News Scrapbook 1989

Rancho Santa Fe CA (San Diego Co.) • R_ancho Santa Fe Times (Cir. 2 X M. 5,000) NOV 1 7 1989


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Invisible insight

Peggy Freeman/ Ranch Spollight

T he Umver 1ty of off purty wn held nt lhe Runcho • ntu Fe home of 'andy nd Bol> Brm• The wonderful peakcrs at the e ufl,ure are usually faculty m mher who urc authont1e on a particular ubject Th peaker was Bernard Siegan, profe or of law at.gsD- H h written v n books an h been II columnist fur years. Ht topic wa "A Look at the Future of the Supreme Court .. 11wre are nine members on the uprcm Court with three ol them over O years old If any of the thrc old r JU 1c lenve or die, Bw,h will appoint the new JU t1cea and 1l i~ h rd to predict who they might b 0 • Accordmg to S1egan, we c n expect cons rvatism. 'l'hcrc 1 an enormous change occurring m the uprcme ourl. IL m hke many of the ju t,ce. tart d out con crvat1ve nd changed, or tarted out ltberal and changed A mo l pow rful liheralJUdge, Wilham Brennan Jr., who wa appoint d by l::i enhow r. John Paul t ven , who started out conserv11t1ve, wu~ appointed by ford Ju lice Harry Blackmun wa appointed by Nixon. Byron Whit , who was appointed by Kennedy, was once liberul and i now con rvat1ve So who know whul will happen! The flag burning issu which has cau d o much controversy wa voted 5 4 that it 1 "K to burn tho nn,... an lh gos 'Inv1 iblc l.Jiiivers1 ty" had 1 t lOlh onn1vorsury this y ar nd the II kick-

S;:1n 0 1cqo, CA. ( 1n D1 •uo Co ) 111 D1c(Jo Union (C ir . D . 217,089) (Ci r s. 341,840) OV 6 19

Anatole Mine, and Bill and Phylli Aylmer, pre 1dent of the Rancho Santa J:o'c Garden Club. 'fhe n xl bi~ garden club party will be the Christmas Dinner D nee which will be held Dec. 8 from 6:30 to 10·30 p.m. RSVP by Dec l Fonnal attirt• i recom• mended 11nd it's $20 per person. fake your checks payable to R 'F G rdcn Club. 1a1I check to Betty Cope, Box 10 RSF 92067 Dinner will be entered by Vinccn 4. a ons. ..

Ph0to1Peggy Freeman

Rosemarie and Al Frow1ss model Swiss outfits at left, while Bob and Sandy Brue pose with Bernard Siegan, professor of law at !JSD-.S1egan was the speaker at the Brue·s home in Rancho Santa Fe

San Diego , Cal if. ( San Diego Col SAN DIEGO TRIBuNE

San Diego, Calif- (San Dioso C/Jl SAN DIEGO TRIBUUE


NOV 171

Jll/m'• P. C. 8

to school on 'bad move'


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NOV 1 7 1989

1de and thats where I was commR from." Do tin's feeling pretty good coming into his sophomore season as USD's shooting guard. Last season, he started 24 games and averaged 32. minutes playing guard and forward That's given him experience to fall back on. Of course. each game is a new experience - especially the final five seconds. 'OTES - USO junior transfers Pat Holbert and An• lbony Thomas appeared more at ease last night Holbert scored seven points and committed just one turnover while spellmg Strickland at pomt guard. Thomas had six pomts and six rebounds. Craig Cottrell (14 points), Dondi Bell (13), Kelvin Woods (12) and Strickland (11) joined Dottin in double figures. Bell also had nme rebounds and two blocked shots. • Former Stanford and Patrick Henry standout How• ard Wright led AIA with 30 points and 10 rebounds Guards Lorenzo Romar (18 points) and Foster (16) were the only other players on the team in double figure . A 1 g mjury kept former San Diego State forward Zack Jones on the sidelines. • The question of whether USO freshman Brooks Barn- hard would be redshlrted tllis season was answered with 16.53 remaining m the game when Barnhard replaced Bell. Barnhard, a 6-8 forward from Escondido High, didn't play m USD's scrimmage two weeks ago against East· side Melbourne Australia. He got his feet wet in three minutes of court time last night by grabbmg a rebound, driving the baseline for a basket and scrambling on the floor to come up with a loose ball.

Jl(~ '•

Byi&r'[~y Trl/JIJ!le Sportswriter USD guard Gylan Dottin came out jumping in last nig ibition-game victory over Athletes In Action. But when 1t came time for bis biggest Jump of the everung, Dottin's springs had sprung. "I wasted them all early m the game," said Dottm. "l bad a couple of quarters m and l ran out of change." With five seconds remammg and USO leading 83-81, Dottin took a pass at haUcourt with nothing but open space between him and the basket. He dribbled m think· mg dunk, then he thought better, then be thought dunk again. What be did was twang one high and hard off the rim "I got down there and couldn't decide what I bould do said Dottin. He was lortunatc that teammate Wayman Strickland chased down the ball. Strickland was fouled and made both end; of a one-and-one for a lour-point lead That made Rod Foster's three-pointer at the buzzer mearung- 1 m the victory at the USO Sports Center. ' I told him (Dotlm) that it was a bad play because It could have cost us the ballgame," saJd USO coach Hank Egan. "He was lucky because the lesson was learned and we didn't lose. That's the best of all possible worlds." Dottin made all the right moves until the final five seconds. He scored 11 points on baseline jumpers and collected a team-high 11 rebounds with timely Jumps. "I guess it's just a knack for following the ball ' said Dottin who was co-Freshman of the Year last season in the WCC "Plus, the, weren't screening out on the weak

P. C. 8

Esr. 1888

JI.Ii.a'• ,. c. B

F.,1. I 888 •

~- Storylel n of San Diego ,pon,or program of J lsh and world taleS and leg- ends as told by Steve Sanheld, 7-9 p.m. Nov 1~ Manchester Conterence ~ort-


Univ~rsity of San Diego Orchestra performs "A Celebra• tion of the Bicentennial of the French Revolution" Sunday at 4 p.m. in Camino Theatre on,.c.!JJl· pus. Tickets are $5 general,~'15~ . . . /'

NOV 1 6 1989

..A/kt, ~ , C

San D iego, CA. (San Diego Co .) S.111 D iego Un ion (Ci r . D. 217 ,089) (Cir. S. 341 ,840) ov 1 7 ,989

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San Diego, Calif , (San D1ego Col SAll DIEGO TR~ lIB

NOV 1 71989

S.: n Diego CA ( in Dreg~ C ·, d ll D o. (Cr Dego Unron r. , 217089 (Crr S. 341,840/ NOV 1 6

Jl.l/m'• P. C. 8 1888


/.. Kolll leed• USO orcl\Hlr• 1 Ille Bicentennial ol lhe anlsl Fr Nieolas French Revolu\1on.M :tarl'r Paris 5ympnonY, Reveles, lea.tunl\ll O TMaler ~-2600, 4 pm Nov 19,Cam1no ,ai& / ex\ 4486 d-,~r;, /_ I' 1.!SD - Henl"/ In ")l,eelebra11on ?. wilh


P C 8

' '' 11n

n Diego, CA 1 an Diego Co ) San Olag B ·. Jo o urnal (Cir. W. 7,500) NOV

San Diego. CA. (San Diego Co .) San Diego Unron (Ci r. D. 217,089) (Ctr . S. 341,840) uov 1 8 989

Los Angeles,CA (Los Angeles Co.l Times (San Diego Ed.) (Cir. D . 50 ,010) (Cir. S. 55,573)

· Bi West match. AmY Erben ~ad \ : !iaJh-high H killS for San Die~: state (17-17, 7-10) •·-~~ nd e:6-~~. 19-matcll 1osmg streu ~-"':' a Santa l!Hi, 1:,-9 victol'Y_ over visiting (8-l9 :,-19) Ill a West Coast Con l ~~ce m~tch. Maria Ricard _led tile . C\




IO'J 1 9 \989



'-" ~11 • ( 2 26 1.13) witll 10 tills and en, tenni• - ~more~~ Ni~le JohnSOn nad 22 Jo e Luis Noriega advanced to~ 12 digs··· onl (21.1, 12.0) won its fifth loday's quarterfinals of the DuPo~~ as aross;n e Pacific eoast Confer- ational Clay Cour Tenrus Champ 1 ·"f co~~1:\y defeating visiting Mesa, onships Hilton Head, S.C wlth a _2· ence l!Hi l:>-4 1 5-3. s 5-4 win over Juan Rios of Mis· l3-lf>, ' ' ~-- 5'1s lppl Stale. orlega, seeded P c. a E•• 1111 {• er

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P. C B

EH I811

· /41verslty of San Die o s. Drstlnguished agrng director of Marbleu;e BrU Bethke, man- guest speaker at the 8 lo 9 ssoc,ates Ltd., as lrnental breakfasl will be h ~m. seminar. A con- Douglas F. Manchester E: at 7:30 a.m. at lhe Cenler. The cost is$ . e_cutrve Conference IStralion information ~;;i'~rk,ng is free. For reg- 4644. ' ~ck~ ~erg al 260- - _.,_., ""'-•~~J.:;: llll'\f\n'!:.nrina a , . Sp_ea e s nes will lea

SD's Noriega Advances to SI~ Court Title Match

San Diego, CA. (San Diego Co.) San Diego Union {Cir. D. 217,089) (Cir. S. 341,840) NOV 2 O1989

fourth. later scored a &-1, &-7, ~l_w over Luis Ruette of Texas Chnstian Volleyball - The U.S. men's Uonal team lost to the USSR, 16-14, 15 , 15-11, t-15, 1:,-13, in the lirst roun of a round-robin World Cup touma ment II\ Osaka. Japan.... UCS~' Diana Klintworth, a senior outside hitter, and Elizabeth Tan, a sopho- more middle blocker, have t,een named to the NCAA Division Ill All• Amertca second team Klintworth as a first-team selection last year.

~uis Noriega, a sophomore at the Ullil1.eai_\L.Q!..,San Diego, advanced lo today's championship final of the National Intercollegiate Clay Court Championships on Hil· ton Head Island, S.C. with two victories Saturday. Noriega defeated unseeded Jeff Chiang of Columbia, 6-2, 6-2, in the quarterfinals and then beat top• seeded Al Parker of Georgia, 6-4, 7-6 (7-5). Noriega, seeded fourth, will play No. 5 Steve Bryan of Texas in today's final.

Jl.lkrt ••

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P C. B


San Diego, CA. (San Diego Co .) San Diego Union (Cir . D. 217 ,089) (Cir. S. 341 ,840) NOV 1 9 1989

Noriega wins tourney; vollev)>all pairings set ~qf/'.; 1§D sop]!i>more tennis player Jose --~----

hmgton·s Laurie Nisbauwa was L-----~~-~ voted the MVP, l)ecoming I~" """•

ever two-time Division l1I P tile year ... Pacific (2:>-4, 1 feated V1S1llng SDSU, }:,-9, 15-

San D1cgo, Cal if, (San D1ego Co l DA~LY TRA,SCRIPT

Luis Noriega defeated Steve Bryan o_f Texas 3-6, 6-2, &-1 in yesterday's finals of the DuPont National Inter• collegiate Clay Court Championships at Hilton Head Island, S.C. The fourth-seeded Noriega is sixth on the ITCA Volvo Collegiate rank- i~gs. He reached the finals by upset- ting top-seeded Al Parker of Georgia on Saturday. Bryan, seeded fifth, is ranked eighth by the ITCA. Prep volleyball - Four county girls' teams advanced to the state 1 playoffs. All first-round games are to~orrow ~ight at 7:30. Poway, which won its second straight CIF- San Diego Section Division I title Saturday, is seeded second in Divi- sion I. The Titans {24-0) host Pacific Palisades (14-3). other Division I games have Torrey Pines (22-3) play- mg at fourth-seeded Royal (18-1), Chatsworth (14-3) playing at top• seeded Mira Costa {24-0) and third- seeded Bakersfield (22-4) hosting Corona de! Mar {20-1). In Division II action, University of San Diego High (19-2) plays at top• seeded La Habra (18-1); in Division III, Parker (19-3) travels to meet sec· ond-seeded Brentwood 18-0). Z

gain firi

courts tourney

NOV 2 O1989

on ay Memo n1~ S " ,·s the subiect of a Chamber of • , · J1l uccess Life For ,..ax1mu . \ to noon at the Hyatt ls\and1a H~te . d Soc. al Responsibilities

C TUESDA-Y "Balancing '{;

. t; '90s" at r,1.e.nchester Conferen~e . d "Business Ethics an S n Diego seminar or. amplified music m own e .

merce seminar (rom a.Jll.





Center Begins at a.m.


TUESDAY Unt~YJ!f f American Business m ,rUESDAY City Counc1 co o .I

. town restaurants where

nsiders a\loYllng

ff t the Sports Arena in

liquor is served. nor, and ,John McEnroe sq~are o a TUESDA y 'l'enn\s sta~~=]thl::ic Foundation. lt starts at 7.305:~;~ 7:30 p.m- hosted by a benefit for the SDS f Commerce Sundowner from . WEDl"ffiSDA y V\sta Chamber o Casa Linda Restaurant . C

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