News Scrapbook 1989

ov 9


San Diego County soon may be cut down to size and Land Use, 5201 Ruffin Road.

,., 1~88


BASS SEMINAR - Fishing guide and instructor Ron Kovach will conduct the Zebco Bassin' Conference on Saturday, Nov. 18 at Cerritos Community College. K

• • •

Derby was scheduled to kick off today with anglers in several categories vying for the largest trout as well as tagged spec~ that will result in a variety of prizes. The event will run through Sunday. For information call

INSIDE THE AMBER FOREST - Noted underwater photographer, marine biologist and kelp expert Ron McPeak will appear Wednesday at USD as a part of the San Diego Oceans Foundation's San Diego and the Sea seminar series. McPeak, cirauthor of ''The Amber For· est." a book detailing kelp bed ecology, will illustrate bis program with an extensive slide presentation. The free seminar is open to the public and will begin at 7 p.m. in Room 204 of USD's Serra Hall. For information call 237· • • • KIDS' DAY SET - The San Diego County Fish and Game Association's annual Maurice Weinberger Mem

• • •


, ho rli r m the evening live tenn as chairman of


'OTES - Several key resource issues will

Jim Brown Outdoors

be discu ed this evenmg at the regular monthly meeting of th San Diego County Fish and Wildlife Advisory Com· m 10n Those ISSU include gill nets, antlerless deer hunts and off-road vehicle regulations. The meeting is open to public participation and will begin at 6:30 in the North Conference Room of the Department of Planning

• • •

The 11th annual Dixon Lake Trout


San Diego, CA. (San Diego Co.) San Diego Union (Cir. D. 217,089) (Cir. S. 341,840) NOV 1 I 1989

San Oiego, CA. (San Diego Co.) San Diego Union (Cir. O. 2'\7,089) (Cir . S. 341,840) O'J l O\9e9

n Diego, CA. ( Diego Co.) D1 •go Union (Cir. D. 217,089 I (Cir. S. 341,840) NOV 1 O 989

The intruding noises gave the whole affair a distinctly Charles Ivesian quality. Ives, of course, was the great American composer (1874-1954) who delighted m creat• mg frontal clashes of rhythm and harmony. Suffering the indigmty were Re· gina Hanke-Sanders and Anke Den· nert, the two skilled ladies of La Esperanza, a duo ba ed m Ham- burg, West Germany They were ably assisted by 1ananne Richert Pfau, a USD faculty member

The most charming piece of the brief program was a treble recor- der solo by van Eyck incorporating aspects of a nightingale's song. On the whole, some spoken or printed explanations would have been helpful to the general listener.

San Diego, CA . (San Diego Co.) San Diego Union (Cir. D. 217,089) (Cir. S. 341 ,840) NOV 11 19&9 Jll/1,i • P C 8 / 11

Los Angeles.CA (~os Angeles Co.) Times (San Diego Ed ) (Cir. D. 50 010) (Cir. S. 55,573) NOV 1 2 1989

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I'. C. B Ell 1868

San Diego, CA. (San Diego Co.) San Diego Union (Cir. D. 217,089) (Cir. S. 341,840)



17-13, 5-rI. • V~ic~ ,


plays anj)iher 'victim' UC SatltiiBarbara today I

l'll'v~sit; of San Franc:ts. ~o s 15-13, 15-6, 16-14 West i:;oast 0 ~7~erence victory _over visiting ne' ~....o1...5an-D1ego extended t e Toreros l_osing streak to 18. Angie Rais. and Maria Rickard kaced f SD with nine kills apiece a1s a so had 16 digs. For r,sp' Melame Kaiser had 23 kills. US improved to 5-17, 4-9 USO is 1 25 ~5.13. USD hasn't won since Sep• • ~ --

NOV 11 1989 Jl/1,,i '1 P C. B

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Los Angeles CA (~os Angeles Co) Times · (San Diego Ed ) (C!r. D. 50,010) (Cir. S. 55,573) NOV 1 2 1989

Baeketb11II - The USO men's bas- ketball team played its annual in- trasquad scrimmage last night. with the Blue team defeating the White, 77 61, at the USD Sports Center. Sen- ior Cf>nter John Jerome led the Blue with 23 points, and sophomore guard Gylan Dottm had four three-~inters / and 20 pomts for the White'J-lf5S-/ - . .. ..... -... -- .

Jae n needs 146 rushing yards today to reach 1,000 for the season. He might get them He and USO had an open date last week, and Jackson will be playing his final collegiate game today, unles.s USO gets a playoff berth. Another Division III All-Amer- ica candidate defensive tackle Dave Dunn, also is a senior. Further motivation: USO can give Fogarty his best record in seven years at the school and pull him to 33-33-2, but the Toreros have yet to beat Menlo in three attempts. Menlo (3-5) bas beaten, among others, Oc· cidental, which beat USO, and Azusa Pacific. Last week's Joss was the Oaks' first to a Division III team since the 1987 NCAA playoffs. Junior quarterback Greg Clark is 106-of-212 for 1,444 yards with seven touch- downs and 14 interceptions. USO is one of 55 Westem Region teams seeking one of four NCAA playoff berths. ''I've talked to the people on the commit- tee," Fogarty said. "It's not totally out of the question, but a couple people have to lose. There's two or three of us in a similar situa- tion with a 6-2 record that have to win. If the teams that are ranked one through fou2 then it's over." game has n angle. What is the uru fymg thre d to today' 1 30 game between th Umversity of San Diego and visiting Menlo UC Santa Barbara ~Bad jo e," said USD football coach Brian Fogarty Bad memories. Two weeks ago, the Toreros traveled to Goleta, playoff visions still dancing in their heads. They took a 3-0 lead, after which they allowed !il co ecutive points. But the Toreros still outdid Menlo, which lpst to UCSB last week 59-0 The Oaks were outgamed, 612 yards to 77 "They kind of waxed both of us," said Fir ~arty of the Gauch~ "I don't believe that's any indication of either of us." The playmg field should be more level today UCSB has an enrollment of about 19,000 and ts scheduled to become a Division II program next season. USO has an enroll- ment of about 3,800; Menlo's is 536 and only 36 of them play football. Despite the score, USD (6-2) had some fine moments against the Gauchos. Sophomore kicker Dave Bergmann, in his 17th attempt of the season, kicked his 13th field goal. Sen· lor fullback Todd Jackson gained 41 yards to pplant Joe Henry (2 011 1977-81) as USD's al t me ru:. ng leader

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San Diego CA (San J:?iego co .') Sa~ Diego Union (C!r. D. 217,089) (Cir. S. 341,840) NOV 1 2 1989

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DI'.~ volleyball - Despite Kim Ma~oh s school-record 25 kills, host Chr1Stlan Heritage still fell to Cal Tech 16-14, 15-4, 13-15, 0-15, 15-11 in a non:confer~nce match. Christian H~ritage finis~ its initial season with a 6-10 mark. Cal Tech finished 4-9 · ·· The University of San Francis- defeated USO 15-13, 15-6, 16-14 in a est Coast Conference match at USF's. Me~orial Gym. Angie Rais had nme kills and 16 digs for the Toreras, who fell to 1-25 0-13 M . R' k d ' . aria ic ar also had nine kills for USO ~elanie Kaiser had 23 kills and 15 digs for USF and Deanne Anastas (~oway high) had 12 kills and eight digs for the Dons (5-17, 4-9). The Toreras have now Jost 18 in a row They ne~t play Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. aga10St USIU at the :!I_SJ2~rts Center. -,~~-7 ,.._._.___ _._ TTf"~~ Av~tn-

San Diego CA J:n Diego Co.') ( Diego Union Ci r. D. 217 089 (Cir. S. 341,840/ r\ I 1 C) 989



P. C. B

Esr. 1888


THEUN/V~s ;HESTRA I y Or. Henry Kolar rchestra, directed • ebrat1on of the B . wr/1 Present .. A Ce :ench Aevofulfo~~~tennfel of the 1 • ozart at 4 1 eaturing w Camfn • p.m. next Su orks by Ext o Theatre at USO· nday In the . : ;;_ea or 260. 4 e~j;_E·s 2 ~.._kll_-._ .-.Y-- ----.......__ __ ~'[,! fE SAN DIEGO OR

Los Angeles CA (Los Angeles C ) Times o. ( (San Diego Ed ) Cir. D. 50,010) (C,r. S. 55,573)

NOV 1 2 1989

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J plished that in a 10 Defensive star -game season. but headed by r w;re multipll" Macinnes who b me ackers Don passes at' the lin!ttef down four . and Lenn ° scrimma~ sacks. Y Territo, who had With Todd Whit! . . yards and T B ey gaming 66 rushed for 35~ ya~d~s1; 1~ 38, ,usn Dave Bergmann h enlo s !rl the Division ni 7 o entered goals, kicked a 23- eader m field mg his school- r ydarder•mcrce.,-, • "It ecor to 14 was a total t . Territo said "W earn effort~

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