News Scrapbook 1989
San Diego, Calif. (San Diego Co) SA DIEGO 'l.RIBJllE
San Diego, CA. (San Diego Co.) Siln Diego Union (Cir, D, 217,089) (Cir. S. 341,840) DEC 2 8 ' 89
DEC 2 9 19
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P, C. 8
Los Angeles.CA. (Los Angeles Co.) 1 Los Angeles Times O_range County Ed.) C!r, D. 181,789) (C,r. S. 219,295) Ju
P. C. B
Sa I?,:fg<1~~aring the 1990sWith a Potent'al for Gr at Things By DIRK SUTRO V
SAN DIEGO-Most architects seem to agree that the last decade was more of a painful adolescence than a graceful maturing. But many lessons learned dunng the past 10 years have advanced San Diego's architectural scene to the point where the city appears poised for great things mthe ·90s, Most observers are hard-pressed to name any landmark bwldings put up in the past JO years, and only one may stand the test of time: the new San Diego Conven- tion Center, architect Arthur Er- ickson's masterpiece of concrete geometnes. But if there weren't many out- standing buildings for a city that recently became the nation's socth largest. there were other mile- stones. As the decade began. former Mayor Pete Wilson led the way toward developing a new down- town core. Its transformation from a place with little retail actlVlty and virtually no residenual base to an urban center that incorporates both, as well as the awesome pace of development elsewhere in the city, often proceeded too quickly for the good of arclutecture. Horton Plaza evolved from a mall with many street-level open- ings to a closed-in design. This has proven successful commercially but less viable as a tool 31med at revitalizing nearby streets. And · -· - sm is •ars. . De-
San Diego, CA. {San [!iego Co.) Sa!1 Diego Union {Cir. D. 217,089) (Cir. S. 341,840) DEC 2 9 1989
se in he 1980s was the s
Loo Angelea Times
an Iego onventIon Center, designed by architect Arthur Erickson. The impressive center opened in late November.
P. C. 8 /Ill \ Toreros illdWay to win it Egan frets as team tops W. Kentucky Hank Egan sat and squirmed, squirmed and sat, and watched with occasionally clenched fists as his USD basketball team gave back a 13-point"lead agains[ Western Kentucky last night But from Egan's mouth came only the good. Well, mostly the good The words of encouragement may have come in staccato bursts, but they did come. . It is part of Egan's pre-New Year's resolu- tion, and already it has paid a dividend. With their coach pull1... liack on his own reins, the Toreros found the way themselves and took a 72-66 vict.:iry at the USD Sports Center. "This IS a team that's in a struggle, and th~t has had a confidence crisis coming on," said Egan, whose team improved to 4-7. "Hopefully, that's past " In order to speed the process, Egan said, the To~eros, who had Jost two straight, spent some time over the holidays considering how best to attack their problems. "What we decided to do,'' Egan said, "was to have the coach quit putting pressure on these kids to develop so fast ... Maybe I was forcing the issue a little bit." ~d so last night there was Egan, fighting the impulse to holler - at the officials, at his players. He watched a 50-37 lead shrink to 51- 50 with 7:35 left to play. He blamed himself for failing to call a timeout during Western Kentucky's run which included three three-point shots. And then he watched as the Hilltoppers; Rodney Ross tapped m a rebound shot, giving his team its first lead since an 11-10 advantage early in the first half. But Egan held on, and so, finally, did the Toreros. With hustling play down the stretch from sophomore guard Gylan Dottin and front-line players John Jerome and Kelvin W~ods, USO maintained its composure, J :egamed the lead and never gave it E,,
San Diego, CA. (San Diego Co.) San Diego Union (Cir. D. 217,089) (Cir . S. 341,840) D 30 • Ag
...AUen '•
P. c. e
E,, 1881 U_SQ faces Columbia . fin~ 1 prep for wee ·:J-'t~~ Victories against Western Kentuc- Center. Egan's coat toss against lty and Columbia do not a season Eastern Washington, which resulted make, what -:v1th ';-OYOia M~rymount in a technical foul, failed to provide and Pepperdrne lymg mwait m 1990. levity. Still, wit~ its win over_ Western "We really did get down," Woods Kentucky _Tnursday, and _with a~oth- said. "We started blaming other er one torught at 7:30 ag~mst v1S1tmg (tea~ates) for stuff that happened. Columbia, the USI:l__!Dells basketball I thmk everything is straightened team will be ctiiser to leaving what out; at least I hope so."
San Diego, Calif~ (San Diego Co) SAU DIEGO T.RIBUNE
OEC30 1989
..Allen'• P. c. e
Woods, who will start tonight, lined USO up nicely in the second half of Thursday's game, when he scored all of his 14 points. Enthusi- asm and team play got h 11 n in the comfort zone he explained.
has been a long and dark _tunnel. And none too soon, either. West C?ast Conference play for USD be- gms on Jan. 6, _when the Toreros face Santa Clara m the first of three straight home games against WCC "It would give us some confidence going into league if we played to- opponents. Kelvin Woods said of tonight's game. At this stage, that USD (4-7) would consider mere team play and a victo- ry over Columbia a confidence-boost- er tells how the Toreros have strug- versatile newcomer John Jerome USO had lost six of its last seve~ before beating Western Kentucky. Along the way, Coach Hank Egan described the Toreros' play as sel- fish, and twice, after his tantrums wit~ referees, described his own be- hav1or as out of control. gled. Despite returning eight lettermen - three starters - and welcoming
The San Diego Union John Jerome battles Western Kentucky's Rodney Ross left and comes down with a first-half rebound. ' '
Toreros hail Columbia USO haA-Dne ' D hot its best He had company. percentage of the season against 55 (22 of 40). gether as a team again," forward Western Kentucky - The Tore~os also made 79 percent from the line. So now, on the penultimate eve of a decade, the Toreros are looking ahead, with smiles. Well. without . "We know what we have to do; it's Just been said," Woods said. "It really hasn't been put into effect yet." He knows words can come easily, . All we have to do is play real well m league and when the (WCC) tour- nament comes around, win that." USD has never played Columbia frowns. as .~1s proved: ' (2-6). The Lions, 27-point losers to The gloom wo~ned last week, California on Wednesday, have three when Eastern Washmgton and Neva- scorers in double figures, led by da-Reno beat the Toreros by 15 and sophomore center Dane Holmes (13.3 19, respectively, at the USD Sports points, 6.3 rebounds). ~on
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