News Scrapbook 1989

&in Diego, CA. (S.m Diego Co.) San Dmyo Union (Cir. D. 217,089) (Cir. S. 341,840) DEC 1 6 '989


P. c. B

fst . 1888

18 3

I 11


SAN DIEGO TRIBUNE Saturday, December 16, 1989 USD seeks home improvement .By Kirk ~-----,.,,..-----, more guard Gylan Dottin (11 points, Tribune Sportswriter 5.3 rebounds) also have solidified Tbe__USD bask~ball team realized ...;.,:....,,,,,. their spots in the starting lineup. Sen- a couple of tbtngs by playing two of ior Craig Cottrell and junior Anthony its first seven games on the road Thomas have split time at the other ~gainst Top 20 teams. For one thing, forward spot. Sophomore Wayman the Toreros have plenty of work to Strickland has been the most produc· do. For another thing, they're glad to tive player at point guard. home. One of Egan's biggest concerns The Toreros begin an eight-game this season has been bis team's de- bomestand at 7:30 tonight against fensive play. USO is allowmg an av- Stephen F. Austin at the USO Sports erage of 72 points a game. That's the Center. USO has four more non-con• same figure allowed by the Toreros ference games - against Eastern last season when they finished 8-20. Washington, Nevada-Reno, Western "Defensively is where we need the 'Kentucky and Columbia - over the biggest improvement," said Egan. next two weeks before West Coast "We don't play defense as well as we Conference play begins. would like to. Defense is a very coor- USD's first three wee games - dinated thing. If you don't get a com· against Santa Clara, Pepperdine and 'My expectations mitment and execution from every- Loyola Marymount - also are at were that we would body, then it has a tendency to break home. The Toreros don't return to down." the road until a Jan. 19 game in be a better ballclub Stephen F. Austin (0-5) should pro- Moraga against Sl Mary's. than last year' vide encouragement for USD's de- "Your best chance of wmning is at fense. The Lumberjacks are averag- home," said USD coach Hank Egan. - Hank Egan ing only 60.4 points a game. Senior "I don't think that we're the kind of ___________ guard Norman Schippers (11.3 points ballclub that we're going to out-per• a game) and sophomore forward sonnel anybody, but we match up Alonzo Crump (10.5 points a game) better against these (non-conference) are the team's only players averag- teams than we have against some of Senior center John Jerome has ing in double figures. the teams along the way." made the biggest impact this season Of course, playing USO on the road USO lost to 20th-ranked Sl John's for the Toreros. Jerome leads the may seem like a breather for Ste- 74-59 two weeks ago in New York team in scoring with 18.6 points a phen F. Austin after losing road and lost to 13th-ranked UCLA 83-74 game and rebounds with 7.6 a game. games earlier this season to Long one week ago In Los Angeles. In be- Sophomore forward Kelvin Woods Beach State (105-61), Arkansas-Little tween were losses to South Alabama (8.7 points, 4.9 rebounds) and sopho- Rock (118-60) and Houston (69-56).

D' Woods no longer u hover on the court ~7,-- ,11 att mpt to end their four-game 1 ng streak when th y play Stephen F u tin (0-5) at 730 in the USO

ports Cent r The game 1s the first of eight tra ght at home for USO (2· s The\ t three gam have marked a turnaround for Woods, who had r combined 18 points in USD's f1 t lour gam '1 start d t e ason like the Kel· vin woods of last year," be said yes• terday. ' l was l t playing to be playln I as passive Now my thinking Is be aggr ve rm play- ing. bed 1 m not going to g t pus around ymore rm going to beat the oth r guy up IL' a lot more fun doing the push ng." Woods w on of three freshmen see uso on Peg C-8

Heavier and st Kelvin woods Inside track to


USIU's basketball team, which ended its losing strea at seven Thursday by beating Weber State, will play Wnght State torught at 7:30 at Golden Hall m the second game of a nine-game home stand. The Gulls (3-7) are led by 1umor forward Kevm Bradshaw, who scored 34 pomts against Weber State and is averagmg 32 Seniors Demetrius Laffitte (15 4 po~ts, 9.5 rebounds) and Steve Smith (6.4 assists) also are maior contributors. Freshman forward Isaac Brown scored a season-high 19 against Weber State Wright State (4-2), of Dayton, Ohio, is led on offense by sophomore guard Marcus Mumphrey and freshman for• ward Bill Edwards. Mumphrey Is averaging 14.6 points, Edwards 11.6. One of the Raiders' victories came aga111St South Ala• bama.


and San Diego State, which accounts for USD s four-game losing streak and a 2-5 st::-: •o the 1989-90 season. "I don't have the same expecta• lions as sportswnters and fans be- cause rm a coach,'' said Egan. ''My expectations were that we would be a better ballclub than last year I think maybe we are, but I'm not too sure how much better. "There are some people who I itiougbt would be helping us, and that hasn't worked oul We've given them some opportunities. We've at least dentified who the most productive people are and what positions they

t)EC 1 6 \9~9

need to be in."

.)Uk.. '•

P. C. 8 fsl. 1888 Maher backs USO dean in abortion controversy ;;.; il} By Robert Di Veroli paper, Strachan said she personally Tribune Religion Wnter believed abortion to be "morally Kristine Strachan, the -~ wrong," but, since abortion is legal, f San Djeap,Jaw-scbool deanwiaer she believed women should have the fire for for her allegedly pro-choice right to ~ave abortions without gov- views on abortion, has garnered the ernment mterference. support of a formidable ally - Bish• Strachan wrote: op Leo T. Maher of the San Diego "My private conviction is that Catholic Diocese. abortion is morally wrong and I lead "She's not pro-choice. No one's my life accordingly. However, in a ever proved she's pro-choice," Maher ~ountry whe~e abortion is legal, the said in a recent interview. 1SSue to me 1s who makes the deci•

San o ,ego, CA. (S.m Diego Co,) San Diego Union (Cir. D. 217,089) (Cir. s. 341,840) OEC 16 . llU,"'• , C B I"


DEC 16 \9tl!

aturday, December 16, 1989


P. C. B


Man charged with practicing law without license ,.,.,- Sherman handled. and drew up th e .._ ) tak by to Sherman's status and learn:!d he complam' t that lists 30 counts of ' t t w o attorneys who were en m tat l wyers Aone- me I a e a_gen , . h was not listed among s e a · racti·c·ing law wi'thout a license. The f ds m herma n s guise. One attorney, ow• · t ent p all dly fool d la yer nen , 1 • , I k Gregg said investiga ors .w . compla·int alleges the offenses listed


Edward SbafraDSke, a psychol· o isl will teach a 30-bour course on Je psychological, moral and ..fait owth process Jan. 4 through ,u~rc f at th University of 5a:nl Credit may be used in partia . 1 • ment of the California Catec~t Ce:· tification program. Further inform -~ tion is available from Ginger Inl__yitl no at 57~6311. ;ztl'5°t> ./

sion.... I strongly believe that it is the woman's decision - with the gui- dance of the fathe,her doctor or religious adviser, if ught, but with• Please see DEAN: A- 3, Col. 5

Strachan said in an August inter- view in the San Diego Tribune that she believed strongly in a woman's In a subsequent letter • be news- right to abortion.

h US D t through legal files at t e Court here to check all cases that . . is nc t

about Sherman s ac

ts ever cuno

d 1 n c i

occurred between Feb. l and Ocl 1.

' called

of know! d e of contract la

mlgraUon court judg into believing he


a a lawyer has


been charged in a 36-count complaint w\th grand theft and practicing law without a license Deputy Di tr!ct Attorney Dougla c Gregg d be has sent the defend ant Stephen Jonathan S rman, 40, a letter directing him to appear Dec 'J:I for arraignment before Mumc pal Court Judg Tunothy W. Tower Gr d hennan faces six counts of grand theft involving al- leged th ft of bout $11,000 from in· divlduals he had asked for loans. The pro ecutor said Sherman sought the loans from people he had 8 cUents or lawyers to take care of purported cancer treatment he need· ed, prom Ing quick repayment Gregg 1d Sherman purportedly came here from Canada and became acquainted with many lawyers. Some even provided him office space Gregg said Sherman allegedly hung a phony law degree which was Intended to show that he graduated from the U v Saa Diego Law Sch y copymg another law• 'Je s degr and inserting his name onto It bv cuttlDI! and P8 ting. Los Angeles.CA (Los Angeles Co.) Times

the Cabfom1a State Bar to Inquire as

v~A~~ Views approved



· t· mumca 10n.

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Continued From Page 1

San Diego, CA. (San Diego Co.) San Diego Union (Cir. D. 217 ,089) (Cir. S. 341,840) DEC 1 7 1989

"I think she has been misinterpret- her the image she deserves and I think that's more public r~lations Maher said he had discussed the matter with Strachan an E isco ali an, and concluded that she "ee • strongly" affirms her personal beliif that abortion is immoral "We hope to unravel the situation in such a manner that will restore her ability to fulfill her deanship and give her the opportunity to let people know she's fully in accord with Cath- olic teaching," Maher said "She has said publicly ·that abor- tion is immoral, and there's no wa of reading into that an thin othe~ than what she's said." y g Mai,c~ r!rew a sharp distinction be- tween Strachan, an Episcopalian and Assemblywoman Lucy Killea Catholic to whom he denied co~- munion for publicly taking a pro- choice stand on abortion. . Killea is both personally and pub- bely pro-choice, whereas Strachan is not pro-choice, Maher declared. A diocesan spokesman said the Presbyteral Council is no Ion er ur- suing the Strachan matter g p Strachan was not av~ilable for comment, but USO President Dr. Au- thor E. Hughes said: "We are and al- 'd "W • a er sa1 . e need to give than anything else."

out the ~posed intrusion of the gov- ac an s cr1 1cs, _which included :v~ San Diego pr~ests, in_t~rpret- . as a pro-cho1ce position on abortion beca~, by arguing against gove~ent mterference with the leg~! nght to an abortion, the impli- ~atio~ was that ~he opposed laws annmg or restricting abortion. The R~v; Raymon_d Ryland of the USO religious s!ud1es department, several pn~ts who criticized d" e trachan appointment, wrote the iocesan newspaper, _The Southern Cro~, that St~a_chan s attempt to ~lanfy her ~1hon only confirmed Ryla~d had no comment to the conclus1~ns Maber had drawn about Stra~b_an s position on abortion. ac~:~cs U~Dth~ appointm~nt a~ o comprolll!Smg its Ca(!1olic character by hiring a pro- ch01ce law schoo_l de~n who would e~barrass a un1vers1ty connected chw:ch that condemns all l~-dmatter was d.iscu5:ied at a oor November session of the Presbyteral Council, _a priests' advi- ~ou~ to t~e b1Shop, at which a er mv1ted pnests to write him of :ftte~oncerns about the Strachan a er said m a recent mterv1ew eroment. Str h ' ·t· :e ;r er as pro-choice. . :~rti~ ns as immoral. . c :1 M h· • . . .

P. C. 8





Tor';fas' English good enough for fifth strai With U t ailing by a pomt last points, converting 13 of 15 free "She really took them out of their game with those four blocks," Matpe


throws. NAU is 2-5.

l, o Y unter was at the free- throw !me with a cha'lce to give the T eras the win. There wasn't en~ugh Engl~h on her shots - until af~er she missed them both. Teammate Christi Englis~ grab- be

said. Coyle lead NAU with 17 points. Freshman Cristina Willis, who was a CIF-San Diego Section first-team selection last season at Mission Bay, had eight points and six rebounds. Men'• game • : Georg• Fox 90, Point Loma Na- zarene 86 - Tournament MVP Dave Wilson scored 30 to lead the Bruins (10-2) past the Crusaders in the championship game of the

"We're on a roll," Toreras coach Kathy Marpe said. "Our depth, size and the experience of our guards have been the main reason." That experience played an import• ant role late in the game. NAU led 67-65, on a basket by Michelle Kirby with 1:52 remaining. English fol- lowed with a 9-footer with 1:25 to play to tie the score at 67. Echevema went to the line with 46 seconds left and hit two free throws to put USO ahead, 69-67. The Toreras

then put heavy pressure on NAU and forced Angie Baxter to throw up a desperation 21-footer with the 30-sec- ond shot clock winding down. Baxter's shot, however, was good and gave NAU a 70-69 lead with 20 sec- onds left before English's winning basket. Rochelle Lightner and Chris Enger added 10 points for USO. Enger, a freshman from Vista, also blocked four shots.


·e- er

(San Diego Ed.) (Cir. D. 50,010) (Cir. S. 55,573)

OEC 1 '7 1989

ways have been grateful for Bisho that there had bee~ "great interest" Maher's support for USO as a cath P expressed by the pnests, but that the lie university. We are leased : problem appeared to be one primari- know that support continu~."

..AU-'1 ,. C. B




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