News Scrapbook 1989

(Cir . S. 341,840) MA g -

Santa Ana, CA (Orange Co.) . Orang__e County Register ! Cir . D. 271,281) Cir . Sat . 264 966) Cir. Sun 302 ,808) AR 1 89


P, C. B

Es,. I BBi



~:i~,,~!?.~.. ~~?. Petrie. Roman Catholic Bishop Leo T. Maher sits as chairman of the USO board, although the umversity

to his affairs and his mistakes. "The man had premarital ex with consenting adults. Now tf that's a crime, maybe we should call the bishop and ask him if he's o per feet," said Boggs, who runs Garvey Marketing Group in La Jolla. Yesterday, USO President Author E. Hughes issued a brief statement


talk with bishop


By Lisa Petrillo

5!~ Dodgers and Padres first baseman Steve Garve} , embroiled m a pa- temit) scandal involving two for- mer lovers who say he got them 'pregnant, has resigned as a Uni- versitY_lian Diego trustee, school officials saicl A short statement released by the pn,ate Catholic university gave no rea on for his departure. No one mvolvcd in the resigna- tion would say if Garvey was asked to resign or why he did :;o. Dan Petne, a spokesman for Ro- man Catholic Bishop Leo Maher, who is chairman of the university's board of trustee.·, said Garvey sub- mitted his resignation last week- end after talking with the bishop during the board's annual retreat at La Qumta resort near Palm 'lprings. Maher, c1tmg his "pastoral role," declined to elaborate on Garvey' resignation after four , _2ars on the USO board, Petrie / .,

and diocese operate independently. Maher's only comment, released through Petrie, stated: "It wouldn't be proper for me in my pastoral posi- tioo to discuss Steve Garvey's per- Garvey spokesman and longtime friend John Boggs said Garvey sonal life publicly."

Staff Wrlter

Baseball hero Steve Garvey has resigned from the Uniyersit~ of San Diego board of trustees after las week's revelations by two ex-girl- friends who claim he got them preg- Garvey, 40, was asked to join the ( 38-member governing board of the private Catholic university four years ago, according to his spokes- man. No one involved in lhe issue would say whether he was asked to resign. Garvey was unavailable for com- ment because he was in Los Angeles filming a television show with Fawn Hall, former secretary to ex-White ouse aide Oliver North. Last Friday, as the story surfaced over Garvey's admitted sexual liai- sons with several women simulta- neously, the ex-Padre first baseman attended the USO trustees' annual retreat at La Qumta resort near Palm Springs, according to Dan Petrie, spokesman for the Sao Diego Roman CathoUc Diocese "After speaking with the bishop, he nant.

See Garvey n Page B-4



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G~vey: USD trustee resigns Continued from~ Garvey were engaged Nov. 25 after a birth to a daughter. The woman confirmrng Garvey's resignation, two-year relations~ip. claims Garvey is the father, and he noung, "The university is grateful to Mendenhall ~!aims Garvey told has offered to help support the girl if Steve Garvey for his four-year term her he needed time to work out his she is proven to be his. or. the governing board." problems, and then broke their en- Meanwhile, San Diegan Judy Ross The day before Garvey's res1gna- gagement Jan. 23 after he learned claims she was seeing Garvey all t10r, lawyers for ht former flancee, th at she was pregnant. along in a live-in romance that she Rebecka Mendenhall, filed a lawsuit On Jan. 22 , Garvey a~ked Ca nd ace maintains ended in November 1988, against Garvey claiming paternity !liomas, a 3 o-year-old r.os Angeles when she found out that Garvey was and breach of promise. mtenor decorator, to marry him. having an affair with Mendenhall. They wed on Feb. 18 in Deer Valley, Garvey and his new wife have ex- :\1endenhall is an assignment edi- Utah, where he owns a vacation pressed interest in being married tor fo~ Cable News Network in At- home. again in a Catholic service in the his- lanta, where the suit was filed and _But on Feb. 15, an unidentified S~n toric Mission Basilica San Diego de ,ealed by a Fulton County Superior Diego woman, whom Garvey admit- Alcala, near San Diego Jack Murphy , ourl Judge. Mendenhall said she and ted dating four or five times, gave Stadium.

San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.I Evening Tribune (Cir. D. 123,064)

..jl/c,. ·• "· C. B

GARVEY: Named as father in San Diego and in Atlanta Continued From Page 1 ::J... f{,cfi d h H d B' h 30 d · artJ ed • this . ,, T ent Aut or ughcs an IS op Leo Garvey submitted his resignation , urmg the weekend of Feb. 18-19 P t'8 :amddedm ... Sill~. he ~e- T. Maher, chairman of the universi- at La Quinta near Palm Springs at Deer Valley, Utah, following a ques • s_ e a , lS C?nsistent wit_h ty's board ~f tru_stees. . . where the 38-member USD govern'. whirlwind courtship. :1e1~~re to handle th lS matter pn- The res1~nation fo)l~wed w1t~m ing board was meeting for its annual _A fourt~ woman, longtime girl-



Garvey is named as father in San iego, Atlanta filings nn Moulton, a sales representative for a m d1c I products fmn, named Garvey on a birth certificate filed with th county Department of Health Services as father of A hleigh Marie Moulton, born on Feb. 15. . filed suit yesterday afternoon, charging Garvey with paternity and breach of promise. She said h is expecting. That suit is under a seal in Fulton County Supenor Court Moulton has consistently declined to discuss the matter with report- ers. Mendenhal~ 33, in a telephone conversation from her suburban Atlanta horn , said he reque ted the action be ealed "to protect all Pie e ee GARVEY: A•U, Col. 3 teve Ga e s Jumbled private life has moved into public records as o women formally named him as lathe of their babies. In San D1 go, Cheryl In Atlanta, Rebecka endenhall, a ignment editor for CN




days of highly publicized stones about G~ey's possible paternity of two . babies -:-- one Mendenhall says she IS expecti_n~ and one_born Feb. 15 to an umdentif1ed San Diego woman. either Hughes nor Maher would say w.hether Garvey had been asked to resign from the USO board. Garvey could not be reached for comment. According to staff at Gar• vey Marketing Group, Garvey was out of town taping a television show yesterday and was not scheduled to return until late this afternoon.

retreat. Dan Petrie, a spokesman for the bishop. has &aid Garvey spoke with the bishop and then tendered his According to John Nunes, a USO spokesman, Garvey joined the USO board in the spring of 1985 and was nearing the end of a foursyear term. Mendenhall has said she became engaged to Garvey in November and that Garvey broke the engagement Jan. 23, the same day she informed resignation.

fnend Judith Ross, 34, has said she was _seeing Garvey all along and that he discussed marriage with her, too. Garvey has said that if either baby proves to be his, he will meet bis "legal and moral obligations."

A:bout the bre~ch of promise con_i-

plarnt, G_ai:vey..5 Wasser, ~aid,

l~wye_r, Deon~s California doesn,t

have such a legal theory. I _do~ t kno~ th_at A~lanta, Ga,-: has any Juns- diction mthis matt~r. ~e not~ that Garvey 1s a ~ahforma ,resident. Wasser also ~1d he hasn t seen a . Also yesterday, Garvey s r1:51gn~- tlon last wee_kend from the U_mvers1- ty of S~ Diego boa~d of .direc o . was confirmed by umvers1ty Prest- copy of the swt yet. , .

= =---...n-

him of her pregnancy.

Garvey married Candace Thomas,

Carlsbad, CA (San Diego Co.) La Costan (Cir. W. 5,000) AR 3 - 1

Los Angeles,CA (Los Angeles Co.) Times (San Diego Ed.) (Cir. D. 50,010) (Cir. S. 55,573)

._All,,.'• P. C. B far. t 888 ,/'(i'~ FOUNDERS GALLERY "The Lost Architec- ture of Kiev," an exh1b1tion of photos, maps, and draw- . 1s on display now through March 31. Founders is in Founders Hall on lhe campus. Information: __...--, ART CELLAR GAL ERV Mixed-media woo(s of Philip Gibson are on display now through Mar~h 13 2171 India St , Suite h San Diego. Information. 338- 0797. 260-4600 ext. 4486. -<.i'S!>

A 5 - 198

Ill &.JUiot


I'. C B


Toreros Fail to Hit Lo g Shots ' and Lose to Pepperdine, 72-69 s}i~DGREN victory at the USO Sports Center, with by Casey Crawford. Cot~ell Craig Cottrell had 25 points on 11 of made the free throw, completing SAN FRANCISCO-Three times 14 shootmg. the rare goaltending/free throw in the last 7 seconds, U!liversity of Saturday it was Woods, who three-point play. And the Toreros San Diego's Gylan Dottm launched scored 14 points in the second half had built a rare IO-point lead at a three-point shot in a West Coast when the Waves switched to a 56 _ 4 6 with 9:55 left. Athletic Conference tournament man-to-man defense. "I like play- Then it was Pepperdine's turn to first-round game Saturday. ing against their man defense," said get hot. Thirteen points in a row One was off the mark. The other Woods. over 4:20 gave the Waves a 59-56 two never had a chance. Against Pepperdine's zone de- d · h 5 571 ft Pepperdme's Marty Wilson, a fense, USD could do little for the a vantage wit : e · With 12 seconds left and the 6-foot-3 senior guard, blocked two first 15 minutes of the game. Waves leading, 70-69, Pepperdine of Dottin's three-point attempts, That USD was in position to tie freshman guai'd Rick Welch, a 77% the fmal one coming at the buzzer, with 7 seconds left was more than a percent free throw shooter, made and the Waves outlasted USD, little startling to the crowd of both ends of a one-and-one to end 72-69. approximately 4,000 in San Fran· the scoring, but not the excitement. "We did enough to get it done at cisco's Memorial Gymnasium. the end," said Pepperdme Coach Leading, 7-6, Pepperdine scored After a timeout, USO pushed the Tom Asbury. the next eight points. After two ball up court and Dottin was able to Tom Lewis, a two-time A;ll- Bell baskets, Pepperdine reeled off get a decent three-point attempt WCAC election, led Peppcrdine 12 ints in a row over 4,22 to take with 7 seconds left. It was long, but (19-11) by recording game highs of a 27-10 lead. the rebound caromed off many 24 pomts, nine rebounds and five The game appeared over. hands and wound up out of bounds ass1Sts. Pepperdine was doing little wrong. near mid-court. "Lewis had a great second half A nd USD looked like it was playing Whose ball was 1t? The referees (16 pomts)." said Asbury. "He wi th th ree freshmen, thr ee sopho- weren't quite sure. One pointed in played like a real leader." mores _a nd th ree upperclassmen- Pepperdine's direction, the other For USO (8-20), freshman Kel- which it was. USD's. The Toreros were awarded vin Woods had team-highs of 21 But over the final 2:34 of the first the ball. points (on nme-of-11 shooting) half, USO made a 12-2 run to pull and eight rebounds in Just 26 within, 32-28, at halftime. minutes. "Kelvin Woods deliv- "They could have really folded erect," said USD Coach Hank Egan. their tent," said Asbury. "He really took the ball to the To begin the second half, Egan basket." had three freshmen (Dottin, Woods Said Asbury: •·They have a d1f- and Wayman Strickland), one ferent guy who just comes out and sophomore (Keith Colvin) and one kicks our butts every time we play senior (Efrem Leonard) on the them. We thmk they Just draw court. Before junior Craig Cottrell numbers out of a hat to see who's replaced Woods with 10:53 left, gomg to score on that day." those five had turned a four-point Earlier m the season, 1t was def1c1t mto a 53-45 lead. Dond1 Bell (14 points on seven- After Pepperdine's Dexter How- The inbounds pass went to Dot- tin, who let fly with a three-point attempt from in front of USD's bench. Wilson blocked Dottin's shot but stepped out of bounds with the ball and 1 second showing on the clock. Again the inbounds pass went to Dottin, but again, Wilson blocked his shot just after it was released.

Los Angeles, CA (Los Angeles Co,) Los Angeles Times (Cir. D. 1,117,952) (Cir. S. 1,022,423)




. JI.lie,.', "· C. B

Est. I 888

Waves Block Out Upset Attempt by San Diego, 72-69 ' B(;1~ROOZ, for most of the first half, riding a three-pointer, Lewis scored in Times Staff Writer eight early points from Dexter traffic, Wilson scored his first five Howard and five from Craig Davis points and the Waves went on a SAN FRANCISCO-Pepperdine to a 18-4 run, building a 27 -10 lead. 13-0 run. took a difficult route to today's But San Diego (8-20) cut most of Cottrell's free throws with 26 West Coast Athletic Conference the advantage in the last two seconds left drew San Diego to tournament semifinals, losing an minutes of the first half. Reserves within 70-69 before Rick Welch early 17-point lead and th en rally- Kelvin Woods and Efrem Leonard d h' I · t I ing from a IO-point deficit to defeat score 1s on y pom s, coo y con- both scored seven points in the vert1·ng two free throws for tbe the University of San Diego, 72-69, - half, and Woods' free throws with f1·nal marg1·n Saturday. - . The Waves play Loyola at 5 p.m. 25 seconds left brought the Toreros Wilson then blocked Oottin's to within 32-28. h th d d today in the semifinals. s ots as e game en e . Saturday's game was decided in San Diego continued its assault "He's our heart and soul," As- the final seconds, when senior in th e seco nd half, working th e ball bury said of Wilson. "Those blocks guard Marty Wilson blocked two to Woods for a series of back-door were clean as a whistle." three-point shots by Gylan Dottin layups as th e Toreros caught th e Said Wilson: "Ii·ust knew we had h · Waves at 34-34 and took their first to secure t e victory. to get a good defensive session Tom Lewis scored 24 points-16 lead, 38 · 37 , on Kei th Colvin's re- those last few seconds. During dead · h d h If d h d · boundbasket. m t e secon a -an a nme balls I tried to encourage the guys. b d th d d d Pepperdine briefly regained the re oun s as e secon -see e I didn't want to go out losing to a W ( 19 lo) h Id ff th T lead, 44-42, before San Diego went aves - e o e ore- seventh-place team." ros. on a 9-0 run, including six points by "That was real scary," Wave Woods, to build a seven-point lead. Woods had 21 points and eight Coach Tom Asbury said. "We That was expanded to 56-46 on a rebounds for San Diego. haven't played well all year with a three-point play by Craig Cottrell Asbury said he hopes the close big [early] lead. At least we had with 9,55 to play. call "will really sharpen our senses. enough to get it done at the end. That was when Pepperdine's ex- If we don't play well we're Just That's all that matters." · perience began to show against the another team that can pick up-~ Pepperdine controlled the game young Toreros. Shann Ferch made airplane tickets [home]." / _

"They had a foul to give, so we just had to get off the first one we could," said Egan. "I was surpnsed we got off that first one as cleanly as we did."

of-seven shootmg) who starred m the Waves' 68-65 victory over USO. Then m the Waves' 93-73

ard made the first of two free throws, Cottrell was then fouled by Howardandhisshotwasinterfered

Casey Crawford of Pcpperdme goes up above USO defenders, from left, Gylan Dottin, Waymon Strickland and Keith Colvin.

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