News Scrapbook 1989
Los AnP.e s, \Los Daily Journal
Les Ange/es,CA (Los Angeles Co.) Times (San Diego Ed.) (Cr. D. 50,010) (Cir. S. 55,573)
A ngeles Co.)
San Diego, CA. (San Diego Co.) San Drego Unron (Cir. D. 217,089) (Cir. S. 341,840) NO 1. 2 1989
NOV! 7 1989
NOV 2 8 1989
Jlllo.', P. C. B EH. 1888 liJCso Chinese Stuctell~S-~k Help Fr6Ill Bush IR Dissent: The pro-democracy movement in China could be th rea'tened if students in the United States are required to go back to their homeland after their studies are completed, stude~ts maintaiW.:SS:: By DAVID S~OLLAR flM ES ~TMF WRITER Despite warnings from Chinese fove~~- menl· officials lo end support or e re- democracy movement in thel~ home- iand Chinese students at UC San Dr ego this week publicly asked Pr~sident Bus~:~~~ a bill allowing lhe esllmated 30, dents in the United Slates Lo remain indefi ni tely and not return home io possi- ble punishment for their political ,v1e;f ~es In an interview Sunday with 'l h~ b'll' · six students said that, without t e I s protection, they will be required to re~~rn immediately upon completion of stu es, even if there should be no change In (he harsh Ch inese political climate following the June 4 army massacre of protesters in Tien An Men Square m Beijing, The lack of immigration securi ty will chill their de~ire lo continue ~peaki ng out for reforms, t ey said. · · 1 · n but one "This is not a bill of l~m1gr~ 10 " or human r ighls, of minimum protectlo~ student Sh12hong Chen said over l e we k rnd "We students [abroad) are the only ~oice k£eping lhP Jemocr~tic ~ave. mcnt alive in China smce the s1Luat1orwn m !homeland) Is so severe now. · · · e nied the bill so th at, in the freest country in the world, we can continue lo speak out freely," th ed Their resolve has been streng en ' they added, by events in Eastern Europe, where student -led protests for democra~y have triggered governmental changes m Hungary, East Germany and Czechoslova - k1~'The righ t to be protected from arb~trary overnment power , to have a meanmgful :ay about your life, these rights transcend historical distinctions" whether Czech o~ Chinese, said John Mina_n, associate dr°~ a the University of Sa..!!Jliego School ~h ' : ~ Minan CtMJutnor of a textbook on me law, 1,;s offered his support to the students !JI easing immigration r egulations. The US Stale Department has recom - mendid .lhat Bush v~lo the bill, whlc_h asse" both houses of Congress unam - p l"y on the grounds that its enactment mom , h s with the woul~ end educati onal exc ange ff' 1 1 Heijing regime, which Chinese o IC a s have I threatened. Should a veto occur, Con ress would be unable to attempt an ove!r1de until after it reconvenes early ne.~i/J~~h shoul
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Jlll~n• P'. c. e i 888 -P- P/ILE Fritzief:aiini has - in h~r. words - " dodged GU1te a lot of bullets m her firs! three months as executive director of th Alternate Defense Counsel. Lo A She takes over at a time wh~n s n• geles County officials have mcr~a~~~ ressure on judges to appomt AD P H . b· to convmce bench officers yers. er JO • el when to stop appointing pnvate co~s I the Public Defender's Office rs unava, . able and use her taff lawyers ms~ead "Obvious! these courts don t want ADC It was offered to them five _ye~s · h did 't take it " Galhanr sa1 • ago and t ey n her '.,largest obsta• She ranks Judges as f S le" to fulfilling the county Board o u· c . , policy to expand the ADC to perv,sors every court. . gthened Galhani's sales prtch was stren h 't by the state Legislature last year w en , F ritzie Galliani
Age: 35 amended Penal Code Seetion 987.2 to re quire couns m Los Angele and Orang~ co n e appo t coun as de ense tom ys, such as the ADC, l counsel prior to ass,gnrng pnv~ ~o: se Still, ~ome courts have re s h m ADC lawyers. Judges - .many of w feel an obligation to the pm 1~ bar m t :: commumties - ma, n !t Y can ffi 1 forced to use the ADC. County O d t meanwhile complain that Judges a no want to re11nquish authonty to appomt pn• vate counsel to lucrative county bu ,~ess - a practice the non-profit legal services corporation was formed to reduce. The ADC was established by the Los Angeles County Board of Su_pervis~r:e•~ 1983 to proVJde the county wi~h lega £ resentation for indigent cnmm1 deben . ers at a flat annual rate' which as een set at $6.8 million for seal y1:3r 1989-90. The 65-lawyer office provide~ cou:i~ to indigent criminal defendan_ts m 15 . . . al courts and four supenor courts m t~f Angeles County. _The contra\~; which was expanded this year to m~ two additional courts and $361,000 m m· creased funding - autho~es th~ coun- ty's chief administrative officer~ . ease the contract amount by up to mer . · sion to other percent to expedite its expan courts• · s rec The county Board of Supervis1rD' • ommended to the ADC Board O . II'!~ tors that Galliani, 35, be~= of executive director at an .ann d . $95 000. In making their recommen a . ' .sors cited her "competent tlon, supervi • .. efforts to ex• er" and "aggressive ;a~; the ADC. She succeedc1d Robert Zeller who died unexpectedly· •'I ~m committed to [criminal] defen~~ not as an executive director !mt as :1 tna lawyer " said Galliani, who is pres(d~n~ elect of the San Fernando Vdalley C?n::e. Bar Association. She urge cn~n fense lawyers to "stick together on ~a- jor defense is~u_es, sue~ as the :Ctims Crime Bill and Jail-house infonnan
n Di go, Calif. ..liego Col
NOV 2 71989
f Cal Lutheran's Jeff d
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Los Angeles.CA (Los Angeles Co.) Times (San Diego Ed .) (Cir. D. 50,010) (Cir. S. 55,573)
UsD Law Center Challenges Lottery Q t ·onsAiv~g, Wins
San Diego, CA. (San Diego Co.) San Diego Union (Cir. D. 217,089) (Cir. S. 341 ,840) NOV ? 7 1089
NOV 2 6 19
...Allo.', , . c. a ,,u Juua'7~Gc~red nine Po"~•- and Julie Lemery and Pal~d the c n each had eight to 57 .34 -'L or an Diego to a h0$l University of F.., Unlve, •• Y v1c (oi'Yov r Irvine. USDd halfllme an ou.., 43. 18. the second half. . b two at Irvmt, ic
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By PA.'1ELA WU.Si!!~,;,., D,wyTr..-npt
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by words i.. e the mat legal\;, have agTet.-d to •·tergiversatory' ents llghl ms of docum for provide rea b , USD's Center Awu'• PL1bhclnterest L h . USD law pro- Robert Fellmet rd:harging direc· fessor nd the_bq won that vict San Diego, CA. (San Diego Co.) San Diego Un10n (Cir. D. 217,089) (Cir. S. 341,840) NOV 2 8 1989 JI(~', San Diego, C llf, D1 g Co) p C. B F•t 1888 / Tough game with VCSB wouldn't surprise USD By Bill Center ,/ National Invitation Tournament. Starr Wruer ;;;q5'? The Gauchos won last year's meet- Hank Egan beuevfui it is never too ing with the Toreros, 76-58, at Santa early in the season for a stern test. Barbara. Last week's season-opening An appropriate thought, consider- victory over Pepperdine was Santa mg the University of San Diego's op- Barbara's 20th win in its last 21 non- ponent tonight at 7:30 in th«l_USD conference games. Sports Center. ...___ "This is going tb be an excellent UC-Santa Barbara, fresh from a test for us," said Egan, whose club 67-46 rout of West Coast Conference opened with a 82-46 victory over Di- preseason favorite Pepperdine, visits vision rr Cal Lutheran here Friday the Toreros in a game filled with night. subplots. "Cal Lutheran was a nice way to USD's Egan and UCSB's Jerry open, but it doesn't tell you a lot," Pimm have been coaching rivals Egan said. sinr~ both were assistants in the He actually lost some of his enthu- early '70s. Later both were head siasm for his club's opener after re- coaches in the Western Athletic Con- viewing films of that game. ference, Pimm at Utah and Egan at "When I looked at the films, I was the Air Force Academy. not that pleased with the way we "I don't think either one of us is played on the defensive end of the going to fool the other guy with any floor. We've got work to do." new tricks," Egan said yesterday. Then Egan watched Santa Barbara And the past two "freshmen of the dismantle Pepperdine on television. year" from the wee will be on the "Santa Barbara is a really, really court tonight. Sophomore Gylan Dot- good defensive basketball team," tin will be starting for USD, and John said Egan. "They are misleading in Sayers will be coming off the Gau- their size. Santa Barbara's biggest chos' bench. Sayers won the WCC player is only 6-9, but the smallest honor for the 1987-88 season when he man is 6-4. started 22 games and averaged 6.8 "They just did a textbook job on points and U rebounds for Egan's Pepperdine. They shut everything Toreros. The 6-7 forward left USO Pepperdine likes to do down." after his freshman season and trans- Santa Barbara forced Pepperdine ferred to UCSB after averaging 18.4 into 27 turnovers and had a 42-27 re- points and 8.0 rebounds a game at bounding edge over the Waves. Pep, Diablo Valley College last year. perdine scoring leader Tom Lewis Sayers might have a hard time was held to four pomts. recognizing the USD players he'll be Gary Gray, a 6-9 junior forward, facing tonight. Four of USD's start• led UCSB with 24 points and eight ers weren't in school when Sayers de- rebounds. Eric McArthur, a 6-6 cen. parted 18 months ago and the only, had 15 points and 11 rebounds one who was, center Dondi Bell, and 6-4 guard Carrick DeHart had 10 played only 10 minutes a game. points and five assists. Sayers is not starting with the Egan Will start 6-9 John Jerome, 6- Guachos, who return three key play- 9 Dondi Bell and 6-5 Kelvin Woods up ers from a 21-9 team that finished front tonight, with sophomores Dot- third in the Big West Conference last tin and Wayman Strickland at the season and played in the postseason guards. i,; O TR~ NOV 2 7 1989 ..Alto. '• p C. e Eu. I 888 Toreros face real test vs. Gaucho By Kirk Kenney ~11 Tr1bunv SpotUwrtter team maugu• Th USO basket ason with an 82· aled the mg:gu e Cal Lutheran. r win Friday ove~r test. It was That w mor ot over first-game chance to g Jitters. ) lay UC Santa The Toreros (l-~ m tomorrow Barbara (1·0} al~ Center This is a at th USO pO real test. d the season SaturdaJ UCSB opene ver h1gbl~ rega~ • with II 67-46 wm o h1ch, along with ed Pepperdln ' f the West Coast o, Is a m mberJauchos defeated ConferencetaT:!rbara 76-58 last se~~ u o in San rbap the Torero n It wa pe f the season Or• worst outing ~at UCSB made USD maybe it was look bad ch return 12 letterman Th Gau OS tarters - from mcludin,g ~t11eam Senior guar: la l seasons homore lorn ar Carrick DcHart so/ s n1or forward Paul Johnson an the team's top re- Eric cArthur re tu ers on the Santa mong the pla~ foot-7 Junior for• Barbara ro er IS • who played the ward John Say tti O and was WCC 1987•88 s asoof~ha Year Fr hman bootstraps made than hard workh "The state s ou ld stand on the I rewarded .. h t people are premise t a based on . contribution, their tead, the lottery Fellmeth said. Ins "Just roll the a fantasy. .. promotes will be yours. dice and riches I ttery regardleSb But the 8tate o . 1 'bent, is an of one's philosoph1ca estabh hed fact.d ds of millions of And with hun red its control g un er dollars pa in ts to make sure, the institute wan exi t where k C omer can "no dar .. scandal might f~~~eth said, the To that end, Please turn to Page
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