the serving of food. B ASE F LOOD The flood having a one percent chance of being equaled or exceeded in any given year based on current conditions hydrology. B ASE F LOOD E LEVATION (BFE) A determination of the water surface elevations of the base flood based on current conditions hydrology as published in the Flood Insurance Study. When the BFE has not been provided in a “Special Flood Hazard Area,” it may be obtained from engineering studies available from a federal or state or other source using FEMA-approved engineering methodologies. This elevation, when combined with the “Freeboard, establishes the “Regulatory Flood Protection Elevation” in Special Flood Hazard Areas. B AY W INDOW A projection from a building facade that contains windows and rises from the ground or from some other support, such as a porch roof. B ED AND B REAKFAST A residence engaged in renting one or more sleeping rooms to persons for periods of less than one week, and providing guess breakfast. B ERM An elongated earthen mound typically designed or constructed on a site to separate, screen, or buffer adjacent uses. B ICYCLE P ARKING S PACE Space designed for the parking of a single bicycle. One bike rack = two bicycle parking spaces and one bike locker = one bicycle parking space. B IKE L ANE A designated area within a street roadway or other vehicular accessway that is reserved for bicycle travel and separated from the rest of the roadway or vehicular accessway by painted lines or other pavement markings. B ASEMENT Any area of the building having its floor subgrade (below ground level) on all sides.

June 23, 2017

Morrisville, NC

Page 11-22

Unified Development Ordinance

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