News Scrapbook 1989
Los Angeles, CA (Los Angeles Co.) Times (Valley Ed.} (Cir. D. 1,064,392) OCT 151989 vllt-'• P. c. a far
San Diego, CA. (San Diego Co.) San Diego Union (Cir. D. 217,089) (Cir. S. 341,840) OCT 14 198
0 T 1 3 1989
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fa 1 1138
/ Little Runs for 259 Yards as Rolls to Win ~.,-> By GARY kt.EIN first victory over Occidenlal since SPECIAL r01HETl..,ES 1980.
Progress Report Presented
NewOtayMesaDevelopments May Be Held Up ForHighways
4 urch
By Rita Gilb
News in brief
L1ltle, however, foiled the 'l'ore- ros' hopes by gaining 259 yards in 30 carries and scoring louchdowns on runs of 76 and four yards. Trailing, 17-7, a l halftime, Occ1 denta l pulled to within three points on a one-yard touchdown run by Kevin Vegas with 5,28 left in the lhird quarter. Occidental scored the go-ahead touchdown on its next possession on a four-yard run by Little lhat concluded a seven-play, 63-ya rd drive. Occidental nose g uard Kelly Bynum sacked Sap Diego Please see TIGERS(23
1 f{ ") ·
The Occ1dcntal College football team, which had played only spo- rad1cally during its first four games, finally hit its stride Satur day against lhe Universuy of San Led by another cnsalional per formance by freshman tailback Gary Little, Occidental defeated the previously unbealen Toreros 23-17, in a nonconference game at Occtdental. The victory improved Occidental's record to 1 1. San O1ego1s5 I. San Otego cnlered lhe game ranked fourth In the West region In Division Ill bul was looking for tls
20th century artist Ludwig WolP< The Torah headpieces. called rlr monlm, and a pointer, or yad, ar exhibit at the temple, 15905 Por do Road, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. I day to Friday The articles, dona by Els,e and Jerry Weiss, will be Jested In a ceremony Oct 27, Organist Thomas Foster of Bava HIiis Will gl,e a recital on the nev Installed Schlicker pipe organ at p.m. tomorrow in the Hou•• of P er Lutheran Church. 795 Rose Escondido San Diegullo United Methodlat Church will hold a rummage sal1 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Friday and Saturday at the church, 333 Enc Blvd., Encinitas. Trinity Episcopal Church will hole Chili Cook-Off from 1t :30 a.m. t p.m. next Saturday at the churct 845 Chestnut St., Escondido. du Its annual Market Place from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. There will be a family dance from 7 to 11 p.m. All a,ents are part of the church's centennial celebra- tion Call 743-1629 for Information. Rabbi Wayne Doslck of Congrega- tion Beth Am, 525 Ste,ens Ave.• So- lana Beach, will teach Introduction to Judaism, a course beginning at 6 p.m. Wednesday. Call 48t-8454 for information. Skeets Herfurt and I,an Ditmars of Lawrence Wetk's Television Band will give a concert at 2 p m tomorrow at Th• Ralig1oua Science Auditorium, 1860 E Valley Parkway, Escondido The Lee & Tony Lelchtag Branch. Jewish Community Cantara. Is otter• Ing a tour to Taylors Herb Farm Thursday and a series of classes for children, families with chronically Ill members and remarried families be- ginning soon. Call 944-0640 for lnfor- The Re,. MIiiie Landis will speak at Harmony Grove Splrltuallat Church, 2975 Washington Circle, Escond do, next Saturday and Oct 22 The church w II also hold a psyc 1c-medl• um fair from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. next Saturday. Call 746-8906 for informa- tion. ma1Ion.
East County Lamon Grove Lutheran Church will celebrate its 40th anni,ersary at the 9 a.m. Sunday services beginning to- morrow and continuing through Nov. 12. Former associate pastor the Rev. James Thompson will preach. A re- ception will follow the services. Also. the first pastor of the congregation, the Rev. LeRoy Eisler. will speak at the 40th anniversary dinner Nov. 11 at the Lemon Grove Masonic Temple. Tickets and reservations may be Ob· talned through No,. 5 by cal,1ng 465· 7301. SkJlina Wesleyan Church. 1345 Skyline Drive, Will present e Living Free Celebration from 8:30 a.m to 4:30 p.m. next Saturday to help peo- ple living in dysfunctional families. Calf the Rev. Richard Hundley at 460· 5000 1or information. Seniff Chriatlan Church will hold a parking lot sale from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. next Saturday with clothes, small ap- pliances and household furnishings. Booth space for anyone with Items to sell is available for a $10 lee. Call 448-5591 for ln1ormatlon. United Mathodlat Woman will hold a dinner and bazaar next weekend at Lemon Grove United Methodist Church, 3205 Washington St The turkey dinner Is from 5 to 7 p.m. Fri- day and the bazaar from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. next Saturday when e hght lunch will be served. South County Th• Siatarhood of Temple Beth Sholom will hold a luncheon In the temple's Sukkah at 11 a.m. Wednes- day In celebration of the holiday of Sukkot, or tabernacles. The Conserv- atl,e synagogue Is at 208 Madrona St., Chula Vista. Call 420-6040 for In• formation North County Temple Adal Sholom of Powey has ,. acculred Tora~ ornaments by the rf/ ,. .......
Better?'' will be delivered by Brian D. Wright of Van Nuys at 10 a.m. ne Central "Martin and Malcolm on Am..lca: A Draam or • Nightmare?" Is the title of the Rev. James H. Cone's lecture at 8 p.m. Thursday at UCSD's Peter• sen Hall, Third College. Cone Is the Briggs Professor of Systematic The· ology at Union Theological Seminary. He will discuss the legacy of Martin Luther King and Malcolm X. Call 534• 2521 for Information. Rabbi Daniel Landes wlll discuss Jewish reflections on the nuclear threat at 4 p.m. Wednesday at SDSU's Hepner Hall. Room 221. The Orthodox rabbi will discuss lrom e Jewish perspective the questions of social responsibility regarding the nu- ~lear threat. The program is spon• sor9d by the Llplneky lnalltule lo, Judaic Studl...Call 594-4218 for In• formation. Or Carroll Cannon will speak 10 ¢hurch Women United at 10 a.m. Oct. 23 at an International Breakfast I Park Boulevard Methodist Church, 75 Park Blvd. Breakfast and child- care reservations may be made by calling 582-9561 by Friday. 'the Program of Judaic Studl- • al UCSD will offer a course of study I adlng to a doctorate In Judaic stud• s through the UCSD History Oe- rtment. The doctoral program will I lude Jew sh history, Ancient Near Eastern history and the history ol the Greco-Roman classical world In a a1ngIe academic framework Flrol Pr..byterlan Church, 320 Date St., wUI present The Westminster So- loists In Concert tomorrow night at 7·30 In aacred classics. songs of the Jewish servtce, opera experts In cos- tume end American folk songs and J)lntuals. Dr vonn D. Brown will lead a Life E nchment Conference at First uthern Baptist Church,4353 Perk Ellvd. He will speak al 6 tomorrow n ghl and et 7 p.m. Monday through Wednesday. Call 298-1125. Organist and composer In residence Dlln I Burton will perform the prem- e of his "Six Biblical Narrativ.." a11d other works et a concert at 7 to- morrow night at First United Method· I~! Church, 2111 Camino del Rio South Lu and Gene Mitchell will present A l"cirlralt of Malvina Raynoldo at 3 m today In the First Unltanan Church mealing house, 4190 Front SL Four musicians end four actors "1111 present poetry, prose and music for people of all ages In a program about the Unitarian Universahst smg- e,•songwrlter Lutheran Social Services of South• rn California will present a program 9f1 children end families. ''When to Laugh, When to Cry and When to <;1111 tor Help'" from 7 10 9 tomorrow night at Our Savior's Lutheran Church, 4011 Ohio St. Counselor Sare Gilman Larsen and statt mem- bers of a local lraatment center Will speak A workshop tilled "Healing the Deep Wounds of Shame-Based Religion" will be presented from 8:30 e.m. to 5.30 p.m. next Saturday at Fi,.t Chriotian Church of Clalremont, 4330 Moraga Ave., with Lawrence A. rause es facilitator Topics will ln- cl\Jde the recovery of self. community and planet as Sacred Original Bless- 1/lgs. Cell 561-4896 for Information. A free Christian Science lecture Doe1 Praylllil Really Make Thillil• • San Diego, CA. (San Diego Co.) San Diego Union (Cir. D. 217,089) (Cir. S. 341,840) OCT J B 1989 Jl.ll~tt •• lH 1888 p. C B .. '~::-!~~~~ •---...;;; LOCAL BRIEFS Aztecs, USD occerteams play tit-1 tie T~e ~'b'fego State and USD's mens soccer teams playeil a . non-conference overtime tie last mght before 552 at Aztec Bowl. SI?SU forward Eric Wynalda received a red card for rough pla after a whistle at the 23rd minut% forcing the Aztecs to play a ma~ down for the remainder of the game USD (ll-4-1) took a 1-0 lead whe~ Leo Ronces scored off a Jason Pear- son pass at the 31st minute. SOSU tied the game at the 69th minute wh~n Marcelo Balboa scored via an assist by Ken Taylor. The Aztecs (10-4-2) are ranked 10th by Soccer America and 16th on the ~oaches Poll. USO, which gained its first ranking ever last week, is un. ranked after two lo ses last weekend to !~~:a_nd an!~~h~":.:,on. r.n~ .,. Los Angeles CA (~os Angeles C (~n Diego Ed ) (C(r. D. 50,01 0) (Crr. S. 55,573) Times ) 0 · OCT 1 1989 • Jl/k;,~ P. C 8 1886 /~~~:Zabeth c,,,e a ieduie titled .. M=~ Women·s March t~ V We ....,-'j I or t;an --- u,;:is, · led Coiw department w,u tolnette and the e1S111lles" at 7,30 Pm r:::er Hao at the n · go fndependen~rt~ ana by . Los Ange les.CA {Los Angeles Co.) Times (Sa n Diego Ed.) (Cir. D. 50,010) (Cir. S. 55,573) flowers Th r are numerous advnntages · to oper ting within the foreign tr de zon th t wer pellcd out by Ford. These include being able to defer duly on foreign goods until they leave th zone, accepting ord rs for goods before paying duty or excise tnx, and having the flex 1b1hty to store good within th/ zone for an incl finit.e penod. / OCT 1 8 1989 San Diego, CA. (San Diego Co.) San Diego Union (Cir. 0 . 217,089) (Cir. S. 341 ,840) OCi 14 19 9 JI.It-'• "· C. B 1888 F.,, LOS ANGELI'S TIMES ~IEGO SPORTS ET CETERA No. 16 San Diego State Ties USD, 1-1, in Soccer ~~ Saturday, October 14, 1989 COLLEGE FOOT ALL U ~~fen Toreros face biggest hurdle in old nemesis Occidental By Tom raso c iarr Wrller d1cates that the ne t step ed 68.5 percent of bis passes and threw only two interceptions. week and because USO poses such a challenge. eight-game losing ~treak with a 4-2 nonconference victory over CS Long Beach's club team. Don Ells- worth scored two goals and had an assist for the Warhawks (2-9). The men's soccer team Lied the Univer- sit:,: of San Diego 1-1, Tuesday In a nonconference 'game m Aztec The Aztecs ( 10-4-2) and Tore- ros ( 11-4-1) were tied after regu- lation and failed to scored in two 15-minute overtimes. USD's Leo Ronces scored m the 31st minute of the first period on a pass from Jason Pearson. For the Aztecs, Marcelo Balboa scored in the 69th minute on an assist by Ken Taylor. D Chrislian Heritage snapped an Bowl. about half of bis passes. "Going into the season, we had higher hopes than to be 2-2 at this time," said \Vildolff, whose club was coming off a 7-1 season. "We bad more potential than last year's team. Probably the most discouraging thing is we have not played well." But conditions are right for Occi- dental to play well today, Wildolff said, because bis team had a bye last bis games and five of the last six Southern California Intercollegiate Athletic Conference titles. Occidental started the season re- garded a a shoo-in for another con- ference title and its fourth trip to the Division III playoffs in this decade. Nine starters returned from the con- ference's top defense, and quarter- back Tony Werbelow returned from a junior season in which he complct- 49ers dropped to 4-2. this af- ternoon at 1·30 at Occidental m Los Angeles could land them m a ditch. Fogarty's teams are 0-4-1 against Occidental, including last season's 20-16 loss, and the Toreros are 0-6-1 against the Tigers since 1980. They have plenty of company. Io cve1 years s coach, Occidental's Dale \Vtldolff bas woo 74 percent of ''I'd be surprised if they don't have the best team they've ever bad," he said. But this season bas been one Occi- dental mishap after another. Injuries have sidelined several starters, in- cluding five two weeks ago. Although they are 3-1, one victory is a forfeit from Azusa Pacific. Even Werbelow, 17-of-21 passing against USO last season, is off, having thrown four in• terceptlons and completing only USO, ranked No. 4 in the NCAA Western Region, has been multidi- mensional. The Toreros are outgain- ing opponents, 321 yards to 217, and they hold a plus-three advantage in turnovers. -------~---r_-_-_-_-====-==---.....,,,=-,=---------------.,__...... 1.a.a~ ..::========== = ====-------- ---- .. San Diego, CA. (San Diego Co .) San Diego Un ion (Cir. D. 217,089) (Cir. S. 341,840) OCT 1, 1989 san 01e90, C,. •sao 01190 co.) 'sao 01190 eus\n1ss Journal lClr. W. 7 ,SOO\ OC1 6 98 San D1ego. Caltr ( San D19go CoJ . S.AN DU:00 'l'RIBlJHE oc 1 1989 JI.I I 'a lffl I'. C. 8 Eu. r UI • JI.I/~,.•• b, ,~u P c 8 ffsf b~• etball 1'" q opens b~racticc for the 1989-90 sea on tomorrow at 4 p.m at the USO Sports Center. Head coach Hank n retur eight players from last - •·~"•-'• S.20 team, including WCC Co- hman of the Year Gylan Dottin, who av raged 12.0 points. Other re- turning starters are senior Craig Cot- trell (12 2\ and jumor Dondi Bell (9~ I ••• J / ~s -1,/SO.Jodll hold 8 day-long Clin- e lor San Diego·s top Junior tennis players Oct. 29. Ed Collin•. USD men's tennis coach, will conduct the chnic along with • varsity team members. Cost is $35. for inforcnatIon cal 260-4803. {f • • • I
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