News Scrapbook 1989
San Diogo, Cali~. (San Diego Co ) DAILY rt :PIPT
San Diego, CA. (San Diego Co.) San Diego Union (Cir. D. 217,089) (Cir. S. 341,840)
Oce niide, CA (San Oie~o Co.) Blad C1t1zen (la Costa) (Cir. 2 x W.) NOV 'l 4 1989 ..Alt...', , C •
NOV 2 41989
EJI ""
Jl[k,i '• P. C. 8
Improved Toreros begin s~?.~ :~~/?~;,;~t~:~~ A year ago, Ran£ Thompson •·r~ one of tho e players who can struggled to find a niche on a bad contribute m a variety of ways, Universitv of San Diego basketball though. And the better players I have team. · around me, the better off I am." Tomght he will be m tbe starting Thompson. and the Toreros, are lineup when lJSI)....openslls 1989 .90 apparently much better o!f as they · t c l L th (0. 2 ) ln work to erase the memories of last season agams a u eran season's 8-20 record. the ~rts Cente: at ~: 3 o. "We're a totally different team," Thompson's elevation lS another said the &-foot-6 junior swingman. 1Ddication that tbe Toreros expect to "We've got more depth and qulcknes field a much stronger team this sea· than we bad a y~ ago. We've got son. more people who an score. We're
F. faudentti of the jo:nt ~ty ofS~ld Globe Theatre !\,laster of Fine Arts program stage Shakespeare's '"Twelfth Night" Wednesday through Dec. 7 in Sacred Heart Hall, 1:_~o'1!04, at USD m Alcala Park This production of 'ihe comedy will be hased on auth.-nt,c n•cords of the Eliwhcthan p.-r1od and will attempt to rl'create "hat hrstorr ans b hevl:' to b,• thl' fir l perfor- mance of th,• play in 1601 a th,• Old c:tobe David Hay ass<>Ctall' din•ctor of the Globe and director of the fess1onal Training.'MFA program, co directs with Will Roberson who has directed at the Globe a~ well as other local theaters. The th,.ory is, says Hay, that Queen Elizabeth commissioned Shakespeare to write a play on the twelfth night of the Epiphany, a feast crowning the Christmas holi• days from Dec. 26 to Jan. 6. Before the play begins, actors will ()<•rform Elizabethan dances to the sound of period music played on authentic ID truments. Original music composed and conducted by Father icholas Reve les of USD's fa ulty will accompany the dancers. Two pre show banquets Dec. 1 and 2 will feature musicians per- formrn;: the period music, too, then leading the proc ssion from the umver ity center to the theater "just how thl:'y did it ID 1601," say; Hay. Ticket are $6 general Meanwhile, the Old Globe has mar led rts suhscripl1on brochures for St>ason '90: In the Old Globe Theatre will be Chekhov's '"Uncle Vanya," Jan. 6-Feb. 18, Neil Simon's "Jake's Women," March 3-April 15; and Lee Blessing's "Cobb," April 28 June 10. In the Cassius Carter will be Roberto M Co sa's "The Gran, ny," Jon. :1-F<'b. 18; Mark Lee's ''Rebel Arnne Dc•ep Into Chad," Feb 28-April 15; and Lanie Ro- bertson's "Lady Day at Emerson's Bar and Grill," April 25-June 10. For the six plays in both the- aters, subscriptions range from $92 to $151 50; J,'or the three plays m the Globe, $45 to $82.50; and for the three m the Carter, $50.50 to $80.50. . • • • "I am not going to be a major scorer, I'm not the type of player See USO on Page D-11 f:5/'onaiao, Calif Oe- ty Tim~... • ~110c11te (Cl r D, 27.4301 NOV 2 4 1980 Mnr y11101111t l>t!'S:n Stnti, C:10 ha kl !hall ll 1unk,•1 '' I i-:11 s outlived wrth lo, 1111'1 wrll 111v IJr1•i-:u Stut, S ,11 I I 1111 ltc·hm·l H urvtH•d nrul l'v1• ptohl1·111~ " •,i,I l~ro 111 (• , \\ ho \\ n ha 111u-cl r'n1111 th,• hy f 'h11rs:1•r. ownrr hox <, 111• Klt•rn 1111,t JI 11,i1• Buv 11 so of the 1'11!lr1•s "I WII ('lllrcal or 0111c people 11ml hud ·1>111(• pro hlem . Hut t 11ev1·1 had a pr uh lcm with th • fun " <,," 1 cn11 1 ••• BASKETBALL NOTES Nevada-Reno $125,000 buyout from UNL V to drop a scheduled Dec 9 game 80 the Runnin' Rebels can play LSU on ABC.... NBC's Al McGuire rup- tured his Achilles tendon a cou- ple of weeks ago when he fell off a platform , ,.. A poU of 29 news- paper TV sports critics in The Sporting News rated Billy Packer of CBS the No. 1 college basketball anaylst. Bill Raftery of CBS and ESPN was second Dick Vitale of ESPN and ABC was third with Bucky Waters (NBC, USA> fourth and M.cGuire fifth . ,,,,----- got a his lily v'SD thl• San Drego, CA. (S;rn Oreuo Co .) San Drcgo Unron (Crr, D. 217,089) (Cir. S. 34 t ,840) San Diego, Calif . (San Diego Co) SAN ~ri~o TEiB~NE P C B IUI 1 11 /1 ~ / Friday, ovembcr 24, 1989 (hscovered an ace in the hole wit The kins Game who introduced the game to the CBS production team as a way of break• ing the monotony of Saturday preproduction meetings. According to his play-by-play partner, Dick Stockton: "When he's about to score big points, he takes the domino ID bis hand, slams it down on the table, screams. Follow that cab,' and all the dominos scatter. To say that Dan is an intense competitor at the slight- est provocation is an understate- ment." Notea ,nd ,t,tlc - Today's Az· tees basketball opener won t be on local radio, because KFMB-AM (760) plans to join the season in progress. The station's first broadcast is Game 6, Dec. 6 agai.J,!,st USO . . ABC will televise the Arizona-Micmgan Tip- Off ClaSSJc. the flrst network college basketball telecast of the seasc, . (Floyd) is Invited back each year But a' blu ribbon" pan I of olf enthusi- ts selects t o of th ee other players (Trevrno tr nge) An Trans World lnternatio I, co-owner of t show, g to pick Its favonte play r (N1ckl.aus) In re I-life lourna• m ts, you see, players ar ot cast in starring roles by a corporation or a group of portswrit a d pro hop owners BIGGEST WINNERS 6 $490,000 Lee T.-..nno 3 $400,000 Arnold Palmef 5 $245,000 TomWateon 3 $120,000 on his 5 pm. Channel 8 sportscast Monday, narrating and analyzing video from a Miami station that caught the Hurricanes ID various slates of showboating. Leitner isn't known as an apologist for the Aztec· so there may be something to thts crusade. "I honestly be eve that the coach (Dennis Erickson) can't control his team," be said. "l 's disgust1Dg. It's bad for college football." NOV 2 5 t Don Oblm yer, the man who begat The ns Game, bristled at a sug• ton that the annual big-bucks foursome not good televls on. ' o ll golfs all-star ame," be Id W ve play that have proved lo be people who c n dom1• natc and the on people want to ~IJ.'. ,. C. B F.s,. 1888 Toreros' opener is a benchmark win :::i_t/ !:,-S By Kirk Kenney Tribune Sportswriter U :&JiaSketball coach Hank Egan was asked the other day to name his starting lineup for last night's season-opener ag~inst Cal Lutheran. Egan began something hke thlS: . "(Center) Dondi Bell bas been playing well com1Dg off th bench so we'll keep bringing him off the bench. ~'(Forw~d) Craig Cottrell seems moi:e co!ffiortable coming off the bench, so we'll keep bringmg btm off the be?,(~~ard) Gylan Dottin_ does_n't mind coming of~ the bench, so we'll keep bringmg him off the ~nch.,; . . . Finally, someone interrupted Egan, say1Dg, Hank, ts anybody starting?" Egan replied: "Maybe we cou~d start o~e two guys for the tipo[f and sub the others m real quick He wasn't too far off, as it turned out. Onl one Toreros starter - sophomore guard Wayman StricJand - took the floor last night. usp's other four Please see TOREROS: C-9, Col. I J _ CBS' Packer was named top college analyst ID The SporUng News poll of TV writers, followed by Bill Raftery (ESPN /CBS), Dick Vitale (ESPN/ABC), Bucky Waters (NBC) and Al l.cGwre (NBC). Vitale was named top analyst by the American Sportscaster 6-~oc1ation .. Harry Cooper • ho operates the Sports Arena and proposes to build a new indoor sports stadium, is the guest on "San Diego Headliners" Sun- day at 1 p.m. on Channel 39 ... Skip Caray will be joined at the micro- phone by his father Harry and son Chip for Tuesday night's Miami-Or- lando NBA telecast on TNT. It fig- ures to be the first time that three generatwns of broadcasters will call a game. Holy cow! ... The Bulls play the Warriors tomorro as the Jll"'BA makes its regular-season return in its farewell season on CBS. Stockton and Hubie Brown are the announcers. When TrevlDO recorded the most memorable shot n Skins history ..: a bole-in-one worth $175,000 ID 1987 - Brent Musburger plucked the feat off the wires and announced It to the L'BS aud1e ce before the ot was seen on NBC tape-delay In e real orld of golf. M burger was report· 1ng a news tory. In TV land. he as accused of undercuttil:g the rival's rating . BC cried that The Skins Game was not sports news Like any u ful TV ow, The Skins Game has spawned spinoffs The Sk Game begat th Senior Skins two years ag9, here Arnold Palmer r Ides, hich begat the Worn n's Skins, hlch Is to debu ID May featuring J n tephenson, ancy Lopez. Jo Anne Carner and a play r to be named Ohlmcyer, something of a I gend in ports production true , sees the growth a In v1table. To paraphrase, what's good for The Skin Game Is ood for the game "Golf 1s hterally explodmg world- wide," h explamed "There ate peo- ple watch1Dg, and th re are people playing, ra ever-tncrea Ing num- bers" NFL - Channel 39 will show the Chargers-Colts game at 10 a.m. Sun- day. Joel Meyers and Paul Maguire, falr on NBC's telecast from Pitts- burgh last week, are the announcers . .. Channel 8 airs a CBS doub e-bead· er Vikings-Packers (Verne Lund- quist-Terry Bradshaw) at 10 a.m., Bears-Redskins (Pai Summerall• John adden) at 1 p.m. . . After three turkeys - Cowboys-Redskin.s, Raiders-Chargers, Jets-Colts - ESPN gets an attractive Sunday rught matchup, Rams-Saints . . Ralph Wiley of Sports Dlustr~ted, one of "The Insiders' on NBC's ''.:"FL Live" is alwa;,s provocative. But ex- actly what wa e saymg when he said Mike Lynn. Vwngs' general manager, "runs the team like Huey • Long ran the state of Lowsiana"? .•. Dominos Is a passion of Dan Fouts, Ohlmeyer pointed to the Senior Tour, which will receive a late-after- noon Ume lot from ESPN next year, as evtdence of the sport's popularity on the tube. "We're movmg closer to prune time," he said. Thats good television? H rri4;ane-for~ dl1ta1t• - The most ballyhooed matchup of the col- lege football season - top-ranked ·otre Dame at o. 7 Miami - plays tomorrow in prime time on CBS (5 p.m~ Channel 8). And you won't catch Ted Leitner root, root, rooting for the home team Leitner, who broadcasts San Diego State football with Tom Bass on KFMB-AM, watched the Aztecs lose to the Hurricanes. 42-6, and returned home Sunday with a bad taste in llis mouth "Ive never een a team cele- brate, taunt, whatever after every play." he said of Miami. ''Every sin- gle play It's ridiculous." He went public with his umbrage NCAA rttdux - CBS Sports boss Neal Pilson, who spent $1 billion Tuesday to keep the NCAA Tourna- ment on his network, said to fully appreciate that sum you need to write it out, longhand, and neatness counts. "I bad lo do it myse i in the baseball contract,» he satd 'You have to count the zeros to make sure you haven't made a mL<"take. One b I- lion dollars is a benchmar , but we would never pay it if we didn't think it was worth it " .. . Broadcaster Billy Packer bopes the new contract will ennch the member schools, not their athletic departmenlS. ' It should be a windfall for education, not a wmdfall for athletics," be said. • If not, we're sending a very bad mes- sage." Friday, November 24, 1989 li~E:, Thompson's status reflects Toreros' averagmg 3.7 points and 2.7 rebounds while shooting 45 percent from the fThat changed over the last couple • improvement starting lineup but will be coming off the bench t~night because of a disa- greement with Egan in the first half of the Toreros' 85-84 exhibition victo- ry over Athletes in Action ''In a moment of frustr~tion John and I h~d a conflict," Egan said. "It's not a big deal now. But I told John he wouldn't be starting our opener. He's a mature guy and one of our key pl~yers. We both know this is some- th1Dg I had to do, and it's behind us " With the 6-8 Jerome normally in the starting lineup, returning scorin leaders Cottrell and Dottin could J employed by Egan off the bench "Both seem more at ease co~ing off the bench," said Egan. Bell earned the right to start in the ope?e~ _with two strong show- 1Dgs m exh1b1bon viclories over AIA and Eastside Melbourne of Australia. . Other players expected to see con- siderable time are transfer guards Pat Holbert and Anthony Thomas both from ~esa (Ariz.) Communit; College; Jumor center Keith Colvin· and freshmen Joe Temple (Lincol~ Prep) and Brooks Barnhard (Escon- dido). Sophomore guard Jeff deLaveaga scored 56 points in the first two games for Cal Lutheran, which dropped a 90-64 decision here last year. floor. o months. bigger and stronger." A team better suited to take ad- vantage of the little things Randy Thompson brings to the lineup ,, ."I play the court," said Tho~pson. 1m not non-existent offensively. I can h~t the _open jumper. But my game 18 play1Dg defense, moving the ba_ll on offense . . doing a lot of thmgs to help everyone else " Although Thompson had ;tarted in 24 of 47 games in his first two sea- sons at USD, bis playing time last ye_ar was limited by a bad back. He m~ssed nine games and averaged 19 mmutes m the games he did play, th e end of last season I bad "I know it was bard for Coach (Hank) Egan to play me last year" Thompson said. "They needed som • one I? my position who could score." This year, the priorities have changed. There is room for an "all- around, athletic" player like Thom son, according to Egan. The reas "A~ :esti"Bons about Randy," Egan admit- ut he has showed us what he · can do team " . . . that he b . I nngs a ot to a Th~ . . . mps?n will be ID the starting lineup tom~bt along with 6-5 sopho- ~o~e Kelvi~ Woods at forward, &-9 Jumor Dondi Bell at center and soph- Wayman Strickland and Dot- Egan expects to rotate up to a dozen players in his lineup this sea- . Jerome, a semor transfer from Ar- izona State, would normally be in the ID a guard. son. . Randy Thompeon Does tho little things here." ou ---- -
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